Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

Chapter 271

"In the empire, there are countless beasts. The tame ones, the ferocious ones, the timid ones, the brave ones... Remembering the characteristics of all these creatures is no easy task, even for the most skilled of mages. But a clever mage knows how to act accordingly. It's all about understanding their habits."

If one knew the behavior patterns or weaknesses of a monster, it was possible to infer to some extent about monsters of a similar type. Outstanding adventurers often prepared in advance by identifying the habits of similar types of monsters in this way.

How am I supposed to figure out the habits of a Cerberus?' Yi-Han wondered.

Of course, there were times when that method didn't work. This was one of those moments.

'Can I treat a Cerberus like other dog or wolf-type monsters?'

The thought of the Cerberus snapping at him as he scratched its jaw brought a surge of fear.

"Of course, just because I say this doesn't mean you can immediately grasp their habits, right? There's a better way. A method that works for most beasts."

Professor Bungaegor tapped the bottom of the cauldron with the tip of her boot.

"It's food."

Students gasped from all around. It was closer to bewilderment and worry than joy and realization.

'She's telling us to feed the Cerberus?'

'Wouldn't we become the food while trying to feed it?'

"Until now, feeding shouldn't have been that difficult. Right?"


The students who had suffered the humiliation of being headbutted and drooled on by horses every time they went to the stable were startled.

However, Professor Bungaegor ignored them and continued.

"Horses are relatively less picky about food and eat well. But there aren't only horses in the Empire. If you want to deal with the beasts you'll encounter next semester, you must learn how to feed them."

Yi-Han couldn't bring himself to ask what kind of beasts were waiting for them next semester.

"Well then... Begin! Feed the Cerberus in the order of completion!"

At the professor's command, the students hurriedly rushed to the cauldron.

In the center of the courtyard, there were various ingredients, starting from chunks of meat from some beasts, to carrots, potatoes, onions, cabbages, and other ordinary vegetables. There were also rare fruits, mushrooms, and spices that they couldn't even guess the names of.

The students, each holding a basket, murmured among themselves, undecided on which ingredients to choose.

"What does a three-headed dog enjoy eating? I've been good at making onion soup lately. Should I try that?"

'A three-headed dog is still a dog, but can I feed it onions?' Yi-Han wondered as he picked out ingredients.

He naturally gravitated towards ingredients a dog might like: sweet fruits like apples, meats, and fish...

"Are there any sweet potatoes? Gainando, have you seen any sweet potatoes?"

"Why are you asking me?"

Gainando tilted his head, not understanding why Yi-Han was asking him.

"You like sweet potatoes."

"...Wait. Don't tell me you asked because you thought I took them all?"

Yi-Han didn't answer and moved to another spot. Gainando, feeling slighted, followed after him.

"Hmm. Seems like there are no sweet potatoes."


'I guess I have no choice.'

Yi-Han took out a paper-wrapped sweet potato from his coat pocket.

They were sweet potatoes he had dug up from Professor Uregor's garden, well-roasted, peeled, sliced, and dried.

Professor Bungaegor, who had been watching from a distance, asked in disbelief, "Why on earth are you carrying dried sweet potatoes in your pocket?"

"In case I get stranded and need to eat?"


While Professor Bungaegor was at a loss for words, Yi-Han moved towards the cauldron.

Since he didn't know what Cerberus liked, it was difficult to prepare anything complicated or fussy.

'Keep it as simple and basic as possible, and try various foods.'

When he brought over various ingredients and cooked them, he planned to check which ones the creature reacted to.

While Yi-Han was busy grinding meat into a dough-like shape, a few fearless students stepped forward.

While Yi-Han ground the meat and kneaded it into a stick shape, some fearless students stepped forward first.

"Oh, great three-headed dog! We have brought food for you here!"


Cerberus' left head barked in response. The students carefully walked over, placing well-grilled pork ribs on a plate.

"Easy... easy..."

"Are you sure it won't attack?"

No matter how prepared they were, when six large eyes stared at them, their whole body couldn't help but freeze.

The students trembled as they offered the grilled meat to Cerberus.


Cerberus' left head took a big bite of the grilled meat. After chewing a few times, it spat it out to the side.


"Ah, no?!"

Professor Bungaegor, who was standing nearby, chuckled and said, "If you think of that guy as just a wild monster, you'll get badly hurt. He grew up eating only good things, so he has a picky appetite. Besides, I fed him a snack before coming here, so his stomach is about half full."

"...Then no matter what we give, he won't eat it?!"

"Even so, you have to be able to feed him to be a great mage."



The students fell silent, and the sound of grilling meat suddenly seemed louder.

Most of the students had thought, 'If we grill the meat well and give it to him, won't he eat it deliciously?'

'This is a big problem. I thought the same way.'

The use of various seasonings or cooking methods was now out of the question. Anything too fragrant might be outright rejected.

Shyles, a horse mixed-blood from the Richmond family, called out to Yi-Han in a small voice.


"What is it?"

"I have something to tell only you."

Shyles looked around and then placed a small bottle in Yi-Han's hand. Inside was a powder of complex colors.

"This is a secret powder used only by our family. A secret powder that animals love when they eat it."

As expected from a family that ran one of the empire's leading carriage transportation businesses, Shyles was skilled at handling animals.

"You helped me last time, so this time I'll help you. Take it. If you mix it into the food, he'll love it.

"Such a precious thing... Thank you, Shyles."

Yi-Han said sincerely.

Moreover, the help he gave last time was actually in exchange for coins!

Shyles winked and got up, putting soup in his bowl. Then the other tower students stirred.

"What is he thinking? Didn't you see him disliking it just now?"

"No. It's Richmond. He must have something in mind!"

Shyles' friends looked on with a hint of anticipation.

As if responding to that anticipation, Shyles put down the bowl. Cerberus approached and sniffed.


Cerberus's three heads simultaneously spat at Shyles's face.

Shyles, now drenched in saliva, turned to Yi-Han and said, "...I'm sorry, Wardanaz. It doesn't seem to be working."


With even Shyles getting crushed, no more students stepped forward.

However, Professor Bungaegor was strict. When the time came, she began pushing the students forward one by one.

"Now, it's time. Bring your prepared food and come forward!"

"W-wait a moment, Professor! If you could just give us a little more time!"

As expected, the students were like fallen leaves in the autumn wind. Cerberus knocked over the bowls with its front paws, flipped them over with its breath, and rejected them in various ways.

Before he knew it, it was Yi-Han's turn. As he held the dishes he had prepared, Yi-Han suddenly wondered why he was doing this.

'This doesn't seem like the path of a mage...'


Cerberus's left head barked. Its reaction was similar to what it had shown to the other students. Yi-Han brought his hand to his staff.

He intended to cast a shield to block any incoming saliva.

-Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp-


However, Cerberus's reaction took a slightly different turn than expected.

It was busily devouring the food Yi-Han had laid out, specifically the dried sweet potatoes he had produced.

With the left head having dived in first, the other two heads were left restlessly fidgeting, looking rather forlorn.

"Wait, you should eat together."

-Growl, woof, woof, woof!-



The head that had its food snatched away showed a fierce reaction, but the other two heads were very satisfied. 

Yi-Han asked Professor Bungaegor, "Were sweet potatoes the correct answer?"

"...No, they weren't??"

Professor Bungaegor replied in a bewildered voice.

After all, an ingredient that wasn't even provided couldn't possibly be the correct answer.

Cerberus didn't even like sweet potatoes normally.

"Maybe it got hungry while waiting? That's enough! Lift your heads!"

At Professor Bungaegor's words, Cerberus's three heads simultaneously stopped and straightened their posture.

Yi-Han looked at the bowl he had placed down. Only the sweet potatoes had completely disappeared.

"It was grown in the vegetable garden, right?"


"It was delicious, but... was it to this extent?"

Professor Bungaegor was amazed.

As it was her nephew's vegetable garden, she had occasionally tasted dishes made with the vegetables grown there.

They were fresh and plump, and she had thought that the spirits must have helped them absorb a strong vitality...

But seeing Cerberus's reaction now, she wondered if there was something else.

"Who knows?"

"The other students must have eaten them too, so you would have seen their reactions, right?"

"Well... no matter what I gave them, they ate well."

At Yi-Han's words, the other students of the Blue Dragon Tower looked somewhat sheepish.

In truth, whatever Yi-Han threw into the pot, they ate ravenously without discerning the ingredients, as if possessed.

It was clear that even if he had put buttons and pebbles instead of potatoes and carrots, they would have eaten them well.

"Fascinating... Alright, let's test this again. Dig up some sweet potatoes after the lecture and dry them."

"...Professor, I have the final exams..."

Ever since he started living as a student, Yi-Han had learned to express deep sorrow in his eyes.

Seeing those sorrowful eyes, Professor Bungaegor apologized without realizing it.

"I'm sorry. It would definitely be difficult to do it now. Let's try it next semester."

"Thank you!"

-Woof! Woof, woof!-

Cerberus's three heads barked in protest beside them.

It was as if they were complaining about what they would do during the vacation.


Yi-Han furrowed his brow, trying to resist the wave of fatigue washing over him.

"Is everyone alright?"



"Seems like they're okay."

Yi-Han nodded at the responses from his friends sitting around the lounge.

To refresh himself, Yi-Han poured hot coffee into a tin cup, stood up, and walked to the tower window.

Gazing into the dark night of the magic academy, sprinkled with stars, it almost made all this toil seem trivial...

'...Or not.'

Yi-Han sipped his coffee and blinked. Something was off.

'...Isn't it the middle of the night?'

The surroundings were gradually brightening, despite it being deep into the night.

As if dawn was breaking, the friends who had been nodding off like ghouls turned their heads, sensing the brightening surroundings.

"What's that?"

"What's happening?"

It was only after the outside became as bright as morning that the students realized what was happening.

The phoenix had come to rest right in front of the Blue Dragon Tower.

"Wow... Wow!"

The students exclaimed in awe at the mystical sight.

To make the middle of the night as bright as broad daylight.

The Phoenix was indeed not called that for nothing.

"I was sleepy, but now I'm wide awake. Right?"

"The Phoenix appearing isn't necessarily a bad thing..."

"...Close the window!"

Yi-Han shouted urgently and started moving. His friends, puzzled, asked.

"What? Why?!"

"Close the window! The phoenix is coming this way!"

The phoenix, having noticed the students inside the tower, approached with an innocent look in its eyes.

As a few feathers flew in through the still-open window, flames erupted in the lounge.


"Ah, no! My assignment! My assignment!!"

"Now's not the time to worry about assignments! Put out the fire first!"

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