Supreme Pet Evolution System

Chapter 24

C24 – Gathering

Jing Junbo was left in shock, wondering why he was being called an idiot.

With a playful smile, Zhen Heyi gave Jiao Yuanju a light pat on the shoulder. “Hey, boss, what’s on your mind?”

Snapping out of his reverie, Jiao Yuanju chuckled and shook his head. “It’s nothing. What’s up, Zhen Heyi? Did you need me for something?”

Glancing at the group in the front row, Zhen Heyi’s brow furrowed. “We’ve got our team together, and we’re all ready to follow your lead. But what about them? It looks like Jing Dehai and his crew might not be so cooperative. The military’s missions involve taking down Mutant Beasts, and they’re no walk in the park. With us not being on the same page, doesn’t that concern you?”

Flashing a confident grin, Jiao Yuanju reassured her, “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got the badge, and trust me, if he chooses not to join me on the mission, he’s going to regret it.”

Her curiosity piqued, Zhen Heyi probed, “You have a plan?”

With a nonchalant wave, Jiao Yuanju replied, “Just wait and see what I’ve got up my sleeve.”

Jing Haokuo couldn’t help but chime in with a laugh, “Relax. He’s tough enough to take on all of us single-handedly. He’ll have no trouble getting those three to fall in line.”

Zhen Heyi smiled, her eyes filled with anticipation as she watched Jiao Yuanju, whispering to herself, “That would be great.”

In the brightly lit office of the Krukshire Military District, a man in his thirties meticulously reviewed the reports from the front lines, surrounded by a dozen solemn-faced individuals in military garb.

Closing the last file, he looked up and pondered aloud, “I want to hear your thoughts.”

Without hesitation, someone blurted out in frustration, “It’s those monsters stirring up trouble again. Ever since the Mutation Era began, they’ve not only turned their backs on their kind to form their own factions, but they’ve also had the audacity to declare themselves the new humans.”

The room was thick with contempt and an odd sense of unease.

“Zhen Zeyu, we need your call on this. Those Beastmen have been expanding in the wilds beyond our reach, but now they’re meddling in Krukshire affairs. They could be right on our doorstep. We have to assemble a team and eliminate them!”

Zhen Zeyu pondered briefly before saying, “Let’s set aside the notion of killing them for the moment. They can’t get into the city. We’ll just have someone keep an eye on them. Moreover, their willingness to openly challenge our military suggests they’re not to be taken lightly. The combat capabilities of these new humans rival those of high-tier Mutant Beasts. Whether our top fighters can pose a threat to them is uncertain. Our immediate priority should be figuring out how to handle the beast tide.”

He then inquired, “Has the Third Legion already departed?”

“Yes, they’re en route to tackle the Mutant Beasts. Elite students from various Combat Pet Academies have joined forces to support them on the battlefield.”

Zhen Zeyu nodded in approval. “Good to hear.”

A subordinate chuckled, “Commander, I’ve heard that your daughter is part of the Combat Pet Academy’s contingent!”

The thought of his vibrant and quirky daughter brought a smile to Zhen Zeyu’s face, which abruptly stiffened as he declared with a stern expression, “We’ve got a problem!”

All eyes turned to him as he squinted and continued, “The team is bound to venture out of the city, and it’s likely that those orcs have laid an ambush. Based on our years of conflict with them, it’s possible they have a mole inside the city. My daughter’s identity is no secret; they could very well be aware of who she is!”

The room was filled with a sudden tension. These orcs were human too, albeit a variant that had evolved towards bestial traits. Their technology and capabilities were on par with humans’, making the threat all too real.

The world had changed, rendering once-reliable satellite technology obsolete. Now, all tech could only function within city limits, leaving human messengers as the sole means of communication. A squad of soldiers hastened out of the city to relay the critical information to the main force.

Jiao Yuanju and his companions reached a bustling street. The area was crowded, yet eerily silent. The worn pavement was teeming with figures, yet not a whisper was heard, for they were all military personnel. Looming before them stood the towering city wall.

“What place is this?” Jing Haokuo surveyed his surroundings with a mix of curiosity and unease. The desolate old street gave him an unsettling feeling.

“This,” Jiao Yuanju replied with a hint of nostalgia, “is Sunrise Borough, a place with its own unique story.”

He caught sight of the dark blue light door. It wasn’t the city’s sole light door, but it was certainly the most liberating. Merchants, hunters, and soldiers continuously passed through it.

Upon hearing Jiao Yuanju’s remarks, Zhen Heyi instantly sensed that he was privy to information unknown to her.

For a brief moment, Xie Ziyu seemed lost in thought.

Jing Dehai’s gaze shifted to the three other teams positioned on the opposite side. Comprised of ten members each, they stood at the forefront of the military formation. Clearly, these were the elite squads from other Combat Pet Academies who had arrived early.

“Let’s move out.”

Jiao Yuanju gestured to Jing Junbo and their companions, then confidently strode toward the army’s vanguard.

Jing Dehai and the other two casually followed Jiao Yuanju’s lead. Xie Ziyu trailed just behind Jiao Yuanju. Though she wasn’t well-acquainted with them, she recognized that they were now a team.

Jing Haokuo couldn’t hide his contempt as he spoke to Jiao Yuanju, “Their presence alone irks me!”

The three teams took notice as they arrived. Two officers, previously engaged in conversation, turned to greet Jiao Yuanju with a smile. “Are you with Azure Academy?”

Jiao Yuanju nodded and inquired respectfully, “And you are?”

“I’m Ke Yu, the military commander for this operation. Welcome aboard!”

Ke Yu, though in his forties, radiated vitality as he cheerfully welcomed them.

“You’ve arrived quite late, making an entire army wait for you. That’s rather presumptuous,” remarked a girl, smirking as she applied her lipstick.

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