Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

"...I'm sorry. I couldn't control my emotions," Ogonin said, feeling ashamed.

While all mages dealing with magic had to control their emotions, this was especially true for illusion mages. How could a mage who couldn't control their own emotions manipulate the emotions of others?

"Remember this: it's not that you are lacking," he advised.

"Ah, yes. I understand," Yi-Han replied, nodding seriously at Ogonin's earnest compliment.

Yet, no matter how much he was told, he still couldn't quite grasp it.

'How much is enough, exactly?'

Usually, illusion mages compared themselves to others, measured the time it took to reach a certain level, or shared some benchmarks. Without such information, it was hard to get a sense of progress. Ogonin's praise, while well-intentioned, lacked sufficient details.

'Not lacking, but still...'

"When you return, continue practicing the anxiety magic," Ogonin suggested. Though repetition was important, that wasn't his sole purpose.

'The chances of success will increase if the target is changed.'

Ogonin believed that the reason Yi-Han was failing to cast was solely due to the target being Gonadaltes.

The likelihood of success would be much higher with other students.

'All because of that guy...'

Ogonin was worried. Even talented mages sometimes lost confidence due to initial mistakes.

It was unacceptable for a mage destined to carry on the legacy of illusion magic to be hindered by such common errors.

Yi-Han, too, was at risk of falling into this trap of distrust.

'I must not let that happen!'

"Um, Mr Ogonin," Yi-Han said.

"What is it?"

"To practice, I'll need to cast it on my friends, right?"

"That would be the case."

"But making them anxious while they're studying hard for assignments and exams seems a bit..."

Yi-Han spoke with a hesitant expression. The essence of anxiety magic was to unsettle the target. It seemed unfair to do that to friends who were diligently studying.

"Indeed, that is a concern," Ogonin acknowledged, nodding in understanding. Yi-Han felt relieved at his response.

'Maybe there's a solution.'

"So, what should I do?"

"We have to take that into consideration, don't we?"


Yi-Han thought they were joking. But Ogonin and the skull principal were serious.

Wasn't a little sacrifice by his friends for the sake of magic justifiable?

'...These crazy mages...'

Yi-Han firmly refused. "That's not acceptable."

"Why not? It's just making them a bit anxious, not stealing their hearts. If they neglect their studies over a little anxiety, they'd do the same with a mere gust of wind."

"I said no."

Yi-Han's firm refusal left Ogonin flustered and the skull principal grumbling. However, Yi-Han stood by his decision.

Fine. Practice with instead. How about that?

"But anxiety magic would be better for practice..."

"No. I'll practice with satisfaction magic."


Yi-Han's opinion of Ogonin dropped a little further.

'Hmm. Just because he doesn't get along with the skull principal doesn't mean he's a good person.'

Once again today, Yi-Han was reminded that long-serving mages are likely to be a bit mad.

Its already evening. He had taught you for a long time.

"Well... uh..."

Yi-Han, having lost his entire weekend, managed his expression with a bittersweet feeling.

What could he do about the time that had already flown by? He needed to work harder with the time that remained.

Then, go back to the tower and study magic hard

"Wait! Hold on!"


From a distance, the skull principal narrowed his eyes at the sight of Professor Verduus running towards them.

Why are you running so frantically?

"Did you say he increased the duration of the temporary artifact with his mana?"

Yes, that's what happened.


Yi-Han was so dumbfounded that he couldn't speak properly.

How had it already been several hours?

'But wasn't the skull principal with me all this time?'

"How did you know about that, Professor?"

"The Death Knights told me."


The conversation between the skull principal and Yi-Han had been overheard by a Death Knight, who then told another, and so on...

As a result, while the skull principal had remained quiet, the news reached Professor Verduus.

It was a chillingly efficient rumor-mongering system at Einrogaard.

'This isn't some kind of hell.'

The gossiping Death Knights gave Yi-Han a headache.

Should he have learned undead purification magic to dispel them whenever they appeared?

You might be excited, but was there a need to run over and ask?


Professor Verduus looked at the skull principal as if it was obvious why he was asking.

"Well, I'm planning to take him now to test it... that large portable compressed magic stone over there..."


"No, the student Wardanaz."

'Did he just refer to a person as a large portable compressed magic stone?'

Yi-Han felt a chill down his spine at Professor Verduus treating him like some kind of portable mana battery.

"Professor, it's already evening."

"It's fine. I'll turn on the light."

"...I have several assignments to do, and there's a class tomorrow."

"No worries! We'll be done before tomorrow morning!"

...I usually don't prevent students from accessing magic, but this is too much. No way!

The skull principal spoke firmly to Professor Verduus.

Professor Verduus reacted as if he had heard the sky was falling.


I just told you why! Even if I repeat myself, you won't understand.

Usually, the skull principal would have pushed the narrative of 'A mage must endure hardships to grow,' but Professor Verduus was a different story.

Given his nature, he would likely keep him until the morning class time.

"I'll turn on the lights and make sure you're done before the morning class!"

Right. I always promise His Majesty the Emperor that I'll always make the students happy and smiling. As if! Go back. And don't let any strange professors catch you on the way!

"...Yes... Thank you."

Instead of telling the skull principal 'This is all because you summoned me,' Yi-Han decided to just quietly go back.

He was genuinely afraid of encountering any more bizarre professors.

"Why do the students of the Blue Dragon seem so happy today?"


"Don't tell me they finished all their pre-final assignments over the weekend?"

"Ridiculous! Are you serious with that suggestion?"

"But there's Wardanaz. There are rumors that Wardanaz stayed in the dorm all weekend and worked on assignments..."

"Could it be?"

The students of the other towers looked at those from the Blue Dragon with a mix of fear and awe.

Could it really be true that they had finished their assignments over the weekend?

Was that even humanly possible?

"Yi-Han. Yi-Han. Cast it on me just one more time."

"...No. It doesn't seem like a good idea."

"Please! Just one more time!"

"Me too, just once more!"

As his friends, one after the other, raised their hands and begged Yi-Han to cast on them, Yi-Han made a firm decision.

"No. Not anymore."

"Ugh... Why...!"

"This happiness... Why take it away...!"

His friends wanted to be angry, but they were too satisfied to truly express it.

'The magic did take effect.'

Normally, he should have been satisfied with practicing the magic correctly, but seeing their current state, he realized that further practice might not be a good idea.

'Illusion magic seems a bit dangerous.'

"Wardanaz. Wardanaz."

Salko from the Black Tortoise called out to Yi-Han. Yi-Han nodded, understanding his intent.

"You want to experience the satisfying magic, right? I'll cast it just once, and not again. It can be addictive."

"What... are you talking about?"

Salko was confused.

"Weren't you calling me for that?"

"Of course not. I have something to tell you."

Salko began with a word of thanks.

"I've said it before, but thank you once again."

"What for. I helped you for money. Just don't forget to pay."

Salko laughed, thinking Yi-Han was joking to lighten the mood.


"Why are you laughing? I said don't forget about the money."

"Ah... No. Of course, I'll pay."

Salko was slightly taken aback by Yi-Han's more serious attitude towards money than he expected.

He had thought the money was just an excuse to help?

"So, what do you want to tell me? If it's another reckless attempt like last time, forget it. Do you know how many assignments I have piled up?"

"Don't worry. I've just barely recovered; I wouldn't try anything reckless again."

Salko had learned his lesson well.

Even if one had friends known for their fighting prowess, wandering recklessly into the outskirts could be fatal!

"Have you been searching for a shortcut to the upper levels of the main building?"

"Yes. Isn't everyone?"

The first-year students who enjoyed nighttime strolls were all exploring various parts of the main building.

Whether descending into the basement or ascending upwards, the hidden rooms, storerooms, passages, and spaces were of great help to the students.

It was not just out of curiosity, but for survival!

"I've found a shortcut to the upper levels of the main building."

"...Tell me more."

During the weekend, as the main building shook and rearranged itself, a student from the Black Tortoise, while raiding the food storage, stumbled upon something peculiar.

"The Red Turnip food storage? Where's that?"

"Is that really important right now?"

"Of course, it is."

'He thinks about food too much...'

Salko thought to himself.

The students of the Blue Dragon were the most well-fed.

While others were calculating their meals, those from the Blue Dragon would have such unfortunate conversations like, "Ah, the dessert wasn't great today," or "Even Wardanaz makes poor dessert choices sometimes."

And Salko knew very well that all this abundance was thanks to one student risking his life to provide for them.

He personally thought that feeding such lazy brats was a waste, but...

"Here it is. Satisfied?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Just take what you need. We have to take our share too. And in my experience, if you take too much, the storage tends to change."

"Indeed, you might be right. Keep going."

The student from the Black Tortoise, who had been raiding the food storage, saw the back wall open up, revealing a new passage.

Astonished by this discovery, the Black Tortoise student was about to step into the passage when...

Shortcut to the Upper Floors

This path is protected by a barrier. Those without skill, turn back!

Left with nothing but these words engraved on the wall, the student was abruptly repelled outwards.

A barrier to prevent intruders had been set.

Yi-Han listened with an intrigued expression.

'This is certainly interesting.'

Given that it was labeled a shortcut to the upper floors, this path could be the shortest route among the ones he had recently explored.

He had not expected the reorganization period to bring such a stroke of luck.

"You might have a way to break through the barrier, so I came to tell you. Here, take this map."

"You're overestimating me, Salko."

"Is that so?"

"But this time might be an exception. I had the opportunity to learn from a remarkable illusion mage."

"Really... I thought so. Incredible! Who is that person?"

"It's Mr. Baldoorn."

"Of course. Baldoorn..."

As Salko expressed his admiration, Yi-Han, remembering something belatedly, added,

"Right. I also learned separately from Mr. Ogonin."

"I see."

People usually don't pay much attention to things added as an afterthought.

Salko was no exception.

His focus remained on the name Baldoorn, and he paid little heed to Ogonin.

So, when he finally realized who Ogonin was, Wardanaz had already left.

"Wait. Wardanaz. Mr. Ogonin, you don't mean... Wardanaz?"

"Wardanaz left a while ago."


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