Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

"Did you promise that?"

Yi-Han approached the door, pondering what reward would be best.

Indeed, if it were Professor Verduus, an artifact would be the most useful.

'Which artifact should I choose?'

Thud, thud

"Wait a moment. Professor, the door won't open."

"Of course, it wouldn't! It's magically sealed."


Yi-Han hesitated.

Was he now expected to open a door magically sealed by the skull principal?

"Um... Professor, will you be dispelling the magic?"

"You have to dispel it. Magic can't be used from inside here."


Yi-Han was at a loss where to even begin pointing out the issues.

"Wait a moment. How did you send the paper bird?"

"I set it up at the workshop to fly off if I don't return by evening."

'I could have just asked another professor instead...'

Even if the students were under surveillance, other professors were not.

Suddenly, Yi-Han understood Professor Verduus's social relations.

How desperate must he have been to rely on a freshman he had just met!

"Professor, I apologize, but I'm not skilled enough to dispel the principal's magic."

Although Yi-Han had been learning regularly from Professor Kirmin Ku and receiving separate instructions from the genius archmage of Philonae Town, Baldoorn, he still lacked confidence in illusion magic.

Illusion magic required an unusually high amount of experience compared to other fields. With his level of experience, it was hard for Yi-Han to confidently take the lead.

"And if the principal has added extra magic to prevent anyone from leaving, wouldn't there be other trap spells around here?"

It was an excuse, but it made some sense.

If the skull principal had merely pretended to lock him up, Yi-Han would not have been overly concerned about opening it. But if the magic was genuinely intended, there could be other traps nearby.

"There's no other magic around. I saw it as I was being dragged in."


Yi-Han inwardly cursed the skull principal for not completely blinding Professor Verduus.

"Besides, you don't need skills to dispel the magic. It's not hard. Just blast it away. You know how to do that, right?"

"Professor, that itself is a significant skill."

Yi-Han had now learned that when people talk about 'blasting away' a spell, it's rarely done with brute force.

As the level of magic increases, its structure becomes more complex and solid, so simply hitting it with force won't make it waver or break.

One needs to understand its structure and find the weak points to break it with force.

Blasting a spell away involves quite sophisticated techniques hidden within.

'Baldoorn must have chosen not to tell me, considering my level.'

Baldoorn hadn't explained such details, only teaching him how to collide mana.

He must have tailored his explanation to Yi-Han's beginner's level.

For a beginner, such detailed understanding wasn't necessary.

"I still find it difficult to discern the spell cast by the principal..."

"No, just try."

Professor Verduus dismissed Yi-Han's words.

Since he could instantly discern and break spells with force, he believed Yi-Han could do the same.

Yi-Han was dumbfounded.

'Is he really a professor?'


Yi-Han decided it was better to show the professor and then tell him it was impossible than to try to convince him forcibly.

'It's ridiculously complicated.'

Yi-Han had no idea what kind of spell the skull principal had cast.

Numerous spells intricately entwined, forming a robust lock.

The skull principal hadn't put his full effort into the lock...

Suddenly, Yi-Han realized how exceptional a mage the skull principal was.


Just as he had learned from Baldoorn, Yi-Han recklessly exploded his mana, striking without discerning the structure.

It was a foolish method, attacking without understanding anything about the construct.


But the magic shattered.


"I told you it would work, right?"

Professor Verduus emerged, patting Yi-Han on the back as if he had expected this outcome.

Yi-Han was dumbfounded.

'Why was it set so weakly?'

It seemed as though the focus was on the complexity of the magic, neglecting its sturdiness.

Yi-Han felt disappointed in the skull principal.


Suddenly, with a burning sound, a mark appeared above Professor Verduus's head.

Professor Verduus exclaimed in horror.

"We're in trouble!"

"What's happening?!"

"It's a trap! Gonadaltes didn't set it outside but on me!"

"Why didn't you notice it?!"

"Because it was set secretly!"

Professor Verduus pondered, watching the diminishing mark.

This mark was a tracking spell that would send a summoning creature to Verduus's location once it burned out completely.

If Verduus managed to escape, it meant facing the skull principal's wrath.

It was too risky to dispel it with his current condition.

"We can't do this! Go and call another professor!"


"I don't know! Someone who can undo this... Professor Garcia!"

"Where is she... Understood!"

Yi-Han immediately moved.

There were two reasons for this.

First, moving now could buy time, regardless of whom he brought back.

Secondly, in case of failure, it was better to be far from Professor Verduus.

...Only one person needed to face the summoned creature.

As soon as he emerged from the forest, Yi-Han encountered an unexpected person.

...It was Professor Boladi.

"Nighttime walks are good for improving skills. Good choice."

"Thank you...?"

Though it was a strange thing to say to a student sneaking out of the tower at night, Yi-Han expressed his gratitude.

It was better than being scolded.

Professor Boladi looked Yi-Han up and down intently. Yi-Han suddenly felt uneasy.

'He hasn't realized what I've been doing, has he?'

"Did you dispel a spell?"

"Yes? Yes."

"Impressive. You've dispelled a high-level spell."

Yi-Han was surprised by Professor Boladi's ability to discern the level of magic from its residual energy.

He hadn't expected him to notice.

"Where did you dispel it?"

"Just wandering in the forest, and I came across it..."

"Show me."


"Lead the way."

If such a high-level spell was cast there, there might be a strong enemy.

Professor Boladi intended to ensure his student didn't overlook this.

"Professor. I saw it, but there wasn't much to..."

"Did you bring a professor?!"

Unable to wait, Professor Verduus ran out from the inside.

Yi-Han managed his expression and called out.

"Professor Verduus! What are you doing here?!"

"What are you talking about? Earlier..."

"What a remarkable coincidence! Ah, this is Professor Bagrak!"

Professor Boladi nodded. Professor Verduus also nodded.

Yi-Han shuddered at the meeting of the two professors, who seemed unlikely to have any friends.

'No. It's actually a relief. The lie won't be exposed.'

"Is this mark from the principal?"

Professor Boladi immediately recognized the mark spell. Professor Verduus nodded in agreement.

"Right! Undo it!"

"Good timing."


Professor Boladi cast a spell on Yi-Han.

His senses sharpened and heightened, and he felt an unfounded confidence surge within him regarding the element of cold.

"Prepare yourself."

"Professor? You're not planning to fight, are you?"


"Professor Verduus might get hurt, though?"

At Yi-Han's words, Professor Boladi sent him a slightly baffled look, as if wondering why he should care.

To him, Yi-Han was his student, but Professor Verduus was nothing.

Whether he lived or died...

"Can you hurry up and undo it?!"

"Professor. I'm not trying to avoid fighting. But Professor Verduus is also my mentor, and it would truly tear me apart if he gets hurt..."


With a flick of his staff, Professor Boladi sent Professor Verduus flying, who then got tightly bound to a tree.

Due to the ordeal with the skull principal, Professor Verduus couldn't resist properly in his battered state.


"Tying him up like this should prevent any harm."

"...Sometimes, I think you might actually be a genius, Professor."

"Thank you."

Professor Boladi faintly smiled at Yi-Han's compliment.

Yi-Han vowed never to compliment him again.

"This is a rare opportunity. The principal's summon has powerful combat capabilities."

"Yes... I know."

Yi-Han, who had forcibly clashed with it a few times, nodded.

Of course, he didn't agree with the idea of it being a rare opportunity.

The chance of being struck by lightning from the sky was low, but that didn't make it a 'rare opportunity.'

It was just...

'Incredibly unlucky, right?'

In that sense, meeting Professor Boladi and being forced to face the skull principal's summon was an extremely unlucky situation.


Eventually, the mark completely burned away, and a portal opened above Professor Verduus's head.

-I have come to imprison you again as per my contract with the summoner. Do not blame me!-

Before the demon could finish speaking, Professor Boladi impaled its limbs with four ice spears.

Caught off guard by the swift attack, the demon screamed in pain.

"Engage it."

Professor Boladi kindly passed the opportunity to Yi-Han.

Having significantly weakened the demon, it was now a suitable opponent for Yi-Han to gain experience.

Of course, it didn't seem that way to Yi-Han.

To him, the mighty demon appeared as if it was extremely enraged after being hit by four ice spears.

-Gonadaltes! Have you deceived me!-

The demon, intending to imprison an escapee from jail, was naturally furious after being harshly attacked by a crazed mage.

Yi-Han apologized.

"I'm sorry!"

However, apologizing didn't necessarily mean it wouldn't attack. Yi-Han attacked while apologizing.

...The demon's expression indicated that the apology was too little, too late.

"Are you trying to catch it off guard?"


Denying Professor Boladi's query, Yi-Han launched another spell.

The demon, its limbs bound by the ice spears, spewed fire and mana from its mouth and eyes.

-A young student already trying to deceive a demon!-

"I'm sorry!"

-If you're sorry, then stop attacking, you wretched creature!-

"Strike down, lightning of Ferkuntra!"

Condensed lightning pierced through the demon's chest, delivering a substantial blow.

The demon vomited black blood from its mouth. Being unable to defend properly due to its bound limbs was a significant disadvantage.

This young human...!

The situation was already chaotic, but the human adversary only added to the demon's confusion.

The attack power, evasion skills, and judgment of this young student were unlike any other.

'How could he be so capable?!'

Indeed, the demon's bewilderment was understandable.

Ordinarily, a young student couldn't plaster themselves with magic like , , , and so on.

"You're too slow."

Professor Boladi addressed the demon.

He had originally wanted to push Yi-Han to the brink, but the demon's attacks were too monotonous and predictable.

Thanks to this, Yi-Han skillfully whittled down the demon's health without ever being in real danger.

At this rate, the victory would be too straightforward.

"Shut up!"

Professor Boladi didn't just stop with words. He swung his staff, making the ice spears disappear.

The demon, now freed from its bounds, looked at Professor Boladi with eyes filled with horror.

Yi-Han also stared at Professor Boladi with a look of astonishment.

The demon glanced back and forth between Yi-Han and Professor Boladi, then asked Yi-Han,

-Are you being threatened by that mage?-

Yi-Han almost carelessly answered 'yes' before catching himself.

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