Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

Chapter 252

"Indeed, that's the case," Professor Garcia, ever the exemplary educator, explained the essence of the matter succinctly, simply, and with precision.

However, there were times when, no matter how well one explained, persuading the other party could be challengingespecially when the content seemed utterly preposterous!

-Yi-Han is a student from the Wardanaz family, and as I mentioned earlier, hes been attending a lot of lectures. The professors seem to really appreciate him because he shows great aptitude in every class he takes. So, I hope Professor Alkasis doesn't overburden him with too many invitations to healing magic class, out of consideration. There are other professors, after all.-

"Really, don't do this," Professor Alkasis sighed wearily.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, don't do this. Who put you up to this? The principal?"

Professor Alkasis was convinced that the skull principal was behind this mischievous prank.

In the entire Einroguard, only the skull principal could dare to play such a prank on the busiest and most weary Professor Alkasis.

The other professors wouldn't dare, as it could literally be the death of them.

"No, no, no... It's not a joke!"


Professor Alkasis grimaced with a headache coming on, while Professor Garcia asked worriedly, "Shall I cast a pain-relief spell on you?"

"Magic doesn't help much with this... So, you're saying it's not a prank?"


Professor Alkasis tried to digest the information she'd just received.

A student taking a slightly excessive number of classes?

It wasn't common, but it wasn't unheard of either. Even Professor Garcia had overreached during her student days, only to regret it later.

...Of course, this student was not just slightly overreaching...

"How many courses did you say he is taking again?"

"Summoning magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic, divination magic, transformation magic..."

"And there was dark magic too, right?"

"Oops. That's a secret, dont tell Professor Mortum..."

"Do you think I have the time to go and tell him? So, all the classes you mentioned, hes performing well in them?"

'Hes the top student...'

Professor Garcia was about to say he was the top student but hesitated, noticing something amiss.

It wasn't a lie, but it felt like it could be perceived as one.


"Does that even make sense???"


Professor Garcia also felt it anew.

Each class, when considered individually, hadn't raised any flags, but summarizing them to someone else made the situation seem quite bizarre.

"The Wardanaz family, you say...?"

"What does the Wardanaz family have to do with anything? Haven't you met anyone from the Wardanaz family?"

"I have..."

Professor Garcia became downcast, remembering her scoldings during her own academy days with Professor Alkasis.

'It's not my fault.'

"Alright, I get it. Sometimes a genius does emerge."

"Isn't that a bit too generous..."


"Yes, Professor."

"But what do you mean by 'consideration'?"

Professor Alkasis's brow furrowed deeper. Favoring one student was against her principles, regardless of their lineage.

"Well, it's just that... if Professor Alkasis keeps him too long or takes him outside... You know."

Healing Magic, like all magic, was particularly time-consuming and demanding, requiring knowledge in various areas. If Alkasis monopolized the student's time, it could anger the other professors.

Moreover, in cases like Healing Magic, it was common to take students outside for practice.

"Is that even a thing to say?" Professor Alkasis was incredulous. Despite the shortage of personnel, she had no intention of involving first-year students in such matters. Their talent was irrelevant in this context. Even with exceptional abilities, would anyone consider involving a first-year in life-and-death situations?

"Professor Garcia, you should be aware. Even the way we're doing this now..." Professor Alkasis knew that students forced to learn Healing Magic wouldn't engage unless they had a genuine interest. It was expected; after all, mages are notoriously stubborn, unlikely to study magic they have no interest in. The idea was to teach them, even forcibly, so they could be called upon in times of need. A mage who knew even a little Healing Magic was far better than one who knew none, though expecting them to play a key role was out of the question. That would be utterly conscienceless.

"Forcibly taught students are not even expected to do a single person's job. Doing half as much would be considered good. But what's this about holding them for long or taking them outside?"

Professor Alkasis found it absurd to hear suggestions like 'don't treat him too much like a protege since there are other professors too', especially when she was just trying to solve the staff shortage by teaching the bare minimum.

"Right? I'm sorry. I guess I worried unnecessarily," Professor Garcia apologized, feeling awkward. Her concern was born from seeing professors frequently pulling Yi-Han aside, as if to claim him for their own towers.

People usually got torn apart when pulled in such a manner.

"The professors keep doing that a bit..."

"Don't worry about it. And sorry, but this Wardanaz doesn't really have an aptitude for Healing Magic."

"What?" Professor Garcia was puzzled.

'He seemed to be doing well earlier?'

Professor Alkasis gave a slight nod.

"He's just pretending. His mana doesn't decrease."

"...Ah, that means..."

Professor Garcia decided to explain the remaining part of her earlier explanation.

"That's all! Not so surprising, right?" Having already shared the more astonishing details, she hoped this wouldn't be too much.

But Professor Alkasis didn't respond.




"How much mana does he exactly have?"

"Professor. You said you weren't interested earlier..."

"...I was just asking."

Professor Alkasis changed her tune.

"But this seems a bit unfair. I was too busy to be present when other professors were discussing it."

"Oh, why are you like this, really."

Trying to dismiss the image of Yi-Han being pulled apart, Professor Garcia spoke.

"And Yi-Han isn't that gifted in Healing Magic."

"...Try this."

Professor Alkasis cleared away the string in front of Yi-Han and tossed a bone to him.

While other students were horrified, Yi-Han, already accustomed to Dark Magic, nonchalantly caught the bone.


Yi-Han promptly broke and then reattached the bone.

The speed was astonishing.

His understanding of bones, innate mana quantity, and delicate manipulation skills were all evident.

Though further teaching was needed for a precise assessment, even from what had been observed, it was undeniable that Yi-Han possessed an exceptional talent for Healing Magic.

"Yi-Han is diligently studying Dark Magic, that's why," Professor Garcia offered a rather implausible excuse.

"Professor Garcia, you know how beneficial it is to have abundant mana."

"That topic was covered yesterday by Professor Verduus, the day before by Professor Kraer, and the day before that by Professor Mortum..."

"...Well, forget what I said earlier."

"Oh, really, why do you have to be like this!"

"Other than the dissection, it was enjoyable, wasn't it?"

"Actually, wasn't the dissection kind of fun too?"

"...Yeah, right. Just don't come any closer."


When the class ended, the students' evaluations were surprisingly positive, considering they were forced to learn and even witnessed a dissection during the class.

"Anyone who wants to learn more Healing Magic... this way..."

As soon as the class ended, Professor Alkasis hurriedly vanished to the upper layers of the tower, and senior students under her guidance called the first-years to stay behind. Despite many being forced into the class, there was a significant number genuinely interested in Healing Magic. It was the seniors' role to assist these juniors... although, ideally, it was a task meant for the professor, but Professor Alkasis was too busy.

"Thank you, senior!"


"Yes, yes?"

The energetically greeting student was taken aback by the senior's lukewarm response.

'Did I do something wrong?'

"Keep your voice down... my head is splitting from lack of sleep..."



'I think the students who wanted to learn Healing Magic might run away at this rate.'

"Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family."

"Priestess Tijiling."

"Are you alright?"

"What do you mean?"

"Even with Healing Magic class..."


Yi-Han hesitated for a moment. He was more surprised that the students of the Immortal Phoenix knew about his schedule than the class themselves.

"What difference does one more class make at this point? And if I don't study, being forced into it, I'll be the one at a loss."

"I'm seriously concerned about your health..."

The Immortal Phoenix priests murmured as they walked past Yi-Han.

-Someone should stop him-

-With the honor and pride of nobility at stake, how can he-

-A person's life is important!-

'These guys should talk quietly if they don't want to be heard. Makes me uneasy.'

Yi-Han felt unnerved.

The priests' earnest worries about his lifespan made him feel a sense of foreboding he hadn't had before.

But it wasn't just the Immortal Phoenix priests murmuring about Yi-Han.

"That's him... the one the professor mentioned... right?"

"Yeah... the advantages of Healing Magic... need to be shown and attracted..."

The old strategy of carrot and stick was employed in magic education too. If forcibly making them sit through magic classes was the stick, then showing them the benefits of the magic was the carrot.

The senior students majoring in Healing Magic, already burdened with their workload due to dropouts, were desperate enough to sell their souls to the devil to attract juniors.

And the hasty words left by Professor Alkasis before she left added to this urgency.

-Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family. You know him? Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family. If nurtured well, he can do the work of ten. Get him interested in Healing Magic.-

-But Professor... how? The first-years these days are too cunning and will have figured it all out."-

With the professor herself appearing as if she might collapse from exhaustion, what advantages could they possibly feel?

-It's alright. Everyone prioritizes different values. From what I see, he doesn't seem to value comfort or an easy life. He has a personality like Professor Garcia, burning with a zeal for learning. Understand?-

-Ah, I think I do.-

-Good. Convince him well with that. I don't need to say more-

-Of course, Professor. We desire the juniors even more than you do!-

"Are you... cough cough cough... interested in Healing Magic?"

"Are you alright?"

When the senior approached Yi-Han with a face that looked close to death, Yi-Han couldn't help but be startled.

"No, no, it's just dry... just because it's dry. Anyway! You must be interested in Healing Magic, that's why you're here, right?"

"Well... I still don't know much about it, just curious."

Yi-Han carefully responded, not wanting to offend the other party.

However, the two seniors seemed not to be offended at all and immediately replied.

"That's exactly what interest is."

"It's quite astonishing. To have such interest in Healing Magic. I think it's my first time seeing something like this."


Yi-Han looked back at the priests behind him.

...But no matter how he looked, compared to the interest shown by the priests in the back, Yi-Han's interest seemed like a firefly in front of a full moon...?

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