Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 71 71. Horney Isabella

Amara's body slammed into Rita's body. As she was not prepared, both of them fell to the ground with full force. Then, without further ado, she stood up, grabbed Rita's wrist and dragged her into the bedroom before slamming door shut.

"What is happening?"

Isabella couldn't understand what just happened as it happened too fast. Amara just lunged towards the new girl. But that's not important. What she was more concerned about was the fact that the new woman didn't have any clothes on her body.

She was butt-naked and she walked out of the room in that condition. Seeing her casual action, she should be very familiar with the house and people here, as no sane woman would appear naked in front of a man as handsome as Alex unless she was in a physical relationship with him or not interested in a man.

"So Amara is Lala?"

Well, Isabella threw the option of Rita being in a physical relationship with Alex out of the window as it is not good for her mental health. So she directly confirmed the second part being the truth. Even the reaction of Amara was seen as proof in her eyes.

"Sorry, she has a serious case of 3-stage stupidity. Unfortunately, that can't be cured. Poor her."

Alex answered her as he, at some point, was standing by her side only a few metres away. As he spoke in pity, he ran his hand through his thick, luscious, dark hair to fix his bed hair.

"Pfft - Hahaha!"

Isabella couldn't help but laugh. She held her flat stomach as she chuckled and her body shook as she tried to hold back her amusement. Her big, soft bosom also jiggled, as if it might defy gravity.

"Is this a laughing matter? My sister has a serious health condition. You do know that stupidity is deadly."

Alex said with a stern face and a hardened tone. He looked like he was really angry seeing her reaction to his news.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't know it was this serious."

Isabella quickly said, realizing that her tone with Alex was inappropriate.

An unreasonable fear rose in her heart as she turned around and apologized to him for her mistake. She didn't know why she reacted like that. Maybe it was the unknown family background Amara had mentioned, or the fear of being disliked by Alex.

For the first time as the head of the family, Isabella felt raw fear and uneasiness as Alex didn't reply to her yet.

"Hahaha, got you! I'm just kidding. Don't be that scared, Isabella."

Alex said, taking a 180° turn and bursting out laughing. He tapped her on the shoulder and then lightly squeezed it, making it seem natural, and Isabella thought that Alex was just being friendly.

But Alex had a deeper meaning behind this simple act. He was programming her subconscious to not be too alert to his touch so that he could push forward slowly. He still had to maintain his persona of a pure good boy, at least in the initial period of the raid.

As the head of the family, Isabella felt raw fear and uneasiness for the first time, as Alex didn't reply to her yet.

<Mistake pleas ignore : But Alex had a deeper meaning behind this simple act. He was programming her subconscious to not be too alert to his touch, so that he could push forward slowly. He still had to maintain his persona of a pure good boy, at least in the initial period of the raid.>

"I-I wasn't scared at all. It just startled me."

Isabella quickly lied, not wanting to admit that she was scared. She was shocked to hear Alex and cursed herself for not understanding the simple thing that a man's heart is like a sea of needles.

But she was also a little excited. Alex's hand on her shoulder sent a current of pleasure through her body, making her shiver a little. Her body also heated up as her face flushed with the blood rush. Her heart thumped fast, and her breathing increased. Her nether region also became moist, and it started to tingle. She held back her urge to rub herself right here and now to extinguish the fire of desire in her heart.

Seeing her condition, Alex was satisfied. After all, he had not just simply touched her, but used his ecstasy hands on a low level. This not only slowed down her thinking process but also became a source of suppressed lust, making it easier for him to touch her as she would ignore it at another moment.

"What's happening to me? Is this my second youth kicking in? I've never felt this hot and thirsty before. Why is my body burning?" Isabella couldn't understand this sudden change in her body. She had never felt this way before.

Even though she was the mother of two, she had never felt this way. She had to deal with it since that was the logic that worked in this world.

"Really? And here I thought I could hug you as an apology, but now it looks like that's not needed."

Alex said, laughing in his mind. It was too easy to tease someone like Isabella, just look at her face, the complicated emotions, those struggling and painful eyes as she regretted talking too much.

"Well...I do got scared a little, just a tiny bit," Isabella corrected herself.

Isabella wanted to slap herself for her large mouth. If she had just shut up and agreed, she should have been able to hug him. But she had to ruin it. Still, she didn't want to give up. She quickly changed her statement, ignoring the aftermath of it.

Right now, as Alex wanted, her thinking was controlled by lust. So it would be much easier for Alex to make her do something that she would not do in a sane mind.

"You just want a hug, don't you? You just had to ask. Here," Isabella said.

Alex had a wide, friendly smile on his face as he opened his arms and hugged her, taking in her plump, sensual figure.

As he tightened his hold on the hug, he realized he had underestimated the size of her softness. Two big, warm, elastic mounds of hers were pressing against his muscular chest. He naturally wrapped his hands around her slim waist, which somehow didn't have an ounce of fat even when she had this plump figure. He put them just above her tight ass as if he were teasing her.

Isabella put her chin on his shoulder. Her already fast breathing increased once again. Her hot breath hit Alex's neck, making him also excited. Alex knew he could complete the first option right here and now if he wanted to. He just had to budge her a little, but he didn't.

He would not lose a war over some petty victory in a small battle. He had a huge vision in his mind, so he just had to keep reaching her until she couldn't take it anymore. That time, he would be able to do whatever he wanted. He just had to wait for a little bit.

"Here, are you happy?"

Alex let go of her body as he broke their hug. He spoke with a friendly tone as he looked at the reluctant eyes of Isabella. She should have been really annoyed and teased by his hand being near her ass. After all, she was already horny, and his actions were like a teasing foreplay.

"He seems friendly. Is Nathan lying to me? Is he jealous of Alex's looks, that's why he had trouble with him? After all, Alex does not look like a person to hurt someone unprovoked,"

Isabella couldn't help but wonder about the truth and reality of the situation. She got a firsthand glimpse of their background of Alex, and yet he was so friendly. He even hugged her. So the seed of doubt took root in her heart.

Of course, this revelation had nothing to do with Alex's looks and the strong feeling in her heart. She was 90...80...70% sure of it. It was all logical reasoning.

When Alex saw those thoughtful eyes of hers, he smirked. Who said that one action can be only for achieving one thing? He planned so that he could have his cake and eat it too.

Like right now, he just sowed the seed in her heart. Not long after, he would pit this mother against her own son. Even behind this, Alex had a reason. If he now cut off one early win of the protagonist by separating one of the biggest help in the early stage, his mother, then didn't that force the world to give him another one?

And who do you think that help will be? He was eyeing that help. He was setting the web to catch the character that had not appeared yet in the plot.

"By the way, I am sorry that your son got hurt. Do you know who beat him?"

Then he, of course, gave another reason to doubt her son because technically he had nothing to do with converting Nathan into a mummy. It was all done by Rita. If he pulled some strings, he could even twist and turn to create a story that made it look like it was all Nathan's fault.

Or he didn't even have to do much as most of it was Nathan's fault for his condition. He just had to make those things more visible and exacerbate them.

"Huh!? Sorry, but I was told you are the one who hurt him. Can you tell me your side of the story?"

Isabella was surprised to hear Alex's words. The doubt in her heart increased even more. Now she wanted to hear Alex's side of the story. Unlike before when she was just doing this to not create trouble for her family, now it was personal. She hated liars the most.

So even if her son was the one who lied, she would severely punish him. She had a rule not to lie because she, as a businesswoman, saw cons in them. As it would create too much trouble for her. Of course, the rule is not to lie. You are free to not tell the truth. Be clever, just don't give others something they can use against you.

"Well, when my girlfriend and I exited out of the elevator, I saw him covered in bandages, carried in a wheelchair and-"


Alex wanted to talk vaguely about the situation and let her figure it out, but Shapira might have felt neglected. She roared at Alex to get his attention, which she got successfully. This was also a good thing. Let Isabella wonder. His Peach Blossom eyes should be working on her.

He planned to ferment the effect of it before he tapped into it.

"Ohh, you felt left out girl? Or are you hungry?"

Alex walked back to Shapira. She was seated in the same position as she was before, looking at him with puppy eyes. Well, give her a break, she was going through an identity crisis.

He couldn't resist. He stretched his hand and rubbed her head, which she enjoyed thoroughly.

"He already has a girlfriend. Why?"

Isabella, other than getting frustrated by Alex leaving mid-conversation, was glad he stopped talking. Because the moment he mentioned his girlfriend, she felt pain in her heart as if someone had plunged a blunt knife into it.

She remembered the thing she was trying to ignore. Alex is the boyfriend of Alia. The same Alia who is known not just for her business talent but also for her beauty. She suddenly became self-conscious as she felt low about herself.

"No, I, too, am beautiful. In my youth, I was known as a white lotus because of my beauty. I should steal Alex from Alia, not for me but to keep my family safe... Yes, Alex should have a terrifying background. If Alia teamed up with him, no top family in Berlin city could defend against them. I am just trying to protect my family; others will understand it."

Isabella jumped headfirst into the pit Alex just laid for her. As it was said before, Alex would not make any meaningless decisions. Each plan of his was well thought out, and as he got used to this world, his rules became sharper and sharper.

Let's just ignore the fact Isabella doesn't know what white lotus means but focus on what she wanted to do.

Her hands clenched as she made a decision. She looked at Alex's back with her eyes full of desire and love for him. She now wanted him. She wanted something this badly for the first time in her life, and she would go to get it.


"Mom should be making Alex regret why he even means something to me right now. I wish I were there to see his face, but that doesn't matter. I will get lots of opportunities to see him suffer. Hahaha, Arrack."

In the manner of the Gayler family, the protagonist who is ignorant of how he shot himself in the foot by sending his mother to Alex and was lost in a fantasy about how he was going to torture Alex later.

"I don't know what mom likes. I should take her on a date to ease her mind and thank her for her help."

Nathan here is making plans about taking his mother on a date while Alex plans on taking her to bed. That's the difference between the protagonist and the villain.

(A/N: It will happen soon. You all know what I am talking about, right? 😉

As always, thank you for reading, and have a good day �.)

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