Surviving as a Mage in a Magic Academy

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275

I don't know what you're thinking, but it's a misunderstanding.

"A misunderstanding? You knew I was coming, yet you still did this!" Eunrad Lee exclaimed in a flustered voice.

In the world of Einrogard, only a mage from Einrogard could truly understand the unique educational culture of its students. This was especially true when investigating the state of the students at Einrogard Academy. Other mages, unfamiliar with Einrogard's ways, would undoubtedly fail to grasp these intricacies.

...However, even considering that, when an imperial bureaucrat visited, Einroguard should have shown some consideration. While it was true that Einroguard occasionally had unbelievable accidents, did those accidents really need to happen right when an imperial bureaucrat was visiting?

It's a misunderstanding. I didn't cause this.

"If the principal didn't cause this, then who did? Are you saying the first-year students did this on their own?"

That's right.

"...Don't say such nonsense."

Then ask them.


The skull principal was an evil, malicious, despicable, and cruel mage, but he wasn't the type to make absurd claims. Eunrad Lee asked the student who seemed to be the leader among those holding the phoenix.

"Did you really try to catch the phoenix? Just the first-year students?"


"And you succeeded?"


Upon hearing the answer, the adventurers behind them murmured. Eunrad Lee, who usually thought most rumors about Einroguard were baseless, couldn't deny it this time.

Although he had anticipated it, capturing the phoenix was much more difficult than expected. Trapping the phoenix in the main building was just the beginning.

"First, we catch it. Lure the phoenix in!"


"Guide it with magic..."

Fortunately, there was no need for that. The phoenix that entered the main building excitedly rushed towards Yi-Han.

! !

The phoenix seemed to perceive the current situation as a game. Even as the students charged at it from both sides with fierce expressions, it flapped its wings and clung to Yi-Han. It was absurd, but an opportunity was an opportunity. They had saved the trouble of enticing the phoenix.

"Everyone, grab it!"



The phoenix chirped. Its cry was much louder and clearer than when it sang in front of the tower before. The friends who had been full of energy until just now all sat down as if enchanted, their mouths agape as they stared at the phoenix.

'Damn it. Should have cast a mental defense spell too!'

Yi-Han lamented inwardly. The phoenix's deliberate singing was far more powerful than anticipated. It was enough to bury any resolve or determination.

What will you do now?

The skull principal, who had entered late, asked in an intrigued voice. He seemed overjoyed and at a loss, seeing all of Yi-Han's friends eliminated except for him.

"...It's fine. It won't keep singing, so I just need to endure alone until it stops."

Isn't that too reckless?

Yi-Han ignored the skull principal's taunts. There was no point in complaining about something that had to be done anyway.

"Come forth, Sharakan!"

Yi-Han summoned Sharakan and the skeleton warriors. Then he firmly grabbed the phoenix so it couldn't escape. The phoenix playfully flapped its wings, unconcerned about being caught.

Flap, flap!

"Yi-Han. Unleash your magic! That's the only way to exhaust the phoenix's stamina more!"

Yi-Han, who had already planned to do so, swung his staff. As ice and lightning flew, the phoenix became even more excited when hit.

Sharakan bit the phoenix and clawed at it, looking dumbfounded. In return, the phoenix cutely pecked at Sharakan with its beak. It looked like someone playing with a pet, if it weren't for the phoenix's flames setting the surroundings ablaze.

Cunning fellow! Enticing the phoenix with mana.

As the phoenix continued to play without any counterattack, the skull principal criticized Yi-Han. Of course, Yi-Han was too busy wrestling with the phoenix to even hear him.

"...I don't think Yi-Han did it on purpose," Professor Garcia defended him.

Judging by the phoenix's attitude of accepting any attack as play and not leaving, it seemed true that it was deeply immersed in Yi-Han's mana. It wasn't surprising for mythical beasts that fed on mana to crave it. That was the only reason the capricious phoenix would stick around and continue playing without leaving.

However, Professor Garcia decided not to tell Yi-Han that fact. Telling the already struggling student, "The phoenix chased after you because of your mana," seemed too cruel.

But cunning tricks won't last long.

"I really don't want to ask, but... why is that?"

As you know, phoenixes are fickle. It may be docile now, intoxicated by the mana, but

"It's not docile at all," Professor Garcia said, watching the phoenix trying to stick a feather into Yi-Han's ear.

...It will probably get bored and try to leave soon. Do you think they can catch it then? Unfortunately, they were underprepared.

'Indeed,' Professor Garcia had no choice but to agree with the skull principal's words. With the other students knocked out by the song, it seemed difficult for Yi-Han alone to stop the phoenix. If the phoenix got bored and tried to fly away...


The skull principal and Professor Garcia quietly stood and watched Yi-Han and the phoenix play. After some time had passed, the skull principal burst into anger.

Why is that phoenix so patient?!

As time passed, the friends also woke up from the song and joined in.

"I'll help you, Wardanaz!"

"I already caught it, but!"

"Shh. Be quiet."

Thanks to his friends' participation, Yi-Han could take a short break...

! !

"Wardanaz! The phoenix is trying to escape!"

"Wardanaz!! What do we do?!"


Yi-Han, who was about to rest, came back and grabbed the phoenix. The phoenix happily flapped its wings.

"Sh-should we feed it a snack?"

"Yeah. Please do."

It was truly a display of perseverance bordering on ignorance. Seeing him endure and suppress the phoenix, the skull principal constantly grumbled. 

If you're going to catch it with brute force, why become a mage?

After hearing the explanation of the situation, Eunrad Lee finally nodded in understanding.


Do you understand now?



"If you knew I was coming, you should have stopped them! You could have driven it away instead! Especially during the final exam period!"

I can't do that. Principles must be upheld in any situation.

Eunrad Lee was dumbfounded. The one who ignores principles when it's convenient for him!

'How difficult is it to help the students once during the final exam period?'

"I don't know either! I will do my best, but I can't completely erase what happened."

...Hmph. It doesn't matter.

The skull principal's blazing eyes slightly wavered. He was undoubtedly calculating how much the budget would be cut in his mind.

"Please come in one at a time."

After organizing his luggage, Eunrad Lee sat down to listen to the first-year students' circumstances. Although Einroguard had students from various years, none were as struggling and miserable as the first-years. As a former student of Einroguard himself, Eunrad Lee knew well how shocking it was for first-years when they first enrolled.

He remembered the daunting experience of having to leave his servants, attendants, and slaves outside the gates and enter the tower in shabby clothes. The terrifyingly looking lich archmage was an added bonus. It would have been fortunate if life in the tower was comfortable, but unfortunately, it was harsh and miserable. They had to eat only hard, black bread and rice balls while dealing with an excruciatingly large amount of assignments and studying.

'My heart aches for them.'

Seeing a student from the Blue Dragon Tower enter, Eunrad Lee felt overwhelmed with sadness. As a graduate of the Blue Dragon Tower himself, Eunrad Lee could understand how difficult it must have been for the student in front of him. All first-year students struggled, but among them, the Blue Dragon Tower was particularly more challenging. The students' noble bloodlines or brilliant minds were of little help during their first year. Moreover, students from the White Tiger Tower and Black Tortoise Tower, being narrow-minded and petty, often disliked the Blue Dragon Tower for no reason. Sadly, the Blue Dragon Tower students, lacking talent in hunting or gathering, had no choice but to starve.

"Please have a seat."

As the Blue Dragon Tower student sat down, Eunrad Lee wrote down the name and asked a question.

"It must be very difficult for you."

"Gasp. How did you know?"

Gainando was surprised. Eunrad Lee smiled bitterly and said, "I am also a mage who graduated from Einroguard. And I'm from the Blue Dragon Tower."

"Youre my senior!"

"That's right. So feel free to speak comfortably. I'll cut out most of it anyway."

The Empire was only interested in whether there were students at Einroguard who wanted to burn the world or summon a great demon to overturn the Empire. They weren't particularly concerned about whether the students were hungry or not. So the first-year students could freely confide. There was no need to be mindful of the skull principal.

"How are the meals?"

"It leaves much to be desired."

"I understand. That black bread and cold rice balls are really hard to get used to. I couldn't adapt to it until graduation."

"What? Oh. I don't eat that."


Eunrad Lee faltered at Gainando's words. If he didn't eat the black bread and rice balls, did that mean he was eating dew?

"Then what did you eat?"

"Well... for breakfast, I had a bacon omelet, and for lunch, I had a sandwich with tuna, eggs, and corn. For dinner..."

"Wait. Wait. Wait."

Eunrad Lee stopped Gainando's words, doubting his ears.

"Are you joking with me right now?"

"What? D-did I do something wrong?"

Gainando was startled and shrank back at the sight of his senior suddenly getting angry. Only then did Eunrad Lee come to his senses and realize what he was doing.

"I-I'm sorry. I got angry for a moment. I thought it was a joke..."

"It's not a joke! Look, there are even desserts here!"

Gainando took out cookies from his backpack as if to protest. They weren't cookies baked with mud and grass, but proper cookies made with flour, sugar, and butter. No matter how you looked at it, it wasn't a snack that a first-year student could dare to eat.

"...Where did you get this?"

"Yi-Han brought it from outside. He also gets ingredients from inside and makes them."


Gainando began to chatter excitedly. How Yi-Han procured ingredients and cooked to feed the Blue Dragon Tower students. Eunrad Lee's face gradually distorted as he listened to their luxurious dietary life. It was a reaction he himself didn't even notice.

"...You... have encountered great fortune."


Eunrad Lee realized one fact. While he was overwhelmed with sadness when his juniors were suffering, anger surged when his juniors were enjoying too much luxury!

'Could this be why those bastards from other towers hated us?'

Even when asking other Blue Dragon Tower students, the answers were similar. Eunrad Lee, who had been suspicious, trembled with rage at the sight of his well-fed juniors.

'How can they improve their skills as mages if they live so comfortably? It wasn't like this in our time!'

Eunrad Lee failed to realize that he was saying the same things as the skull principal. The counseling continued afterwards. At first, he trembled with rage because of the Blue Dragon Tower students, but as he counseled students from other towers, Eunrad Lee's emotions turned to astonishment.

"So you're saying this student named Wardanaz is taking summoning magic, illusion magic, enchantment magic, divination magic, transformation magic, healing magic... all of these?"

"Yes. That right."

"And he's also in charge of the Blue Dragon Tower students' meals?"

"What? Weren't the Blue Dragon Tower bastards sharing the work? Are they insane?"


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