Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 250 248. Absolute Defence

Chapter 250 248. Absolute Defence

?Sandra was in deniel, She can she what is front of her but refuse to acknowledge it.

After all, How can she acknowledge it? From the looks of it, That is a legendary myth of absolute defense.

What is about is obvious from the name, But this was just an urban legend, A stories master taught their disciples to make them work harder.

But in reality nothing like this used to exist, At least until now.

Because reason is simple, Absolute defense is said to be a state master entre in they master their defensive techniques to the utmost level that they create completely new technique oriented around defense.

And that techniques is Absolute Defence from the legends, It's said that when one fathom this technique, That person set into a realm that others can't even imagine because they are not capable of doing so.

But it was still an urban legend for the reason that, There was no one who in the recorded history had ever mastered this state.

Another reason being, It was impossible to call human technique an absolute defense as humans are limited by their physical capabilities.

So each techniques has a counterattack, For example, Snake style which focused on agile and quick moves can be beaten with eagle style specialized in the unpredictable moves.

While turtle style counter eagle one. This all happen because huwoman body is limited. When it is doing one thing, It would expose another side of weakness.

That become more people when knowing each huwoman has their own set of pro and cons.

So there can never be an absolute defense state for huwomans as each person would be always lacking against one type of style.

But what is in front of her then? She didn't see Alex making move but from her inherent survival instincts she was sure that Alex definitely has mastered and step into the that legendary state.

Normally most people would ignore this as this is just an stupid hunch that is not backed by logic but Sandra is not a normal person.

Every time she got this gut feeling, It was always right, So her eyes are not deceiving her at all.

Yet she not wants to believe it, She is unwilling to admit something as broken as Alex exists in this world.

Not only did he have quite strong superpower but there is also a dual cultivation physique that was said to be impossible for man to have before.

That is enough to change her worldview there but what about now? If she admit Alex indeed achieved absolute defense then didn't that mean she will be looser in this game?

Which meant she would lost him forever, She didn't want that to happen, She was unwilling to let that happen.

'No, It can't be Absolute Defence, Maybe his S-Rank sister has taught him some superior technique related to defense.'

Sandra shook her head and for the first time in her life decided to ignore her instincts and go by the logic she thinks is highly possible.

After all, S-Rank can have techniques unheard and unseen of before. It's highly likely to protect her brother that sister taught him some forbidden technique or something.

The way Alex said how much his sister used to spoil him is understandable, But still even if this was the case, Sandra was very impressed by him.

Because the higher the level of technique, The more talented and potential one has to learn and master it.

And looks of it Alex already mastered this technique, So her previous estimation if his power was very wrong.

He is not any weak man but one in that exceptional man that others like men's activists would use as an example when saying man can do those things ignoring that there are always some variables.

'This one to has to have some weakness but what?'

So not that she thinks this is some superior technique Sandra started to look for the weakness in the technique that she can exploit.

After all, No matter how good the technique is, That is made for huwoman means there would definitely be at least one weakness because of human limitations.

The hard part was to find that in this limited time, But she was sure she could find it. She always does, This time there is no difference in it.

So Sandra after taking a second to prepare herself once again lunged forward to Alex and then like the last two times ended up on the floor.

But this time she was not disappointed but there was a spark in her eyes with a satisfied smile adorning her plum lips.

Finally, finally she saw it. Though it was just a blur but unlike before she was able to see his moment, which means there is a chance. She just has to pay more attention and then she can figure out the weakness.

Simple as that, Yes for her this was always the case, Up until this life of hers she never faced defeat, Yeah she came close to it but she always found a way, This would also not be any different than before.


Alex here throwing FL for 3rd time was enjoying it but he too noticed the strangeness of Sandra, His fighting incidents were quick to notice it even before his brain did.

Sandra was evolving, Yeah evolving not learning, He can sense the pattern Sandra used before starting to change or say evolve to a new one, her body too started to adapt to his move.

Like before 2 times he had to throw her in an angle to not her face hit the floor directly but now her body subconsciously adjusted and protected her face from hitting the floor.

This was a new thing. There is no way current Sandra could beat him with his immortal level skill but if she is given enough time and training with him, Alex is confident that she would be able to step into immortal level skill in 10 to 15 years.

Yup only that much time she needed to achieve something that no other can not even imagine and considering she is FL, That time can be even less thanks to the opportunity she would get.

'Let's push her push limits a little.'

Now that Alex started to fight and got the enough data about her changes, He decided to go with the plan he created before. It would be crucial for his conquest.

(A/N : 6th one, Can you guys please leave a message if you liked the novel or not? I will fix grammar mistakes soon enough.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day ??.)

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