Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 263

"Darn it..."

Doig could hardly believe what had just happened. He and his brother had moved simultaneously, yet they were slower than the mage. It was supposed to be a quick job while the mage focused on swinging his staff and chanting spells, they only needed to release their memorized incantations. But then...


The two adventurers collapsed on the spot.

Unaware of their fate, Yi-Han turned to Professor Boladi  with another question. "Don't you think the protective gear they're wearing is a bit insufficient?"

"It's adequate," replied the professor. In truth, adventurers who were properly equipped with anti-magic gear were exceedingly rare. Why risk one's life in dangerous ventures when one could simply sell such a costly artifact, worth as much as a castle, and retire in peace? The Yi-Han had encountered before was an exceptionally unusual case. It was generally hard to come across adventurers equipped with such gear.

Especially since Doig and his brother had prioritized speed over protection, keeping their gear as light as possible.

'What's with them? Just some weirdos?' Yi-Han couldn't help but be perplexed. He was quite taken aback by the sudden attack of the adventurers, whose circumstances he knew nothing about.

What were they thinking, attacking a mage in such a half-hearted manner?

"These two had bounties on their heads. You've done well," the administrator acknowledged. 

Since the fight had occurred within the town, it couldn't just be overlooked.

Yi-Han and Professor Boladi sought out the Imperial administrator responsible for Philonae Town. The administrator didn't suspect or blame the two mages. After all, bounty-hunting adventurers were no match for mages affiliated with Einroguard.

"Bounties on their heads?" Yi-Han was taken aback. The Empire was vast, and once troublemakers fled far away, they were not easily caught. The Empire placed bounties on such individuals, but it wasn't something that just anyone could fall into.

'Too foolish for those with bounties on them. How were they not caught yet?'

'Quite the Einroguard mage,' thought the administrator, trying to maintain a composed expression amidst his surprise. He knew that the students of Einroguard were among the Empire's finest geniuses, but he hadn't expected this level of prowess. The young mage, seemingly unbothered by capturing Doig and his brother, responded with a confidence that was almost admirable.

"Indeed. You are a student of Einroguard, I look forward to your continued contributions," the administrator praised.

"Thank you," Yi-Han responded, then hesitated. 'What contributions does he expect?'

While the compliment was appreciated, it strangely irked him. Was it some kind of curse to encounter more criminals?

However, his mood lifted upon receiving a purse heavy with coins. Yi-Han bowed respectfully and gracefully in gratitude.

"Thank you. Farewell."

The administrator was taken aback again. This humility was a stark contrast to the confidence Yi-Han had just displayed. 'Must be from a prominent noble family...'

Though the administrator couldn't pinpoint the exact lineage, Yi-Han's demeanor suggested he was from a distinguished noble family. The administrator found himself deeply impressed.

Magic was a complex field, daunting for the average person. A boy like Yi-Han, confident in his talent yet never forsaking etiquette, seemed the perfect candidate to pursue such a scholarly path.

'Keep it up,' the administrator silently cheered for Yi-Han.

It was his duty to ensure students like Yi-Han could focus solely on their magic studies.

Tedious and boring tasks like imperial administration should be left to officials like the administrator.

"Would you like to share?"


While weighing the purse of coins, Yi-Han noticed Professor Boladi standing beside him and asked. Fortunately, the professor seemed uninterested in his student's financial affairs.

'It seems he's not in a good mood.'

Even without resorting to Ogonins magic, Yi-Han had a remarkable ability to sense the emotions of his professors.

'It's not about the coin, is it?'

"Is it about the trade?" Yi-Han inquired.

Professor Boladi nodded. It was disappointing for him, having received numerous letters that all turned out to be from scammers. He had hoped that at least one would bring something useful.

Yi-Han struggled to keep a straight face.

'Don't laugh. Laugh and Ill die.'

Though Professor Boladi wasn't one to take emotional revenge like the skull principal, it was not wise to laugh while the professor was coping with failure. Besides, Boladi was also an expert in close combat.

"It's alright. If it were easy to find, it wouldn't be a rare monster. I can do without it."

Yi-Han said with kind eyes, which slightly furrowed Professor Boladi's brow.

A faint feeling of frustration welled up inside the professor, a frustration stemming from his failure to fulfill a duty as a mentor. He furrowed his brow more, trying to control this unfamiliar emotion.

'...Is this really okay?'

As Professor Boladi 's expression grew more severe, Yi-Han felt a sense of foreboding. Surely the professor wouldn't say something absurd like 'Since there's no monster, I'll become one'?



Relieved as Professor Boladi's face returned to normal, Yi-Han breathed a sigh of relief inwardly.

"But there's still time until the final exam. So I'll keep looking."

'Damn it.'

Yi-Han cursed the professor internally.

Why was he so passionate about such pointless things? Couldn't he rather ponder why his class was nearly empty?

"Are you mages of Einroguard?"


Yi-Han looked up.

The newcomer, though unfamiliar, was clearly a noble of high status. From the accent, mannerisms, attire, jewelry, to the guards surrounding him, it was evident.

'Who is this?'

"Yes, we are. May I ask who you are?"

Instead of the noble, one of his guards replied.

"This is Duke Icaldoren. Please identify yourselves."

"Yi-Han of the Wardanaz family."

"Boladi of the Bagrak family."

Unlike the Bagrak family, the Wardanaz family was a distinguished noble lineage, not to be trifled with even by the imperial dukedom. The guard's demeanor became more cautious.

'Duke Icaldoren...'

Yi-Han might not have known all the nobles in the empire, but he was familiar with the more famous ones. Duke Icaldoren was well-known, even to Yi-Han, who had heard rumors and seen him mentioned in imperial newspapers.

'The rumors weren't exactly flattering.'

Among the nobility, it was rare to find someone not described as cunning or inscrutable. But even considering this, the rumors about Duke Icaldoren were particularly bad.

Given his reputation as a cunning and scheming man, Yi-Han couldn't help but feel a bit tense. Having Professor Boladi beside him didn't lessen the tension; in fact, in such situations, the professor was more of a concern.

'Even if Professor Boladi insults Duke Icaldoren, the skull principal will step in, right? After all, we're part of the magic academy.'

With the thought of the skull principal's potential scolding in mind, Yi-Han bowed his head.

"It's an honor to meet you." 

Duke Icaldoren appeared to be in his forties, but his actual age must have been twice that, making his youthful appearance remarkable for a human, undoubtedly thanks to various alchemical potions.

"A mage prophesied a few days ago that I would have a significant encounter. I believe this meeting with the distinguished mages of Einroguard might be it."

One of the Duke's guards glared at Yi-Han and whispered to the Duke, "Your Grace, as far as I know, students from the magic academy are prohibited from leaving. Doesn't that seem suspicious?"

The guards of nobles typically possessed a paranoid nature, assuming that anyone approaching their master could be a disguised assassin.

"Aren't you embarrassed to spout such foolishness? It's obviously permissible to leave with a professor. I won't tolerate any more impertinence. Step back."

Duke Icaldoren reprimanded his guard sternly, who then bowed and retreated.

Yi-Han felt a prick of worry internally. 'That guard is sharp. How did he know?'

"If it's not too presumptuous, forgive me. But I overheard that the two of you are seeking something? I would like to offer my help."

Yi-Han's face stiffened. 'The rumors are true after all!'

The Duke was as cunning and scheming as the rumors suggested, plotting to sacrifice an innocent student.

"We are looking for a rare monster."

"Is there a specific requirement?"

"It must be immune to fire, water, and lightning elements, have strong magic resistance, and be capable of speeds over 60 km/h..."

Even after hearing Professor Boladi's absurd request, Duke Icaldoren's expression remained unchanged. He called a guard and asked, "Can you find it?"

"We will look into it."

"Do me the favor. In the meantime, may I offer you a drink?"

Realizing the situation was amiss, Yi-Han replied while holding back a sigh, "If possible, I'd prefer tea."

"An excellent taste."

"Your Grace, isn't it too generous to invest so much in a student, even if hes from the Wardanaz family and an Einroguard professor?"

Duke Icaldoren lightly tapped his finger, prompting his subordinate to hastily shut his mouth. None dared to speak after receiving such a warning.

The Duke muttered coldly, "I know what you're trying to say."

The monster the mages requested was rarer and more troublesome than expected. The Duke couldn't determine the two mages' exact status within Einroguard; one was a professor, but his position's prominence was unclear, and the other seemed like a lower-grade student...

It was likely that befriending them wouldn't bring significant benefits. The chances of them being close to the principal were slim.

Nevertheless, Duke Icaldoren decided to invest, considering the necessity to extend his influence within the magic academy, regardless of efficiency.

'I must find out what's happening inside Einroguard.'

Though his face remained calm, his mind was troubled. Recently, one of the Duke's confidants had entered Einroguard and lost contact, possibly captured by Gonadaltes. If Gonadaltes realized the truth, he wouldn't let it pass easily.

Duke Icaldoren had no choice but to tolerate the mages, even if they were not to his liking. He needed to gradually expand his influence.

"Do you find the tea to your liking?"

Duke Icaldoren asked as he stepped into the drawing room. Yi-Han and Professor Boladi were sipping their tea.

"It is excellent, thank you. Your Grace," Yi-Han responded politely, in stark contrast to Professor Boladi who merely nodded his head. Though the Duke let it pass as an unfortunate situation, he couldn't help but feel annoyed.

'Mages, always such odd fellows.'

They were eccentrics, immersed only in their areas of interest, often appearing foolish in other aspects. However, Yi-Han's demeanor was refreshingly different. Coming from the Wardanaz family, one would expect nothing but rudeness from him...

"I apologize for only serving such modest tea to a student who should be focusing on magic."

"Not at all. In fact, I wish I could take some with me when I leave."

"Ha ha ha... I'll make sure to arrange that."

"I would be most grateful."

'Is he really from the Wardanaz family?'

Duke Icaldoren was pleasantly surprised to meet someone from the Wardanaz family who knew how to engage in agreeable conversation, even making jokes.

It was truly astonishing.

"Speaking of which, since you're studying at Einroguard, you must have met Lord Gonadaltes."

"Yes, I have met him."

"Are you perhaps close to him?"

"Would that even be possible?" Yi-Han replied with a look of distaste.

To think of having a close relationship with him was out of the question. It was more a matter of hatred or suffering.

'That's disappointing.'

Duke Icaldoren felt a deep sense of regret internally. Although he had anticipated it, the confirmation was still bitterly disappointing.

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