Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

Chapter 238

"Those White Tiger students really do love spreading fake rumors."

"I'm sorry, Yi-Han."

"It's okay. It's not your fault, Dolgyu."

As Yi-Han and Dolgyu conversed, the White Tiger students standing nearby were left agape and feeling wronged.



"But youre really making an autonomous shield..."

"It might not be permanent, but it's definitely a temporary artifact..."

"Ah, stop with the nonsense and go do your own thing. Can't you see Moradi glaring at you over there?" Yi-Han chided his naive friends.

Although he didn't particularly like Moradi, Yi-Han felt a sense of kinship with people like him and Moradi.

The kind of person who inevitably ends up as the group leader in a project situation!

If one listened well and acted accordingly, like the students of the Blue Dragon, one would have lessened the leader's stress. Conversely, failing to adhere to the plan and spreading rumors, as seen with the students of the White Tiger, left the leader with no option but to be greatly troubled.

"Youre indeed making an autonomous shield..."

"We didn't even expect it to be permanent either..."

Mumbling and grumbling, the White Tiger students returned to their places.

"Yi-Han, but... shouldn't we also increase the duration?" Dolgyu hesitantly asked while working on the blueprint.

Even if it wasn't a semi-permanent artifact, basic temporary artifacts needed mechanisms or magic circles to extend their magic duration.

The duration of enchantment spells cast by individual mages was short, and various means were required to compensate for this.

Otherwise, their hard work would turn into a useless object in just 20 or 30 minutes.

"Yes, once the blueprint is complete, we should add that too. It won't be too difficult. A light-emitting spell... Magic circles for power amplification and conservation should suffice. The necessary materials include low-grade magic stones, light-attribute magic ink, dawn powder..."

'How does he come up with it so quickly?'

Dolgyu's mouth fell open just like the White Tiger students earlier.

Yi-Han wasn't even planning to make a light-emitting shield.

Yet, he listed the components as if he had memorized them.

"Why are you staring like that?"

"I'm just amazed at how quickly you come up with these things."

"It's just luck that I know this stuff."

It sounded humble, but Yi-Han was sincere.

Because these were materials he had learned about during a forced magic firework project.

But Dolgyu, unaware of such circumstances, could only perceive it as modesty.

'Really amazing.'

"Yi-Han, since your autonomous iron shield will need them too, I'll make sure to gather enough materials for your use," Dolgyu said, thumping his chest.

He couldn't just receive help and give nothing in return.

"That's okay."

"No, it's the least I can do compared to your help..."

"No. An autonomous iron shield consumes too much mana. What I mentioned earlier won't work. We need to find another method."

Yi-Han frowned and responded.

Dolgyu was slightly taken aback by his reaction.

'Maybe he's in a bad mood, but it must be just my imagination?'

Surely, it was the struggle of a genius.

There was no reason for Yi-Han to be in a bad mood.

"But do you have a way to get the materials?"

Yi-Han asked inquisitively.

From Dolgyu's comments, it seemed he had quite a stash of materials.

Such resourcefulness from the White Tiger students?

"It's nothing. Just wait a moment."

Dolgyu rose from his seat, whispered something to the other White students, and then approached Professor Beavle Verduus.

"Professor Verduus, we need materials to create a temporary artifact. Could you advise us where to find them?"

There was silence.

Yi-Han was at a loss for words.

'So, asking the professor...'

Upon reflection, it wasn't such an odd idea.

In fact, it was normal for students to ask their professors when they didn't know something.

It's just that Einrogard was the exception.

'I never even thought of asking Professor Verduus. Will he respond?'

He was genuinely curious.

While the skull principal would never have given advice, Professor Verduus might, but then again, he might not...


Silence again.

Professor Verduus surpassed Yi-Han expectations.

Regardless of the students calling him or speaking beside him, he was engrossed with the artifact he was crafting, peering through a sapphire-made magnifying glass.


"What should we do?"


Yi-Han swiftly swung his staff, creating a giant sphere of light.

The sphere, with its brilliance far surpassing that of other students, flickered before their eyes, causing Professor Verduus to startle and look up.

"What's going on!? What happened!?"

"Sorry, Professor. It was a mistake."

"Is that so? Well, it can't be helped."

The other students in the classroom stared at Yi-Han as if he had lost his mind.

It was audacious enough to attract attention even when the professor ignored them.

Jijel also looked at Yi-Han as if he were insane.

'Is that guy really fearless?'

But Professor Verduus, unperturbed, tried to refocus.

Dolgyu, coming to his senses, shouted out.


"What? Why?"

"We need materials to make a temporary artifact."

"Ah? Oh. Yes."

Professor Verduus bowed his head again.



"Sorry, Professor. It was a mistake."

"Is that so? Well, it can't be helped."

"Professor! Professor! Professor!!!"

Dolgyu, desperate not to miss the second opportunity Yi-Han had created, shouted out.

"How rude! Why are you raising your voice like that?"

"Sor... sorry..."

The White Tiger students were flabbergasted.

'He just exploded a ball of light in front of you...!?'

'What's the standard for rudeness?!'

"We need the materials!!"

Even the usually gentle Dolgyu's voice carried a hint of force.

Finally, Professor Verduus comprehended the question and answered.

"Yes. I thought as much and prepared them."

"Really? Is that true?"

Yi-Han, who had been trying not to intervene, couldn't help but respond.

He couldn't believe it.

Not just directions but prepared materials?


Could it be Professor Reuji in disguise?

"Yes, really. How can you make an artifact without materials? Didn't you know that?"

"Sorry, Professor."

Yi-Han was not at all perturbed by such a comment.

Unlike the novice White Tiger students, such provocation was nothing more than a breeze to Yi-Han.

"By the way, what are you planning to make?"

"I'm still considering..."

"Yi-Han is planning to make an autonomous iron shield, Professor."

"An autonomous iron shield? That's very clever. You've chosen something interesting. Very commendable."

For Professor Verduus, who showed little interest in first-year students, such praise was almost an accolade.

Dolgyu, who had answered on Yi-Han's behalf, was beaming with pride. He smiled at his friend.

Of course, Yi-Han's expression was as distorted as that of the White Tiger students on the eve of an exam.

'Damn. I was hoping to use the professor to change the topic.'

"So, Professor, where do we get the materials?"

Yi-Han asked, intending to gather the necessary materials and sneak a few into his pocket.

"What time is it now? It's about time they arrived."


"Ah. Looks like they're here. Let's go outside."


Upon stepping outside Professor Verduus's tower, the students were taken aback by the sight of strangers arriving in carriages.

The strangers, too, appeared awkward, much like the students. Yi-Han quickly realized why.

'If you're calling people from outside, shouldn't you at least clear away the Death Knights?'

The Death Knights were uncomfortably close to the carriages, casting oppressive glances.

"Er... Mage. Why are these Death Knights... behaving like this?"

One of the guests, wiping sweat with a handkerchief, asked, utterly baffled.

Had they made some mistake?

"Oh? Ah. There are intruders in the magic academy, so we're on high alert."

"What! Why did you call us during such a time!?!"

"Why? It's actually safer now."

-We're watching over you merchants.-

"...Fine. Let's just get this over with."

The strangers who had arrived by carriage turned out to be merchants summoned by Professor Verduus.

Even someone like Professor Verduus, known for being disagreeable, was friendly with merchants, as with most of the talented enchantment mages.

How could they not love a mage who could create artifacts worth a fortress, regardless of his personal qualities?

"I'll help you."

"No, no... it's okay."

The merchants were at a loss when Yi-Han stepped forward.

Regardless of his student status, they couldn't let someone who looked like he was from a noble family do such menial tasks.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and help."


"Help, I said."

"Uh... but... why..."

The White Tiger students stuttered and were dragged along. Yi-Han and his friends began unloading the cargo.


Yi-Han was trying to elicit the merchants' sympathy.

Objectively, the Einrogard students looked quite pitiable.

A little more sympathy could increase the likelihood of extracting something beneficial from them.

So, standing around indifferently was not an option. They needed to appear as diligent and polite boys and girls.

"That's right, Dolgyu."

"...Is this not... begging?"

"What! How is this begging?"

"Um. Umm..."

'It does feel like begging.'

Jijel thought so but said nothing.

Honestly, it would be beneficial if they could get something out of this.

...Her pride prevented her from voicing it!

'What's with that guy...'

"But what are these items?"

"Materials the mage asked us to bring."



The students were impressed.

Professor Verduus was a professor after all.

Ordering materials for the students from outside.

He must be among the top 5% of Einrogard professors.

'Impressive. Is this really not a facade?'

Yi-Han thought as he finished sorting the materials.

"We're done."

"Oh, thank you. Young mages!"

The merchants expressed their gratitude repeatedly. The White Tiger students subtly wiped their noses.

"Don't mention it..."

"As a knight, it wasn't a particularly difficult task."

"Helping good people is also a duty of a knight. Wardanaz, you made a good point."

"Now, Mage, we would like to discuss the payment."

The merchants extended their hands politely.

They had gathered the materials hastily at Professor Verduus's sudden request, but they had no intention of asking for more money.

After all, he was an important client and a distinguished mage.

Just receiving the cost price was enough to be considered accommodating...

"I don't have any money?"

"Excuse me?"

Yi-Han could sense the merchants' voices drop a notch.

"What do you mean? You're joking, right?"

"It's no joke. They will pay. It's for the materials they will use."

"Ah... Ah-ha!"

The merchants breathed a sigh of relief.

So that was what he meant!

Naturally, the students of Einrogard would all be wealthy enough to carry two or three pouches of gold coins.

"Young mages, we request the payment."



However, the faces of the students were gradually turning pale.

Sensing this, a feeling of foreboding began to rise in the merchants.

...Surely not?

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