Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 227 225. Alex is Fucked Up

Chapter 227 225. Alex is Fucked Up

"*Cough* *Cough* I am fine."

Liza was quick to reach him and then started checking his pulse, Even though she was this close to his naked body, She didn't have any ounce of other thoughts in her eyes.

All her attention was focused on checking on him, No wonder why she was such a famous doctor. When it came to her patients, She ignored everything else and gave them her utmost attention.

Even Alex felt slightly guilty for making her worry like that but he has to if he wants to survive in this world, So it can't be helped.

But still, he tried to give her assurance even to make sure there would be just a slight fluctuation in his spiritual circulation so as not to make her more panic.

'...Not Grace?'

But then Alex was disappointed because the door of the ward was not opened. Yes the door was locked but Grace has gone through the holy blessing skill, So she has the power to break open the door.

Which she would have done if she was outside after all the Grace he knew would have not waited for a second before she made her way towards himself.

Even ignoring the fact that just a moment ago he was banging her own mom, She is that much hopelessly in love with him.

Yet that does not happen meaning the chances of her being out there are close to none, So he focused on the second most likely person, Sandra.

If she really is the one outside then he has to work hard to make sure she does not take this event in a hurtful way. After all, who knows what would happen if she triggers her FL halo.

There is no limit to it, It would not be strange if an asteroid came crashing down on hurt and hit him for hurting FL. It's all possible with their broken luck and passives.

"How can you be fine? The spiritual power running amok in your body, Stop pretending to be strong and just let me deal with it."

Liza was not a bit happy with his answer, She could sense how wildly the spiritual power was running in his body.

Yeah, there is no clear sign on it but that fluctuations of the spiritual power indicate something more going on in his body that she does not know about.

In any case, if it is related to spiritual power, It's taken utmost seriously because that is always a matter of life and death

So Liza who cares about Alex, did not take it lightly that he was ignoring such signs, She roared at him like an angry lioness making her position quite clear.

"....Can you at least pass me the dress you arranged? It's chilly here."

What else can Alex say other than to agree with her? He too knows when it take the wheel and when to release the control.

Right now, It's Liza's turn to be in charge as a doctor, So he lets her be, He is still busy with making a plan, It's just for to that he should be properly dressed.

Not only because he didn't want to give Sandra a visual representation of what happened here which would throw water over all his work but also because he was really feeling cold.

"Oh, here it is, Cover yourself quickly, Don't catch a cold in such a situation."

Liza, hearing Alex quickly got up and brought the dress her hidden guards brought to him.

They delivered it to her way before putting it outside the door. She brought it in and put it on the desk so Alex would not be embarrassed.

So she just reached out to the table and gave the dress to Alex while still monitoring his pluses.

Alex let her be, He quickly stood up and put his dress on ready to start his acting to save his ass.

"Thank yo-*Cough* *Cough* *Huff*."

Alex, going through the plan in his mind decided to follow through with it, while thanking Liza burst out in bad coughing. He was trying to stop it but just was not able to.

His breath became haggard and even his spiritual power started fluctuating from going low to high without any restrictions. There was a tiny amount of blood also coming out while coughing.


Liza panicked seeing his condition, He was on the brink of losing all his spiritual powers. If that happens, Her nightmare will become reality. He would either go into a vegetative state or die.

She doesn't know what is worse, She doesn't want anything like that to happen, So she is ready to use the forbidden arts of medics from her family heritage on Alex.

That art does not have any fancy names. It's just called forbidden healing art but the power of it is too scary. Even if the person is helpless and is on the brink of dying, that technique can save them.

The only price is that the user will lose their ability to ever use that skill technique again, So it's only a one-time use thing.

There is a clear rule in families that this technique is only allowed to be used when it's a matter of the user's life and death or their family is in danger, Other than that they can't use it.

That is why this is a forbidden technique and the White family is clear about that, because if someone broke that rule they forever lose the ability to inherit the family.

And if the head of the family like Liza wastes it then though she would not be dethroned because of it but she would have to face severe punishment for it by the elders in the family but Liza does not care at this moment.

All she knew was that to save Alex, She couldn't allow harm to befall on him, Not when she had the power to prevent it.

'Got it, It's Sandra.'

While Liza was in a panic, Alex who was paying attention to the outside sensed the hurried moment of pulling something out which he guessed was a smartphone as after which the person outside started typing on the device.

This is the reaction he knows Sandra would do, After all for some reason FL always has some hidden connections with people outside her pay grade.

She should be calling them out inviting him into more trouble but he this is a sacrifice he has to make to make FL bend her views on the harem, So it is worth it.

"Liza stop don't use that, See I am fine, It just happens whenever I run low on mana, Now that I recovered it would be fin-"

*Burst Open"

"Alex, are you alright? Where is blood? Are you hurt? Show it to me."

Alex after confirming that it was Sandra decided to stop acting and go for fixing the issue with her but while he walked talking to Liza the door of the ward burst open and with worried teary eyes Grace rushed inside the ward.

She quickly made her way towards him and started checking for injuries. She became more panicked when she saw traces of blood on his hand and the corner of his lips.

Alex's mind went blank as he did not consider the obvious possibility of Grace and Sandra both standing together outside, Even though it was he who asked Sandra to take care of Grace.

'That dumbass is still affecting me.'

Alex put all the blame for this mistake on the poor Rose, Who did nothing other than believe stupidity is an infectious disease, What is her fault in it that she is stupid? Blame her mother if you have guts for the poor genes.

Now he didn't know how to react. His plan is fixable but it is still going to change many unpredictable variables.

Even if Grace has blind love for him, he can't take her for granted. Not only would it hurt her feelings but it might even awaken some strange things in her.

He likes her as she is, A pretty woman who is wholeheartedly in love with him and can do anything for him. What else more he can ask for?

'Wait! Why am I panicking? Just a slight change in the plan not going to hurt, It is the same way to deal with Sandra just have to change a few dialogues for Grace.'

Alex after a brief moment of panic comes to the realization that he has nothing to feel panic about.

Yeah, he can't take Grace for granted but he also does not have rigid conditions for her, She is not that strong-headed, He can handle both of these women simultaneously.

He can even use both Liza and Grace's views on harem to influence Sandra, So at the end of the day this new revelation is going to work in his favor, doesn't it?

It can even put him one step ahead to tame the FL. This made Alex joyful because this was a surprise for sure but a welcome one.


Well, His joy did not last long because Xiao Bai who was sleeping in the chair a while ago suddenly opened her eyes and started growling at the ward door intently.

'Oh please god don't.'

The moment Alex saw that his face turned white, He started praying in his heart that don't let it be what he thinks it is, He would be happy if it was anything else other than his nightmare.


But alas, how can a villain be that lucky? While standing still praying he felt the very ominous aura spread across him, When he felt that he knew.

'I am fucked up, Aren't I?'

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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