Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 204 202. What Kinda City Is This?

Chapter 204 202. What Kinda City Is This?

"Wh-Where am I-Ahh!!!"

Jake slowly started to wake with the pain all over his body, He tried to stand up but sharp pain from his abdomen halted all his action as he yelped in anguish kneeling down holding his abdomen in pain.

"Why is it hurting so much? Wait why there is blood?"

He glanced down trying to look at what was a problem, Why he felt stabbing pain, He opened his hand just to see his hand is coated in the red liquid, For a second he did not understand what this liquid was but then he understood it was blood, He was bleeding.

Jake was shocked but he did not miss a beat to give himself first aid to his wound, But before that he needed to know the cause of his bleeding, So he unbuttened his shirt revealing the wound then ran a searching technique his master taught him to survey the wound for the cause of injury.

"Wait!!! Who the fuck took my kidney!!!"

Well, he finds out the reason, Someone stole his fucking kidney and did a so-so job to close the wound before dropping him here under the bridge.

This made Jake panic, He ignored the kidney part and started to search his body in anxiety with fear on his face.

"Gone, It's all gone they took everything, My Dragon lord ring too is taken away."

Jake collapsed on the ground after this revelation, He did not have any will to do anything right now, Just lay down and try to wake up from this nightmare of his, He knew once that ring is gone he is nothing.

His Dragon Gate organisation works weirdly because members don't listen to orders of a person with title but directly from Dragon throne. They only take orders from the one who is seated on that throne and that ring of his is the one which gives him the right to sit on that throne.

It's done this way because to their principle of survival of the fittest. If someone can get the ring from him then they would be the one who gets the right to sit on the throne and become the new dragon lord.

In their organization there is mostly no rule other than one, That is they should be loyal to the Dragon gate. They can't go against the command of the dragon lord but can do anything without violating the orders to get the ring and Dragonlord himself also can't give orders that prevent others from trying to get his ring.

Well, it is a dog-eat-dog rule but this is also used to filter out the best of the best candidates for Dragon Lord.

Before Jake used to be proud of this, As even if he technically get the throne of dragon lord because he was a student of the previous dragon lord who is his teacher but he did defend his ring many times that others did not dare to confront him head-on as he used to be S-Rank warrior, the youngest S-Rank in history.

But now he was nothing but a joke. First, he lost to the F-Rank warrior now he was robbed of everything including his damn kidney.

"What kinda city is this? Even kidneys can be stolen like a robbery. You better pray I find you soon and get back my ring, If not I will show you why I am called a blood demon."

Jake after feeling helpless, filled with rage, His eyes have a fire of revenge burning in them as he decided to torture those robber till the end of their pathetic life, He never imagine someone like him have to suffer this much.

"It was him, It was all fault of that white face ugly bastard, It was him why I end up here, I have to teach him a lesson too."

After his ranting, Jake remembers the "ugly" face of a man which was the reason for his current condition. Of course, as the protagonist, he is going to ignore the fact that he was the one who attacked Alex without any provocation only because he did not like his "ugly" face.

He would taint the name of his whole species if he understands his actions has consequences and others will not just lay there and let him hit them in their faces.

"Wait! Hahah, Why should I worry about losing the power of Dragonlord, There is still my dear sister and the power of the Miller family with me, I can easily find both rings and punish that white face, Hahaha! Ahhhh!!! Ouch!! wound is opened, Damn you white face!!"

A beautiful enchanting figure flashed in front of Jake's eyes which washed off all his worries. He laughed as he felt foolish about why he was worrying about when there is the mighty Black Rose sister of his here to help him.

He was so overjoyed that he started laughing maniacally forgetting his wound which ended up tearing it open even more, giving him excruciating pain and making him curse of course Alex as somehow he was at fault for even this one.

'I did not have any Spiritual Power left in my body to seal this wound, How can I go home in this condition.'

Then he found out the scary part. His core was damaged trying to use Lord's seal, so there was not an ounce of power in his body.

He tried to replenish the power by running his cultivate technique but it was as useless as trying to fill up a colander, All the power he collect just leaked out of his body hurting him more in the process.

So he has no way other than to grit his teeth and hobble out of there holding his abdomen still not forgetting to curse Alex while he was making his way in the search of the Miller family house as he didn't know where he was.


"Why hasn't Mother arrived yet?"

Nathan was lying down on the bed being completely covered in bandages from head to toe. Only his eyes and mouth were open and he used that to stare at the door waiting for his mother but she did not show up yet.

"Young master, Madam Gayler is in her office and said she will be working overnight on the important thing. She said she is sorry and asked you to take care. She will come home when the task has been done."

Miss White wearing the White mask popped beside him kneeling on the ground and informing him about the news, While she was saying her eyes looked at him in pain and anger.

She was enraged that which monster dared to hurt her young master this badly. If she finds them she will make that person pay for their sin.

'Is Mother directly going on war with the Miller family? It would be great no matter how strong the Miller family is, they would never want to have a direct conflict with a strong family like us and will definitely throw that white face under the bus to cut losses.'

Other than Nathan being angry or sad his mother was not here with him to take care of him, He was glad thinking she was working this hard because she was going on war with the Miller family to get him justice.

Well yeah, she is working hard right now to work even harder at night with Alex and others which she didn't know about. It's just that if this fact will be known to him, his poor heart might not be able to handle it.

If that happens, who is going to call Alex Daddy? Of course his mother and sister, Is that even a question? 

"Okay, Go away now let me rest."

Nathan was happy now, So he knowing his mother would not come today decided to sleep being lost in the fantasy of being with that beauty he fell in love at first sight while he punished Alex.

"No, I can't let this go, I have to go punish that Alex guy for hurting my young master."

When Nathan fell asleep, Miss White could not bear it and decided to take matters into her own hands.

She wanted to go right now and beat Alex but she did not wants to leave Nathan's side as she did not trust anyone in this family for the safety of her young master except Mister no.1 and no.2, Which were the bodyguard's Miss Gayler gave to him.

'Those two are really brave, They saved the young master even in front of S-Rank warrior, They have proven their loyalty, I can leave the young master in their care while I take care of that Alex guy.'

Pure innocent Miss White did not know how politics work and really thought those bodyguards were the most trustful people she can rely on to protect Nathan in her place.

She really believes they two saved Nathan from the S-Rank warrior who attacked Nathan unprovoked as this is the story she heard and believe it when she saw her youngster did not oppose to this news.

The only problem is that they were too hurt in the rescue of the youngster and are now taking time off to get a medical Thai massage and have a night off today, So she had to wait till they come back, So she can hand over the responsibility of Nathan to them.

(A/N : Sorry for taking a break unannounced but I just needed a break to cool down my thoughts and get that old charm back, I try my best to get it back.

Also today might be another update, if not it would be there next noon.

Again regular updates like before, 1 chapter a day.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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