Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 218 216. Taste Of Euphoria Part- 1

Chapter 218 216. Taste Of Euphoria Part- 1

That bright golden light like before made contact with Gloria's unreasonable tender skin giving illusion that it would break apart by slight touch, Her belly button was also cute pinkish in colour making her look like a porcelain doll then actual human in beauty.

Alex wanted to appreciate this mature beauty but sadly he has work to do, In his dorm there should be others to arrive. If he did not reach there in time asura field was inevitable.

So he makes the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good, that's how big his heart is but no one appreciates him for it.

While Alex was mourning over that, Gloria was in another realm of comfort, Even though she was drugged up unconscious state but the relief she was feeling a golden light travelling in her body healing and recreating each and every cells present in her to transcend their limits.

She was in euphoria. Before she did not think about anything about her body and just ignored the little slight pain here and there until it became part of her daily life.

But now, She understands how it feels to just relax without any aching or hurting in her body. This level of comfort even she as a toddler did not experience it, giving her an uncanny feeling.


A seductive moan of pleasure escaped from those intoxicating twin sets of enchanting petals of hers, sending shivers of current in the spine of Alex, Which nearly made Alex excited to go for it but he hold himself back not knowing just how long he can hold it.

As the golden light speed up its process, So did its comfort level of Gloria started to increase, Which at one point stopping being comforting and turned into pleasure.

Gloria right now in a state like she was drowning in the sea of ecstasy, Everything she was feeling was nothing but pure bliss, As her cells were getting self-destruct and recreating instantly as new producing a sensation she never felt before in her life.

It was weird. There was that supposed pain but the degree of it was so small that she would not even feel it if she was not paying attention. The most dominant feeling was of nothing.

Yeah the most powerful sensation she was getting from her body was nothing, and that is reasonable as even her nerves which are the responsible for the sending singles to her brain were also reconstructing.

So her body was not giving her any section and yet she was in bliss because the golden light was not even fixing her body but also cleaning and purifying her soul to the next level.

She was getting pleasure from the spiritual level, A raw unfiltered kinda pleasure that can't be put it in words can only be experienced to understand it.


Gloria groaned as the healing process come to the end, Holy Blessing pretty much fixed all her problems including the hidden injuries she got away in the past, now it was just giving the final touch before completing the task.

As that was on the way, Gloria was like a pressure cooker which built up its pressure ready to release it at any moment, The flood water waiting for the opportunity to wash away and rejuvenate the sacred land that had been under the drought for decades.

"Fuc- *Grunt* Just a little more, Hold on for just a little more."

Alex here goes on in his full acting mode, His heavenly like face become flushed, his twin star like eyes become misty blurring his vision making him look like he was super drunk.

But his body was otherwise, He was shaking like a dried-out stalk that would fall off if the wind was a little too fast.

His expression was though not sickly but had that unending tiredness in them making him look super exhausted in need of a very long break.

"Alex, are you okay?!!"

When Liza saw him like this, She panicked, She knew how low man has a spiritual power quota stored in them, And unlike women who can just replenish their power through the mana present in the surroundings on the go easy as breathing but Man has to go and meditate to replenish it that too in slow speed.

She was worried about this. If a normal person somehow completely used their supply of spiritual power it was not that big of a deal as they never needed those things, though it is helpful to be healthy with those powers without it not going to cause them many problems.

But Alex is different, He is not only an F-Rank warrior but he also possesses legendary dual cultivation phyquise, if he deplete his spiritual power and isn't able to replenish it right away he will backlash.

The gift of his will turn into a curse, The best of best scenario will be that he turns into a vegetative state completely losing the control of his body and his senses because of his phyquise shut off because of the lack of power supply.

That is the best case. The worst would be death, His body would completely stop working including his heart and brain sealing his fate.

Though they can still keep him "Alive" through various advanced machines but in her eyes it's better to just let him go than to keep him in that state.

Liza of course does not want this to happen. She wants Alex to stop as this is the initial symptom that his body was running out of power. It is like a panic signal from the body to make him stop whatever he was doing.


Alex did not reply to her as if he was fully concentrating on Gloria and did not have any power left to answer her, but in his heart, he was planning his next steps.

He needs this lovely doctor on his side to help him convince the majority of his harem, After all, her being the well-renowned doctor is going to have a large impact on them then he is saying the same things.

Plus if he said it it's not going to have that level of empathy and power then they find out from someone else behind his back.

This is just a simple physiological trick even 5th-grade kids might know but it is quite effective.

"Humm~ AHhhh!~"

As Alex was going through what he would do, and Liza was contemplating whether or not to forcefully separate him from Gloria, the sleeping beauty on the bed moaned once more.

But still time because all the cells in her body recreated, She was no longer under the influence of drugs, So slowly but slowly she opened her eyes making Alex raise the corner of his lips upward in a sly smile.

(A/N : Sorry for the deal, I don't know trying to work on 4 books at once would be this hard, So I made the decision most of you are going to like it and some hate it.

Here is what I think I would do. Starting next month, there will be a break on "I become Karna with a million times system in Mahabharata." not drop but break for 2 or 3 months.

This book "Surving in the women's world as a novel villain" would be a top priority, So it's going to get daily updates.

My new book which title I am still working on will get 2nd priority after this. If that book got a good response then it would be on the schedule for at least 3 months.

Also "I am a novel villain with netori system" would also get regular updates when I figure out where to upload that fanfic, I am thinking of creating the AI videos and uploading them on YouTube as Web Novel is doing. What do you guys think?

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