Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

Chapter 211

I would stop at nothing.

Klvik, feeling pity for Yi-Han, tried to subdue him with moderation, but Yi-Han was entirely sincere in his efforts.

In fact, it would be madness for a freshman not to be serious when facing a high-ranking illusion mage.

Yi-Han had maximized his strength by casting as many enhancement spells as possible before the duel began.

These spells explosively amplified Yi-Han's already well-trained physical abilities.

The skull principal, watching his swiftly moving pupil, thought to himself, Does he really need to go this far?

Pre-casting magic before a duel wasn't cheating, especially since Yi-Han was a freshman and his opponent was a fairly well-known mage. No one would criticize such tactics, though they seemed somewhat desperate and lacking in grace.

To the principal, Yi-Han's actions appeared somewhat pitiful. He could have won the fight easily, but instead...

There's no dignity in this, he thought.

Unaware of the principal's disdain, Yi-Han continued his charge. I must get closer!

Contrary to the principal's belief that he could win even with his eyes closed, Yi-Han had no such confidence. He knew that if he took even a single hit from his opponent's magic, it would be over. Though he had shown some resistance to magic and poison in the past, that wasn't a guaranteed defense.

Facing a mage of such caliber, Yi-Han knew that his best chance lay in closing the distance to prevent his opponent from casting spells.


Yi-Han pulled an iron marble from his sleeve and hurled it at Klvik. Klvik, already startled by Yi-Han's movements, was shocked again as the marble flew towards him, tearing through the air.

Klvik had the skill to easily deflect such a simple projectile, but the marble flew faster than he expected.


Klvik stopped chanting his spell and ducked, the marble flying over his head. In that brief moment, Yi-Han closed the gap, grabbed Klvik by the collar, and threw him down.


Yi-Han then pinned Klvik, twisting his arm behind him. Klvik's staff flew off to the side.

"I lose... I admit defeat!"

Klvik's declaration of defeat surprised the other illusion mages. The agility and speed of the freshman exceeded all expectations.

"Mr. Gonadaltes had his eye on this...!"

"Damn. He targeted our weaknesses. Who would've thought he'd bring a student from a knight's family?"

"Indeed. Such tactics are hard to counter without prior knowledge. Was this his strategy?"

The impact would have been unimaginable had they been defeated in a conventional magic duel by a first-year student. However, losing due to such an unexpected weakness elicited a different reaction.

-Ah, such a young boy and already so impressive!-

No, you fools...! the principal thought, exasperated by the whispering mages.

It was inconceivable that they had come to win with such cheap tricks. They were supposed to demonstrate how the illusion magic being mercilessly ignored by a first-year student...

That is not allowed. No more close combat."


Yi-Han was stunned.

Prohibiting close combat was too much...

"That's too harsh, isn't it?"

You don't understand. That's why you think so.

"If you want me to lose, just say it directly."

That's not it!"

The principal was doubly frustrated with his sullen student. The student still lacked confidence in his abilities.

He could've easily blocked it with his body!

"Yes, I guess so."


Regardless of the skull principal's glaring, Yi-Han was deep in thought.

If close combat were prohibited...

It would become really difficult.

Illusion magic was notoriously fast to cast and hard to dodge, like a curse.

If one knew the corresponding defensive spells, blocking them would be much easier, but Yi-Han was still a freshman and hadn't mastered such defensive magic yet.

No matter how fast Yi-Han cast his spells or attacked, if he got hit even once by his opponent's magic...

"Mr. Gonadaltes, it's alright!"

"There's no need to do that. Please allow the first-year student to engage in close combat!"

Surprisingly, it was the illusion mages who came to Yi-Han's aid.

They were indignant at the sight of Gonadaltes oppressing and belittling a first-year student.

Even though they had been defeated unexpectedly, they had no desire to win by imposing such a penalty on a freshman.

"You all...!"

Yi-Han looked at them with a touch of emotion in his eyes.

Just as Ogonin, despite his modest abilities, was well-respected, his subordinates, the mages, also seemed to have good character.

Of course, this was infuriating for the skull principal.

Who are you to pity whom...? Even if I prohibit close combat, you still won't be able to win!

"Even so, there's no need to prohibit it! It would be against our pride."

The principal felt an urge to magically silence the mouth of the illusion mages.

Yi-Han looked relieved. Anyone could tell he was ready to dash back into close combat.

"I am Doibach. I look forward to our match. Of course, you may attempt close combat!"

"Thank you. I appreciate it."

The newly arrived mage Doibach was polite, and his gaze held respect.

After all, Yi-Han had defeated Klvik, a feat in itself, especially for a first-year.

Doibach resolved himself.

'As a mage trained in illusion magic, and as a student of Mr. Ogonin, I will confront this first-year student's specialty head-on and win fairly and squarely!'

Really unbelievable

The principal muttered, but no one paid him any mind.

"What a pity!"


"Didn't expect that level of skill...!"

Yi-Han then defeated three more opponents.

Doibach tried to cast the fastest illusion magic he knew, but Yi-Han quickly approached and disrupted his concentration with the summoning, narrowly delaying him.

Zelkenb tried to create an illusionary labyrinth around him to prevent Yi-Han's approach, but was also a step too late.

And Bongbon...

How little dueling practice do you illusion mages do for your casting to be so slow!?

The principal, who had hoped at least one mage would stop Yi-Han before he got close, exploded in frustration.

Of course, dueling wasn't an essential skill for a mage, and there were fewer mages like Professor Boladi who specialized in magic combat or the skull principal, but this was too much!

"You're right, Mr. Gonadaltes."

"It's embarrassing. To lose to a first-year student like this."

"I respect your skill. You're truly talented. Don't be disheartened because you're from a knight's family. Greatness in magic isn't bound by family."

"What? Wai..."

"I'm sure you'll soon make a name for yourself in the empire's dueling circles. I'm looking forward to it."

The illusion mages accepted their defeat graciously.

It was a regrettable loss, but they weren't shameless enough to deny it.

Especially since their opponent was just a first-year student.

No matter how they had lost, respecting the opponent's skill and offering praise was an honorable thing to do.

"Thank you."

"You'll meet many mages faster than us in the future, but if you continue to refine your speed, it will be hard to find your equal."

It was a heartwarming scene to see these mages, acknowledging their own shortcomings and openly praising the talented first-year.

It was an ideal encounter between diverse mages.

Klvik wondered if Gonadaltes had brought the first-year student with this very purpose in mind to make the illusion mages realize their own deficiencies by facing a student with such a unique specialty.

Insignificant fools

...or not?

That's enough. Ogonin. We need to talk separately. My mood is completely ruined.

At the skull principal's words, Ogonin glanced around and nodded.

Even to Ogonin, the recent duel had seemed strangely off course.

Explain properly to this unworthy disciple. He won't believe me if I say it.

"Um... So, you have quite a strong mana."


"...Very strong."


"...Why don't you just tell me what you think?"

Is the festival disruptor, firecracker destroyer, and relic thief giving me orders now? Really, what's the world coming to

Ogonin bore the disgrace and humiliation. It was his own fault, after all.

"This great mana works in many ways, but... especially in illusion magic that directly affects the mind with pure magic, it's particularly susceptible to the influence of great mana."

Yi-Han understood as Ogonin elaborated in detail.

"So, about last time?"

"...Yes, you could say that. Especially direct illusion magic is unlikely to work on you."

"Aha. So, when the principal said I could take a hit, it wasn't an exaggeration."

I'm right here.

"That... that's one way to put it."

Yi-Han was intrigued by Ogonin's assurance.

So, the skull principal's words were actually true.

'It wasn't a trick to torment me.'

Even if Yi-Han had believed the principal, he would have fought the same way.


'Why take a hit if I can avoid it?'

Why get hit if it can be avoided? Even if there's a 0.0001% chance, there's no need to take unnecessary risks.

"Thank you for letting me know."

Bring out that book.

"Excuse me?"

The book written by Ogonin.


Yi-Han reluctantly pulled out the book.

It was a book Ogonin had written in his youth, bought from a bookstore.

Seeing it, Ogonin shot a look of utter disbelief at the skull principal.

Truly, a mage dedicated to bullying others in various ways.

What do you think?

"Obviously, since it was written in my youth, there are immature aspects..."

"It seems like a good book, though."

Yi-Han, thinking the question was directed at him, responded.

The misunderstanding was cleared, but it didn't make Ogonin feel like a great mage.

Honestly, shouldn't a great mage be able to cast magic that penetrates great mana?

Considering that, the book was well-written.

Ogonin looked at Yi-Han with a glance of gratitude for the unexpected response.

Of course, the skull principal was not convinced.

That book?! Compare it with mine. You'll see the difference.

"Well, the principal's book is indeed excellent, but that doesn't mean a book is bad just because it's comparatively less valuable. Every book has its own worth."

The skull principal was slow to react, uncertain whether to be pleased by Yi-Han's flattery or to be angry at the interruption.

"Thank you!"

Ogonin was genuinely touched.

Having received praise and gratitude from countless mages, Ogonin was not usually moved by compliments from a young mage. However, receiving such acclaim in front of the mad skull principal and from his disciple was enough to stir even Ogonin's dulled heart.

"This is a kind of fate. If it's alright with you, may I teach you?"


Yi-Han hesitated before turning to the skull principal.

Misinterpreting the intent, the skull principal gruffly responded.

Go ahead and learn. It's a rare opportunity to be taught directly by a mage like Ogonin. A good opportunity.

'I was wondering if it's really necessary to learn.'

Yi-Han thought to himself.

With professors like Kirmin Ku within the magic academy, and mages like Baldoorn outside, he had wondered if it was really necessary.

'Still, I should learn as best I can out of politeness.'

"Thank you."

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