Surviving With An Sss Rank Inventory

Chapter 33

Surviving With An Sss-Rank Inventory Chapter 33

Episode 33:

A golden dawn that did not expect a bomb.

And Dio said that he would report to the Knights that the source of this bomb was the work of the Golden Dawn.

It was an exhilarating moment to even imagine the process of the two huge obstacles that had previously suppressed the growth of Gore Howl interlocking and offsetting each other.

Tusk closed his eyes and slowly savored the bitter taste of the beer.

Because he was from the North, where survival comes first, he was non-religious, but if he were told to believe in only one being, he would believe in Dio.

Anyway, now there is no one to stop you in the back alley.

“Hey, pair of eyes! Why do you look so nervous? “Come and sit here.”

“Yes old boss!”

Tusk was in a good mood and sat down next to him.

Even his face turned red, probably because he was pleasantly drunk.

“I know you’re being cautious, but don’t worry. “Because the plan is perfect.”

“All right. But you must not let your guard down until the end.”

“okay. “This is why I like you.”

The pair of eyes was more of a piece of advice to be careful of people from the Eastern Continent rather than a plan.

However, Tusk was showing complete trust in Dio, so he could not understand the words of the pair of eyes.

“There will be no problem with the plan, right?”

“of course.”

At Tusk’s words, the pair of eyes looked as if something pricked them, but perhaps because of the hot alcohol, Tusk did not notice this.

But she felt a dangerous twinge in her heart.

This was something Tusk often felt when his northerner’s unique sensitivity was activated.

‘I guess not…’

What happens today is like a cornerstone for Tusk to get out of the well of the back alley and head to the big water.

Tusk had high expectations that he would get drunk, so he didn’t think it was a big deal.

The bomb explodes at 12 o’clock sharp.

Among the bombs installed throughout the city, the place where they used the most force was none other than the clock tower in the square.

The towering clock tower was clearly visible to Tusk as it was the tallest building in River North.



Just like the past four days, I feel like time is passing by so slowly.



it’s almost time.

It will be a historic day when the fortress-like River North will burn and a cataclysm will occur.


something is strange. The sound of the clock tower’s second hand ticking seems to be coming from right next to me.

Could the sound of the clock tower hands moving in the distance be heard all the way up here?


“Holy shit.”

Tusk got up from his seat and swore harshly.

No matter how different she may have taken a different path from the honor-oriented Northerners, she did not ignore her second intuition.

Did Tusk’s subordinates also assimilate to this and sense the danger?

The subordinates also began searching the surroundings at the unmistakable sound of the clock.

“Boss Boss! here…!”

The pair pointed to the wooden box they had been sitting on just a moment ago, and Tusk roughly pushed the pair and put his ear to the box.


“Damn it!”

Tusk urgently tried to open the wooden box.

However, due to lack of time, Tusk could not easily open the wooden box, which was tightly sealed with nails.


Tusk smashed the top of the wooden box with his fist and grabbed the gap with both hands to apply strength.



Thanks to Tusk’s strength, he succeeded in tearing off the box’s lid, but his strength was probably too much and the entire box fell into pieces, raising a cloud of dust.

As a result, while the view was blocked, the sound of the second hand coming from the contents of the box became even louder, perhaps because the noise-blocking box was completely gone. Was it


inside the box?

Tusk grabbed a piece of paper fluttering among the dust clouds.

It was a note.

Tusk waved his massive arm, cleared away the dust around him, and checked the contents.

The note contained the following:

-You guys are so bomb-

At the same time, the dust cleared and I was able to look straight at the bombs filled in the box.


It’s not just the bomb in front of you. Dozens and hundreds of wooden boxes naturally placed in the warehouse.

The sound of a second hand was clearly heard in the ears of Tusk and his subordinates, who were facing the situation.



The second hand, like a countdown to death, stopped and the bomb in front of Tusk glowed dazzlingly.


* * *


Bubble bubbung-!

“and! mom! Look at that! “It’s a firecracker!”

“I know. “What day is today?”

A spectacular fireworks show that explodes throughout River North City.

People looked at the sky in amazement at the fireworks that started in broad daylight.

Surprisingly, the bombs that Gore Howl installed in the clock tower were fireworks that had no effect on the city.

Not just the square.

The barrage of fireworks exploding all over River North warmed people’s hearts.

-Wow, it’s so pretty!

-What on earth is going on? Lord, do you hold events like this?

-haha! Isn’t this what the lord thinks of us?

“You have to watch this at night.”

A man who looks at the sky calmly, unlike other people who are surprised and happy.


Dio, who couldn’t sleep at all last night, yawned loudly.

It was worth running around all night changing bombs into firecrackers.

Gore Howl was so diligent that he almost didn’t make it on time, but in the end he succeeded in replacing every bomb without missing one.

Where is the real bomb?

-Aaaah! There’s fire!

-It looks like the fireworks caught fire!

-Call the security quickly!

Among the people enjoying the fireworks event, Dio looked at the place where the ‘real’ bomb exploded.

“It exploded very spectacularly.”

Dio whistled and slowly looked at the notification window that appeared the moment the explosion exploded.

[Named: Gore Howl boss was defeated.]

[71442 experience points were obtained.]

[Gore Howl executives were defeated…]

[3778 experience points were obtained…]



[The back alleys of Rivernos have been cleared.]

[Quest completed!]

[Reward – Honorary Rivernos Knights medal has been obtained.]

[The level has increased.]

Even if Tusk has strong stamina, it is inevitable if he gets caught in a cluster of bombs. .

Dio recalled the eventful days of the past while carrying out this operation.

Two days ago.

Gore Howl’s gang completed the task of planting bombs throughout Rivernos under Tusk’s instructions.

Centered around the central plaza, there are major commercial facilities, underground waterways, and numerous guild buildings.

However, there was only one place that Tusk Ani Dio did not give instructions.

That’s the Knights’ Mansion.

Dio said that even though Sigmund was his ally, it was better to avoid places guarded by knights, and Tusk also agreed.

However, there is only one person who disagrees with this.

The pair of eyes did not want things to go as the arrogant eastern continenter wanted, and Dio saw through this.

A person with too much loyalty is bound to act strangely.

Jak-Nun’s actions, prepared for death, were unstoppable, and Dio, who followed behind him, discovered the bomb he had secretly hidden.

He was ready to risk death for his boss, who fell for his gray-lipped tongue.

“It’s obvious.”

Dio sneered while holding the bomb hidden by his partner.

Dio succeeded in collecting all the bombs that Gore Howl had planted, including the pair of eyes.

Dio assured that Tusk would want to witness the moment the bomb exploded with his own eyes.

The best view of the clock tower in Gore Howl’s area.

That place was a warehouse, and the bomb was easily replaced to avoid the eyes of Gore Howl, who had vacated the base on Tusk’s orders.

Returning to the present, what the bombs Dio had changed into were fully visible in the sky of Rivernos.


[Christmas Firecrackers]

Grade: Event

Level Restriction: None

Effect: Carves joy and happiness into the sky for 100 minutes.


The event fireworks stored in one corner of the River North warehouse were doing their job well.

Dio continued to look at the sky where fireworks were exploding and looked around the bustling surroundings with bated breath.

Currently, Dio is hiding in the back alleys of the Golden Dawn area.


[Cloak of Stealth]

Grade: Unique

Classification: Cloak

Level Restriction: 20

Effect: Stealth Lv1 available.


Dio watched the movements of the Golden Dawn while wearing the precious invisibility cloak.

As expected, Golden Dawn, whose troops were dispersed, seemed helpless due to Gore Howl’s sudden raid.

-Ugh! These bastards!

-Ludence is over there!

The leader of the Golden Dawn may not have been as strong as Tusk, but fell in vain from the swords of the Gore Howl gang.

Dio, who had checked the entire process in detail, left after confirming that the one hour he had promised to Sigmund had passed.

Doo doo doo doo –

As soon as Dio left the back alley, the knights who were already fully prepared led the guards through the back alley.

‘It worked out just as I expected.’

With this, the back alley clearing quest came to an end.

The GoreHowls who were fooled by Dio’s lies will all be arrested by Sigmund, who they thought was on their side.

‘I hope Sigmund trusts me with this.’

There was no damage to the city.

And the simultaneous fall of the two major powers controlling the back alleys would be good news not only for Sigmund, but also for the lord and the people of the territory.

‘I might be stubborn for no reason. In times like this, you need to move right away.’

Dio tried to show Sigmund his abilities to the best of his ability.

Nevertheless, it could not be said with certainty that it would have changed Sigmund’s mind about Sephia.

Because worrying about your family cannot be satisfied with anything.

‘If you add Sephia’s letter containing her firm thoughts, you won’t intentionally try to disturb me.’

Now that Sigmund is away to clear out the back alleys.

Dio stopped by his room, packed his luggage, and headed to the Knights’ Mansion to take Sepia with him.

* * *

Sephia looked out the window in silence at the fireworks that filled the city sky.


A wonderful sky that I have never seen before in River North.

This firework, which lasted for over an hour, was more colorful and beautiful than any firework Sepia had ever seen.

The last gift that Dio spoke of would be this very moment.

Sepia looked at the letter she had written with great care.

With this firework, Sephia felt that she had to break away from Sigmund. The sound of a door



“huh? who are you?”

Sepia, who had been hiding the letter, looked at the open door.

But for some reason, there was nothing in front of the open door.

“weird. The door is obviously locked…”

The moment Sepia slowly walks towards the door that is difficult to open on its own due to its structure.

Slurp –

A shadow starting from the corner of the room.

It moved cautiously, as if the shadow was moving on its own, and began to pounce on Sepia.

Survive as an SSS-level warehouse character

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