Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 212 210. Wronged Alex, Guilty Rose

Chapter 212 210. Wronged Alex, Guilty Rose

"That…I am saying that Alex is talking about how he can take three of us mother and daughter together and we still can't extinguish his hunger for the young flesh."

Rose was taken aback seeing the weird expression on her mother's face, She had never seen her like that. That face always used to stay still void of any emotions.

So it was weird to see the smile on her mother's face, But in any case, she was happy at least her mother had not outright not rejected this idea.

Yeah, she knows her mother would never agree to do anything like that, She is even disgusted to be touched by a man much less ask her to sleep with the man with her own daughters.

This thing her proud mother would never in a million years do, She just spoke this so when she asked to be also be with Alex along with Alia, After all her brain works once in a blue moon.

"Why was he talking to you about this matter?.... You did not sleep with him, Right?"

Helen took a moment of silence after once again hearing those words but this time her emotions were not wild and mostly controlled. She was 50% sure that she would not kill her dumb daughter in anger.

So she decided to continue the conversation further. It's just that there is one issue that bothered her.

Why would someone as modest and sweet as Alex would talk things like this to her only daughter who has not slept with him yet. That made her doubt the relationship between the two of them.

She knows someone like Alex would never use his body like that unless he was pressured, blackmailed or forced upon him to do so like she did with him when he grabbed him and forced herself on him.

Yeah, later it was her who was howling out of ecstasy in front and later with her daughter, But that does not matter to her.

The point is that Helen doubts that Rose used her power and connection to make Alex do something he didn't want to do. There is no doubt if this is the case, Natasha would really need to arrange the barrel filled with concrete tonight to add one more member of such barrels down in the river.

"Wh-What!!...No, I mean he kinda doesn't like me, For obvious reason….I few days ago came to him and offered him money to leave my sister Alia."

Rose was flushed red hearing her mother ask that question out of shame, She still regretted why she picked up that phone that night, If only she hadn't done that then, Right now she would be proudly able to say that.

Yes, She Rose Miller slept with the dream of a million women, Alex Winchester but sadly she picked up her phone, Which unknown to her saved her life now.

Because the moment Rose said they didn't have that kind of relationship, The killing instinct just arose in the heart of Helen died down as she looked at her with an adoring look.

"What happened after that? He rejected your money and then what did you do?"

Helen, though quite angry at Rose, humiliates Alex like that but she gives her a pass to live as she now understands why Alex and Alia have a disagreement.

It is most likely Alex was angry with Alia on why her sister did that to him and Alia being her definitely has ignored his hurt feelings, Which might be the reason they took the break and were fighting about it.

So if she thinks about it, Rose is the reason why she is able to be with Alex, and for that reason Helen is very very pleased with her and is ready to also give her a reward, She was just thinking of what to give her.

"No, He accepted the money."

Rose, without thinking much, spoke up after hearing her mother say the wrong thing. That cheque was redeemed not long ago to pay for the medical expenses of Grace's mother.

"Impossible, How dare you lie in front of me, Someone like Alex would not sell his love for a few million UC."

Helen flare-up, She knows someone like Alex would never sell his love for a few broken bucks, She believes in him that he would never do something that humiliating to sell himself-consciousness.

She knows this even before considering Alex belongs to the family of the Nobles, The force that even she thinks twice about going against as an S-Rank warrior.

So someone who belongs to that family would never stoop so low for just a few million UCs. She knows it is only a few million UC as Rose does not have the authority to spend over 10 million UC per day.

Hence she knows Rose was lying, the 2nd thing she hates the most after the people who hurt her Alex.

"No Mother, I am not lying to you, He indeed took the money, But the fact is that I offered him 1 million and he only took 888,389 UC, not one dime more or less."

Rose, seeing her mother did not believe her and even misunderstood her intention, decided to clear things out. She didn't want to reveal this to her mother but now she has to as she spoke too much already.

"He took less than what you offered him? Why?"

Helen wanted to shoot down the words that were coming out of her dumb daughter's mouth labelling that as blasmephy but when he heard the words she halted her speech.

She smelled something that was not right here. The amount was too specific. If she did not knowing it was Alex who said that might have considered this as a trick but because it is related to Alex she ignored all other issues with it and focused on the problem of Alex.

Now that it was about Alex, She started to think about what might be the urgent need of poor Alex that he had to do that, And then find a way to help him.

"He took money for the operation of his classmate's mother but he didn't tell me that. He just hesitated for a while and accounted for the money. I thought he was a gold miner as you said and wanted to forget about it.

It's when I came to meet you, I saw him giving that cheque to his classmate, Who used that to pay the medical bills, So he took money only to help his classmate, he has that big heart and yet I wronged him *Sob*"

Rose answered to Helen as she recalled the events and once she did that all the guilt she was running from caught up to her making her unable to hold her pearl-like tears taint her smooth pinkish cheeks.

She really feels hurt for wronging Alex like that. After all, she is dumb but her heart is like a white cotton, pure and soft.

"Ohhh, So that's why, Wait!! Tell me if that classmate was female or male?"

Helen after hearing the answer also shed a few drops of her own but unlike Rose who was guilty, She was proud of the man she loves, Who is also her daughter's boyfriend.

But suddenly she thought of one key detail, Rose used the gender-neutral term to describe classmates throughout the story, Which rubbed her the wrong way and with increasing jealousy she asked Rose.

Rose, unknown to the fact that she got herself into the middle of the Asura field was about to answer happily for her mother, As she didn't think what the big deal of telling the gender of the classmate was.

She did not understand why from the begin with she had not mentioned that, But now her mother asked, She would answer it honestly.

"Mother, The classmate is- "

*Ring~* *Ring~*

But just when Rose was about to open the Pandora box, Her phone rang, She stopped talking and out of her instinct picked up the phone to see if it was not her sister calling out of instinct without even asking for pardon from her mother.

It's just that Rose is not able to care about that because after seeing the name on the screen, Her pupils become wide.

(A/N : Here is another, Hey also give me your thoughts now on something, I was thinking of making a Zombie-Villain hybrid novel (not normal Zombies, There will be variant and supernatural ones), what do you guys think?

I have been thinking about that for a while and now I have a strong urge to write it, (Just like this book, So I have a good feeling about that novel)

There is no such novel that I know of is on webnovel, So if you are interested please answer me here :



•Pay attention to this book you lazy author

•Zombies are boring, Give something new.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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