Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

Honestly, Yi-Han was curious about what would follow after 'shaking', but he knew listening further would only sour the mood. So, instead, he handed a steaming cup of coffee in a dented tin mug to Professor Boladi.

"Delicious," remarked Professor Boladi.

"Thank you," Yi-Han responded.

Watching Professor Boladi sip the coffee, Yi-Han suddenly came to his senses. 'Wait, why should I intervene? It's none of my business whether Professor Boladi looks down on the White Tiger students or not.'

It was his instinct to step in and solve problems whenever the professor caused trouble, even without realizing it.

"Wardanaz, are we departing now?"

"You really plan to come along? It could be dangerous."

"Hah, danger is but a virtue that a knight must embrace."

'Talking nonsense,' thought Yi-Han, wondering if he should have thrown the snowball harder.

After all, if they were seeking trouble, who was he to stop them? Even without his intervention, they would face the consequences of their actions.

"Well then, let's go!"

"Moradi, why haven't you taken your sword?"


Jijel, munching on a sandwich with grilled fat between the bread, paused abruptly.


"What are you talking about?"

"We agreed to go to the upper levels together."

Jijel was shocked.

Ignoring the other White Tiger Tower students' nonsensical talk had now drawn their attention to her.

"Why would I..."

"Is Moradi scared?"

"Such nonsense... Does she look like someone who would be afraid? It's Moradi's duty to lead us in dangerous places. Don't provoke her for no reason."


Jijel regretted not silencing Anglago when he started talking earlier.

She should have shut him up then!

As Yi-Han passed by with Professor Boladi, he spoke in a low voice, "This isn't my fault."

"Shut up..."

Coholti whispered to Kumandas, glancing nervously at Direth.

"So, when is that freshman going to arrive?"

"I'm trying to befriend him now, but..."

"You can't be this slow! Don't you see Direth?"

Even those unfamiliar with the crow mixed-blood could tell that Direth was furious, her feathers standing on end.

Forced to patrol the corridors daily over something she hadn't done, Direth was enraged. It was enough to drive anyone to commit a crime, even among classmates.

"This won't do. I'll send another note."

"Isn't that risky? The principal might..."

"Right now, it's either being found as corpses or going to the punishment room."

"That's true, but..."

Footsteps began to approach from the opposite direction of the twisted realm corridor.

Coholti, hoping against hope, lifted his head, knowing it was unlikely.

But then, a miracle happened.


The Wardanaz freshman they were planning to bring was walking down the corridor.

"There's the freshman!"

"What?! Really!?"

"See, I told you! Sincerity works, bu... wait."

Their joy was short-lived.


Initially happy to see just the Wardanaz freshman, their expressions froze as a crowd, including a professor and other freshmen, followed.

'What's going on here?'

'Isn't that... Professor Bagrak?'

There was a joke in the magic academy that even the skull principal didn't know the exact number of professors.

The students, even more so.

In Einroguard, it was not uncommon for students to go their entire academic careers without speaking even once to professors outside their major. However, these were fourth-year students, familiar with a fair number of professors. Among them was Professor Bagrak...

'He's the No-Student Professor.'

The No-Student Professor - a title for those who had no students, a rarity even in the bizarre world of Einroguard and a clear sign to be cautious. Consider this: even professors deemed crazy enough to make one wonder who would study under them had some disciples. There were even those who learned the unpopular dark arts. But to have no disciples at all... meant they were incredibly, exceptionally dangerous.

Fear painted the faces of the fourth-year students as they recognized Professor Boladi. Even in their senior year, the likes of Professor Boladi were still a source of dread.

'Didn't a third-year collapse from mana exhaustion after trying to listen in on his class?'

'What kind of classes does he give...'

"Greetings, Professor," the students managed to say, swallowing their fear. Professor Boladi merely nodded.

"Are you the ones in charge?"



Professor Boladi, seemingly uninterested in further conversation, made to walk away. The fourth-year students were understandably bewildered.


"Professor, please allow me to explain."

Yi-Han sighed, watching Professor Boladi talk to invisible seniors. It was hardly a conversation. More like a unilateral notification!

As Professor Boladi temporarily lifted the skull principal's spell that concealed the seniors, the fourth-year students became visible. The White Tiger students behind them were startled, but Yi-Han remained unfazed. By now, he had experienced too much to be surprised by such things.

"Seniors, let me explain."

"Go ahead."

Yi-Han explained briefly. Professor Boladi was here to solve the cold problem, and the first-year students had come along to assist.

Kumandas's eyes shimmered with emotion upon hearing the explanation.

'So he was seriously considering our proposal!'

They had thought their message was ignored, but Yi-Han had already caught on, probably feigning ignorance to evade the skull principal's strict surveillance.

"Junior, thank you! I knew you would respond to our proposal!"

"What? Your proposal?"

Direth, listening nearby, asked sternly, perplexed.

Could they have...?

"No, it's nothing."

"You didn't contact him, did you?"

"We didn't, really!"

Direth paralyzed Kumandas with a curse and turned to Yi-Han.

"They didn't contact you, right?"

"Yes, they didn't."

Direth studied Yi-Han's eyes closely, finding no trace of deception.

'It seems it was true.'

Direth tilted her head, puzzled. The other fourth-year students' behavior had been suspiciously evasive.

Were they just feeling guilty for no reason?

'Junior... thank you...! I'll repay this debt later!'

Kumandas, paralyzed, conveyed his gratitude through his eyes. Grateful for his presence, and even more so for the lie to Direth.

What an admirable junior.

'Why is he acting like that?'

For Yi-Han, who was clueless about the situation, it was nothing but bewildering.

The behavior of the fourth-years seemed odd...

...perhaps it's just because they've been at the academy for so long?

"Anyway, let's proceed. So, junior, do you know what this artifact is?"

Kumandas produced an ancient artifact resembling a massive harpoon. The fourth-year students were currently creating holes throughout the twisted realm corridor, leaking out mana. Regardless of how many layers the realm had or how twisted its space was, or what was summoned within, diminishing the area's mana meant it couldn't sustain for long. Once the mana was entirely drained, the twisted realm would vanish, and the corridors would return to their original state. The problem was that it took too much time.

"This artifact, imbued with space-piercing magic, is an exceedingly expensive ancient relic. It consumes a tremendous amount of mana, but once activated..."

"Get to the point."

"...In short, we'll use it to pierce through the corridor's realms, increasing the leakage."

Kumandas finished, glancing at Direth for approval. Yi-Han nodded in understanding. The explanation was adept and logical, fitting for fourth-year students. In fact, they seemed to explain better than the professors themselves.

'Not bad at all.'

"I understand. I got it."


Kumandas felt a wave of emotion. Even for a student with abundant mana, operating such an ancient artifact required a tremendous resolve to exhaust all one's mana. Especially since it wasn't even his mess to clean up. Yet, he stepped up so responsibly.

'A remarkable freshman has joined us...'

Direth glared at Kumandas with a look that screamed frustration. Had it not been for the presence of a professor and freshmen, harsh words would have likely been spoken.

Realizing Direth's gaze, Kumandas cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Ahem. Shall we start then?"



Kumandas was taken aback as Professor Boladi spoke up.

'Is there a mistake in my calculations?'

"If we proceed as planned, most of the monsters inside will vanish."

"Yes... Isn't that the point? If the mana disperses, the realm can't sustain, right?"

"Then, I cannot permit it."


Yi-Han closed his eyes tightly.

Of course!

"Let's go."

Professor Boladi turned towards the twisted realm corridor. Yi-Han and the White Tiger students followed.

Kumandas was bewildered by the turn of events.

"What... What did I do wrong?"

"Obviously, you fool. What professor would allow using a first-year student's mana to operate an artifact in their presence? Just follow along."

Direth, scolding her friends, picked up her staff. Her friends followed, their faces flush with embarrassment.

Professor Boladi, though a proponent of practical experience, was not reckless about safety. He cast various enhancement spells in preparation for the fight in the twisted realm.

Yi-Han, pointing to the White Tiger students, whispered, "I think they should receive the spells too."


It sounded like 'Why (bother) for those (riffraff),' but Yi-Han calmly provided a reason.

"...Without the enhancement spells, they might scatter in disorder and hinder the fight while trying to escape."

"I see."

Professor Boladi cast the enhancement spells. The White Tiger students' faces lit up with newfound confidence.

"Junior, don't worry."

"Thank you."

Yi-Han slightly bowed his head as heard the words of the fourth-year students beside him.

Never had he thought the day would come when he would feel the reassuring strength of his seniors at this magic academy.

Professor Boladi then turned to Yi-Han.

"Have you learned the spell?"

"...I haven't mastered it yet."

"I see. Be cautious of projectiles."


The fourth-year students doubted their ears.

Had he just mentioned the spell? Isn't that a 4th Circle spell?

"What did you just say..."

Kumandas wanted to ask about the meaning of their conversation, but the opportunity was lost as monsters began to appear.

A massive winter wraith with a body like blurred fog, scattering sleet with every movement, emerged before them.

"How much mana did it consume to grow to such a size?" Direth murmured, disbelief in her voice.

The fourth-year students lowered their heads in embarrassment.

"We'll handle this."

"Of course, we will. Don't make it sound so dramatic as if it's something extraordinary."

Direth raised her staff, and the fourth-year students did the same.

But before they could even prepare their magic, countless small flames erupted above the winter wraith.





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