Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 142 142. Lazy Villain

Alex, hearing her offer, was more than happy to accept it. Heck even if she offered 1 million, He still had accepted as she herself is a prize for him right now, A walking gold mine.

But he had one question bothering him for some time: What happens if she gets pregnant? Though he has the golden gun when activated can take care of the trouble he still wanted an answer.

After all, he did not want to be a single dad at all, Here single dad is not attractive but rather used goods which no one wants, So he wanted to make sure as he still needs to attack other heroines.

"...#@#&*#@#...Can not speak like a normal person??? Why are you doing this? Do you want to give me a heart attack or what?"

Rebecca not having it, She nearly got a heart attack hearing his words, Did she not say that he just wanted to pretend to be her boyfriend? So how can she get pregnant? Are they also going to "pretend" to do that by actually doing it?

She did not mind if they did it. She is rather excited but the problem is that he was not speaking like a normal person. How can she handle him if he is this much volatile all the time? 

"I was just asking, You don't have to curse like a rough, You are no lady at all. Who will marry a hot-head like you? You might stay single all your li-"

"Don't you dare to say it and jinx me, I am warning you, I will definitely find a real boyfriend, Who will talk normally, Not like you. You know women also don't like over-smart men."

Alex was wronged. He just asked casually, She did not have to act like that, So he also talked back to her pressing her weakest nerve.

Rebecca is also bothered by not having a boyfriend, Not that there was no option but her standards were too high, She will not even look at a man who other womens are crazy for, Those college grass boys also are the same.

So up until now she was still single without even being alone in a room with a man, Which led her family to think she swing a different way. This is the main reason she needed to find a boy to pretend to be her boyfriend.

This way she can clear her name and wipe out any threat to her position as an heir, This is why she was mainly doing this, As for why she did not just get a real boyfriend.

Well the real reason was the plot of her, How can Heroine date other men before the protagonist? So there is that reason but another cannon reason is that she did not want to settle with anything.

She rather stays single all her life than to compromise with the standards she made, This is a reason why she did not want Alex to speak those words jinxing her.

"Well, I have this face so there is no way there is a woman who will not like me unless she is blind, But in your case, It's hard to say."

Alex knew how to tame a woman like her, He can't go by the standards she made as those were impossible to reach, And even with the system he needs at least a month to achieve it.

So he decided to go with the crooked route, That made himself irresistible to her, And this is his way of laying the foundation.

Rebecca was taken aback hearing his answer but seeing his face she get it, He indeed has the qualification to say something so narcissistic as this without seeing it as one.

 Then she aggravated, He indeed has a backup, but what about her? What does she have to replace her shortcomings? She fell into thinking before quickly coming up with her answer.

"...I have money, a lot of it, So with it- "

"Yeah money is good but I don't think the standards you set for your man lack money, So your only advantage became nothing, Now tell why would a man of your standards choose you?"

"That- "

But Alex did not let her have it and ruthlessly crushed her argument. Yes, if according to her he did not know her standers for man, But he can guess, but even with a guess she felt depressed.

Yeah, Alex was right, The man she had in mind will not care about money, It's not that she wants a man with money but the personality of her man will not care if you have money or not, He will be with her just for her.

It was her intention before but now she had to use the money for her argument to counter the agenda she began with before. Now she started to doubt that man as she wanted to even exist in this world.

Though according to her the standards of the man she wants are low, All she wanted an extremely handsome man like no other, single-minded, not materialistic, super talented, singer, pianist, violist etc, A exceptional genius in business, A leadership personality, a righteous soul who will help anyone in need, etc.

Only this much her standards for a man, It's not too much to ask for at least in her eyes.

'This bastard meets most of those standards but why is he this unbearing? Only if he acts like a man, No woman can resist him but sadly his personality is a minus point of his.'

Rebecca was really not able to understand where she could find the man of her dreams. Then her eyes landed on Alex, She had to admit other than his volatile personality, He does meet most of her standers.

Only if there was a way to fix him, She might have had the man of her dreams in her hand, So Rebecca started to think about how to "fix" Alex.

'Too easy.'

Alex here on the other hand heard everything she said in her mind with an increasing grin on his face. This is what he wanted. He wasn't able to play with her standers, So he just changed the game.

Now she had to come and please him to conquer his heart. This way not only he made her do all the work but also lowered her expectation from no compromise to get all she can, Now he just had to wait until she made the move and just show some extra hidden talent of his.

Doing so he did not even have to work at all, He just had to reap the benefits of her work.

[Ding! Congratulations host for unlocking Hidden Achievement "Lazy Villain"...

Lazy Villain : Why should Villain work hard to get heroin when the villain is a prize? She should chase after him.

Requirement: Make 1 heroine thing about chasing (for love) after you (Met)

Reward : Can be able to upgrade any one reward of the last three rewards received before this achievement.]

When he was happy, System's voice came pouring cold water on him with that kinda name but after seeing the reward, he forgave the system.

He knows that he did not check the rewards he received from beating Natahn yet as he was busy with Helen, But with this, he can see which one is suitable to upgrade.

It's just a pity that this one has restrictions that can only be used on the three rewards he received before getting this one. So his plan of using it on God-level acting has to drop for a while.


After their talk Rebecca did not speak but was into deep thinking, Alex also did not bother her, rather he was happy that she was thinking about making his life easier.

Soon their car stopped in front of the big mall, Which is a destination Alex said before after all he was not going to drop this idea of going on a date with Xiao Bai and Grace, He did promise them.

"Get out, Remember tomorrow I will come to pick you up in your dormitory, Be prepared to leave for 10 days."

Rebecca looked at Alex gritting her teeth as he wrapped his one hand around Grace's slender waist, While the other one was rubbing Xiao Bai's head to get out of the car.

Seeing him acting like other women, A strong feeling of disgust appeared in her mind but not for Alex but for these women as they were the ones who make Alex like this one, Before Alex was not this unbearable.

"Did you not want me to unfreeze her? Or did you forget that I had put her in suspended time?"

But Rebecca grinned, Now she has a trump card that can be used to get back the little face she lost in front of him.

"No need *Snap* This will do the trick."

Alex also knew what her intention was, So he did not bother to ask her to unfreeze Grace, He just snapped his fingers taking out his extreme fire, Which was dancing in his fingers, Then he just threw it at Grace.

His fire will not hurt anyone he did not want to and is also strong enough to break through a space barrier S-Rank like Belladonna, So the time barrier of Rebecxa created around Grace was easily broken and burned by his tiny flame.

His flame burned time itself to take Grace out of her suspension, Though its power is based on Rebecca but still, her superpower is S -Rank and yet be able to do this without any problems.

This is the scary power of SS-Rank superpower, Which also says how powerful Aila is and the reason why she was the main heroine of two separate novel plots.


Rebecca looking in horror at Alex as he carried away confused Grace and Xiao Bai with him in the mall.

(A/N : Did you guys think of her (Rebecca)?

• Good 

• Bad 

• Overpowered 

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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