Supreme Pet Evolution System

Chapter 5

C5 – Father

The students of Class 7 quickly dispersed since today was merely the first day of registration. There were no classes to attend, so they were free to head home.

Jiao Yuanju was taken aback to see that Zhen Heyi, the vice class monitor, hadn’t budged. She was smiling at him, her beautiful face radiating warmth.

Puzzled, Jiao Yuanju inquired, “Is something the matter?”

“Oh, nothing much,” Zhen Heyi replied with a smile. “I just think we should get acquainted.”

Jiao Yuanju nodded in agreement. “I’m Jiao Yuanju,” he introduced himself succinctly.

Zhen Heyi pondered for a moment before speaking up, “Your snake seems unusual. Its abilities are beyond what a typical Mutant Beast possesses, and it appears to have multiple attributes!”

Jiao Yuanju’s eyelids twitched. Zhen Heyi had observed his green snake so closely in such a short time. What was she getting at?

“Do you need something from me?” he asked.

Zhen Heyi’s smile turned sheepish as she responded, “We just needed to introduce ourselves. See you around!” With that, she was the first to exit the arena.

Jiao Yuanju didn’t dwell on the encounter, instead, he turned his attention to Eoldrai, who was perched on his shoulder, looking somewhat bewildered, and he couldn’t help but smile.

Out of the blue, a chubby boy peeked in through the doorway. Seeing the coast was clear, he rushed in, his face alight with admiration. “Branch leader, you’re incredible. I want you to be my boss!”

Jiao Yuanju was momentarily dumbfounded, while the chubby boy spoke earnestly, “My dad says I need to follow someone with real talent. Class monitor, please let me tag along!”

Then, to Jiao Yuanju’s surprise, the boy squatted down and clung to his leg. His cheeks quivered with earnestness, and he seemed quite pleased with himself.

Jiao Yuanju’s expression turned stern. What was this all about?

“Let go!” he demanded.

The boy, whom Jiao Yuanju now knew as Fatty, was reluctant. “So, will you be my boss?” he persisted.

Realizing Fatty wasn’t going to give up easily, Jiao Yuanju sighed and asked, “What’s your name?”

Fatty released his grip, grinning from ear to ear. “I’m Jing Haokuo, but you can call me Fatty!” he exclaimed with glee.

Suddenly, Fatty’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen and said with a grave tone, “Boss, I’ve got to go. Something urgent has come up!”

With that, he dashed out. Jiao Yuanju furrowed his brow, puzzled about what Fatty was up to.

Zhen Heyi was lost in thought. She sensed that Jiao Yuanju had an ulterior motive for wanting to be the class monitor, whereas Jing Mowen seemed to be doing it just to show off.

“So why does he want to be the class monitor?”

Even the usually astute Zhen Heyi was stumped by this question.

A Bentley pulled up at the school’s entrance. The elderly butler greeted her with a smile, calling out, “Miss!”

Zhen Heyi hurried into the car and asked with concern, “Uncle Jing, what’s the situation at the front line?”

The butler replied with a serious expression, “The area outside Honeywater is swarming with troops, along with a group of high-ranking Combat Pet Masters. Reports say the Mutant Beast tide is once again assaulting the city’s defenses. According to our data, the Mutant Beasts are becoming increasingly formidable!”

Confused, Zhen Heyi pressed, “What exactly do you mean?”

“The Mutant Beasts are evolving. Those tamed by humans won’t turn against us, but with the worsening conditions in the wilderness and the intensifying radiation, they’re getting stronger. Over the past century, their collective strength has risen a notch!”

The butler’s words sent a chill through Zhen Heyi, and she grew anxious about her father on the front lines.

The Bentley merged into the flow of the bustling city.

Jiao Yuanju arrived back at his modest home, a cozy space of just a few dozen square meters, meticulously kept and inviting.

His mother appeared to be still at work. Jiao Yuanju stepped into his parents’ side room, where a tall man lay resting. The room was so silent that only his breaths and the occasional cough could be heard, signaling the man’s poor health.

Jiao Yuanju’s father was a mechanic, a profession held in high esteem. With technological progress, machines had taken over much of the manual labor, but their maintenance remained critical. Global upheavals had rendered sixty percent of the land as territories for formidable Mutant Beasts, making metal ore scarce. Thus, mechanics were in great demand by factories and corporations.

Three years ago, his father lost a leg in a work-related accident, incurring medical bills that soared into the tens of millions of Alliance Coins. It was his mother’s salary that kept their family afloat.

Jiao Yuanju stepped into the room and saw his father, eyes closed, breathing slowly. He smiled gently and said, “Dad, I’m home.”

Jiao Huai’s eyes flickered open at the sound of his voice, and a wan smile crossed his face. “Take a seat,” he said to Jiao Yuanju.

“Dad, I’ve been accepted into Azure Academy.”

Jiao Yuanju’s announcement caught Jiao Huai off guard. Eoldrai, seizing the moment, lifted its head from Jiao Yuanju’s shoulder. Its purple gaze met Jiao Huai’s, harboring no malice due to their master-servant bond.

“You ventured into the wilderness?” Jiao Huai asked, his voice shaking.

Jiao Yuanju hung his head, remorseful. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

Jiao Huai patted his son’s head and let out a weary sigh.

A silence fell between them.

Alone with his thoughts, Jiao Yuanju mulled over the day’s events, still amazed. He had captured Eoldrai himself, and thanks to a vial of Evolution Elixir, its evolution had surpassed even his wildest expectations.

“System, do you have any more Evolution Elixir?”

The allure of the Evolution Elixir’s power was irresistible to Jiao Yuanju. In a world now divided into four nations, the professions remained largely unchanged. A Combat Pet Master was a symbol of wealth and prestige. With sufficient strength, he could earn the nation’s esteem and, more importantly, secure the treatment his father needed.

“Alert: You lack the necessary blood points. Blood points can be acquired by defeating Mutant Beasts. The exchange panel has been activated for your convenience.”

A blank panel materialized in Jiao Yuanju’s mind, ready for use.



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