Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 5: Essence, Intent, and Domain Part 1

Chapter 5: Essence, Intent, and Domain Part 1

Qin didn't even turn around. He could guess the monster beast behind him. He instantly activates his Lightning Spirit Body and moved towards the grassland. His speed rose to the speed of a lightning bolt.

In just a few seconds, he reached out of the forest but the reindeer's mother didn't stop chasing him.

'Sorry for killing your son/daughter. But, the stomach is evil. So, please stop chasing me!' Qin wanted to cry but tears won't come out. He deactivated his bloodline because he found it consumes a lot of stamina. Now, he had to overuse it.

His stamina was running down even before he could escape.

'What to do? What to do? I can't throw it. My stamina is already consumed.' Qin gritted his teeth with the unwillingness flashing on his eyes. He was alone and if he throws it away. He won't be able to hunt another without stamina.

"Hey you, need a hand!" Suddenly, a rough voice rang on his ears. Qin was startled and instinctively tried to run away from the voice. But, a huge sound made his footstep halt.


"Tch! Just a Rank Two Monster." The voice once again rang before he could turn around his head. His mind instantly understood her words and got speechless when he found that he was running away from the Rank Two Monster.

He turned around and saw a young girl. Her hairs were surprisingly short, unlike any other woman he has seen. Her clothes were also tight. Her body was tanned. And, she seems someone of his age.

"Wow! I can't believe you dare to kill the child of a rank Two Monster while being at the Middle Period of First Stage." She slowly walked towards the dead body as she praised him.

'Huh!' His expression changed as he questioned himself 'What the hell is she talking about?'

But suddenly his expression changed when he noticed that the qi inside his body was flowing in a different pattern. It was much faster and smoother.

'Holy sh*t! Did I just reach Middle Period in a single day? My holy god of the stomach, when did this happen?' Qin froze as he totally forgot about the fatigue on his body. But soon, his eyes started as he felt he was slowly losing consciousness and fall


But suddenly, the girl with tanned skin rushed near him and caught him in her arms.

"Hey, did you lose so much stamina using Lightning Spirit Body? How come you even dare to enter the forest with such low stamina?" The girl with tanned skin asked as she held him in the most romantic position.

'This..... It feels so good. She is so good. Can I lie down like this....??? Sh*t! What the hell am I thinking? How come I think like that? I am a man. I need to straighten up.' Qin gritted his teeth and knock himself conscious by cursing himself.

"Sorry... Hu! That was the first time I used Lightning Spirit Body." Qin slowly walked away from her arms and tried to catch her breath and stay awake. But suddenly, his eyes widen as he looked at her and shouted "Wait, how you know I have Lightning Spirit Body?"

"You literally used the lightning powers in front of me. Your qi doesn't belong to the lightning element. And, you haven't comprehended the lightning element. What else do you expect me to guess?" The girl with tanned skin snorted at him as she walked back to the dead body and started cutting its parts.

"And, how did you find that I don't have lightning qi or comprehended lightning element?" Qin asked suspiciously as he looked at her. Even though she seems powerful, he doesn't she is in a completely different realm.

"Did you just start your cultivation today? It's just how you use Qi Sense, idiot? Didn't your parents teach you that?" The girl with tanned skin got a little annoyed by his questions and shouted.

"I am an orphan," Qin replied with not a single bit of sadness in his eyes. But, his words made her pause. She bites her lips and said, "Sorry, I get annoyed with simple things."

"So, can you explain what the Qi Sense is?" Qin didn't care about her apology. Since he didn't feel bad about her words. He just wanted to get answers.

"Every cultivation technique teaches you the Qi Sense at the beginning. Whenever you unlock Qi Sense, you can sense the qi in the surroundings. This is the most basic way to use Qi Sense. If you practice Qi Sense Art, then you can learn a way to hide your Qi, sense other's Qi, since the quantity and quality of qi."

"You can also sense the element inside qi. But before you ask anything else, I want to know when did you start cultivation and where did you get the cultivation technique?" The girl with tanned skin look at Qin with suspicion.

Normally, orphans do not get a chance to cultivate because cultivation techniques are truly expensive in the market. And, she doesn't know why but she got the feeling that Qin started his cultivation recently.

"Uhh! Today, in the morning. I found the cultivation technique on the barren land. Originally, I was there to retrieve a donkey that I own and all of my belongings. But, I ended up falling into a massive wind storm. The next day I woke up I found that there were many things around me like the pile of garbage."

"There, I found a sword, two daggers, a cultivation technique, and martial art. I picked it up and started practicing." Qin wasn't an idiot to tell her the truth. But, he couldn't lie to her either. After all, she might even decide to end his life.

"Can I check that technique?" The girl with tanned skin slowly stood up and walked towards him.

Her words made him tremble. He took a deep breath to calm himself down and suddenly heard, "Don't worry, I am just curious about the cultivation technique and whether you have a talent for cultivation or not. If you have then I can take you to join Battle Dragon Sect."

Hearing her words, his eyes narrowed. He knows one or two things about the sect. There are not many sects and all of them are in the city. Sect only takes in geniuses and if you are not, then you can never enter it.

He took a deep breath and decided to give her the scroll. When she took the scroll and read it, she frowned and looked at him "Are you out of your mind? Why would you practice one of the most useless and also the slowest technique of all time?"

"Do you know how hard it is to comprehend a single element? Just imagine comprehending five, you will die even before you reach Qi Condensation Realm."

Qin's mouth twitched when he heard that. He thought having five elements is awesome but who knew it would be this troublesome.

"Since you have Lightning Spirit Body, you can join our Battle Dragon Sect and cultivate Lightning Hegemon Technique. It is an ancient body and qi cultivation technique. Of course, it won't be easy to get that technique."

"Before entering the Battle Dragon Sect, you must participate in a special mission where your talent and strength will be examined. There will be three results of this mission excluding if you fail. The first and the highest mark will be A, the second will be B, and the third will be C."

"If you obtain A, then you can choose an Intent Rank Low Tier Cultivation Technique, two Essence Rank High Tier Martial Arts, a Spirit Rank Low Tier Sword, and ten Essence Stones. If you obtain B, then you can choose an Essence Rank High Tier Cultivation Technique, two Essence Rank Middle Tier Martial Art, a Profound Rank Middle Tier Sword, and five Essence Stones."

"Finally, if you obtain C, then you can choose an Essence Rank Middle Tier Cultivation Technique, one Essence Rank Low Tier Martial Art, and two Essence Stones. Lightning Hegemon Technique is Intent Rank Low Tier Cultivation Technique."

"Wait, wait, wait, what do you mean by Intent Rank and Essence Rank and body cultivation? And, can I really get an essence stone if I get an A on this mission?" Qin knows a little bit about Essence Stone since he had learned about it from the family.

But, he never got a chance to understand the ranks of the cultivation technique and martial arts. Of course, he knows a little about Body cultivation as well but he didn't know the realm. He mixed it with others so that he can get answers from her

"Oh! I almost forgot about your condition." The girl with tanned skin frowned when she heard his questions but suddenly realized that he wasn't wrong. After all, Qin was an orphan.

"Between Heaven and Earth, cultivation techniques and martial arts are Essence Rank, Intent Rank, and Domain Rank. Everyone cultivates qi to produce essence and hence the first rank cultivation technique allows us to produce essence and control it. Hence, it is called Essence Rank."

"Intent Rank is somewhat different. Intent is a form of ........"

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