Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 133 - What happens when Mad Hound is enraged (2)

"I don't care, don't act chummy with me."

I brushed off the goat-bearded man's hand from my shoulder as he tried to act overly familiar with me and started walking toward the exit of the Eastern Branch.

Then, the two burly men, who seemed to have confidence in their strength though they appeared no different from ordinary people to me, blocked my path and tried to intimidate me by cracking their knuckles.

However, I didn't feel a shred of danger from their conduct. I guess they probably were around C-rank in strength, but not more than that.

Generally, there was said to be a huge chasm between C-rank and B-rank explorers. Anyone could leap to C-rank with enough hard work. However, B-rank and above were ranks limited only to a few extraordinary individuals.

"Did you really think you could walk away just like that? Goddamn, we had to stake this boorish place out for two whole weeks, I’m so fed up with this."

"Don't let me start with Lynd as well. He was stuck on a 'I don't know, buzz off' loop no matter how many times we tried to ask about your address when we went to your Apple family. You— You’ll pay heavily for messing with the Rose Family!!!"

For a moment, I felt as if Uncle Shell was whispering right into my ear 'The language of fists is the most efficient way to communicate'. I somehow held myself back, recalling the mantra of 'persevering', and warned them once again.

The rowdy way of the people here has rubbed off on me recently as if it was common sense, but I also lived a lifetime as a pacifist citizen of Japan.

"It seems like I didn't speak clearly enough, huh? Listen here, I don't care about nor do I want to mingle with you fellas. However… I wouldn't take it kindly if you ‘try to throw the coal our way', got it? Get off of me and 'Apple Family’."

When I exuded a threatening aura along with my warning, the two beefy guys slightly flinched.

However, the pea-brained goat-beard instead slid up to Roye-aniki, putting his hand on his shoulder while spouting some other crap.

"We know you're strong, Mad Hound. But strength is not the only metric in a battle of adults. Do you think you can stay with them all day long, mister B-rank?

Aren't you worried too, Roye-kun? Oh, and there are those two pipsqueaks submitting your materials at the warehouse...... Po-kun and Rina, right?...... The royal capital is merely our playground!"

Inhale I took a deep breath.

I didn't really care if the skirmish devolved into an 'adult's battle' as this goat-beard was implying. As a member of the 3rd legion of the knight order and having been baptized by their spartan work style, this wasn’t going to floor me. It was the last thing on my mind.

It was just...... this bastard just had to go and cross my personal bottom line.

Oh, right… What were Master's instructions again? Something like 'Just do explorer work normally and let nature take its course, don't make any move from your side first’, and 'Report to me immediately if something happens’.

As I mused over all this with a cool mind, something that even I was astounded with, goat-beard continued.

"Aww, but don't worry. You just need to follow us and we won’t touch anyone. Our head just took a liking to you, after all."

The woeful goat-beard hasn't even noticed that I've already snapped and continued to speak as if he was delivering some great news.

It was a fool's errand to jump onto their words. Even if I yielded to their threats today and followed them now, they would repeat the threat yet again if there came a time when our opinions didn't align.

The first step built the foundation for the future, after all.

I adhered to the teachings of my Master, so I stepped toward goat-beard to naturally come into contact with him as the 'Explorer Ren' and… drove my knee, strengthened with Body Strengthening, right into the pit of his stomach.


Goat-beard threw up right there and collapsed on the spot.


With astonished feelings, I watched as the man with a goat-like beard spoke with familiarity to Ren-kun.

I refuse to believe Ren-kun was in cahoots with those lawless Rose Family!

My first meeting with Ren-kun was still etched in my memories. The youngsters of Gold Rat reported that a new brat at the demolition site was skipping on his work and when he tried to warn them, the brat instead threatened our guy with a hammer, forcing them to run away.

It was a dog-eat-dog world out there, so such a display of cowardice meant there was no place for you in the world.

I, entirely believing their side of the story, decided to storm the 'Apple House' to drive home a warning, fully aware of the nuisance called Lynd, the old foggy, being its chief.

This was the first time I got thrashed by Ren-kun. He came at me with full force after I punched Roye's stomach and then pressed his head under my boot. I lost consciousness after that.

I couldn't believe it. I lost to someone younger than me?

Back then, I was still a frog in a well. A brash guy drowning in arrogance, believing myself to be the strongest when it came to bare-handed fist fights. I was sure none among the E-rank could beat me in physical strength.

The precedent for it was set when I won against an ignorant C-rank explorer, while I was still fresh out of the countryside.

Our chief reverified the details with the client after the incident and informed me that the fault was actually ours.

But I couldn't quench my raging emotions then. Flung around by my cheap pride, I would confront Ren-kun again and again for revenge, only to be beaten black and blue each time.

"Don't care, don't act chummy with me."

Ren-kun said to the goat-bearded man, his tone flat and bored.

......It was that expression. It was the same 'Don't follow me ever again' with a flat expression that he had shown me.

It was as if he wasn't even putting me in his eyes...... No, as if he was actually worried about my well-being. This side of him, however, rubbed me the wrong way and I persisted on my revenge, even though it meant using up my savings to heal myself.

I just wanted him to properly look at me. As long as I could hit him once, I would be content.

One day, with my determination especially firm, I challenged Ren-kun and… got battered like usual.

I was frustrated. I teared up as I stifled my voice from leaking out.

However, Ren-kun held up me. I thought he was supporting me to get back on my feet, but no. He instead took out the salve from my waist pouch and rubbed it on my wounds.

I was perplexed, and seeing that, Ren-kun chuckled ever so slightly. He knocked me on the head one more time before saying—

"Take a rest tomorrow."

When I heard his words, I sprawled on the ground. I didn't know why, but I just chuckled. My frustration had somehow vanished to oblivion.

He could have easily left if he wanted to, but he still took the trouble to face me each and every day, facing me sincerely. I couldn't muster up any rage against him.

We were just whole worlds apart, I thought.

I finally requested Ren-kun to become our peacemaker, but he declined.

Of course, I knew I was pushing a troublesome agenda onto him. I wanted him to save us, even though we were troublemakers ourselves.

Ren-kun was more than just strong. Somewhere along the way, I believed that as long as it was Ren-kun, he might truly be able to lead us.

He was just an odd fella who unknowingly inspired a spark of hope somewhere in the corner of my heart.

The two strong-looking men blocked Ren-kun's route. They seemed to be as strong as me at best. It was a losing battle even before the battle started, even if they tried to tag-team him.

Sure enough, the two couldn't handle Ren-kun's pressure and flinched.

But then, the goat-bearded guy revealed his venomous side quickly.

"We know you're strong, Mad Hound. But strength is not the only metric in a battle of adults. Do you think you can stay with them all day long, mister B-rank?

Aren't you worried too, Roye-kun? Oh, and there are those two pipsqueaks submitting your materials at the warehouse...... Po-kun and Rina, right?...... The royal capital is merely our playground!"

Ren took a deep, deep breath and slowly turned toward the goat-bearded guy.

I gasped when I saw his expression. Ren-kun was now completely serious. He was so calm even his breath couldn't be felt, his eyes had a dull sheen as he stared at the goat-bearded man quietly.

The goat-bearded man, who had been showing a strained expression up until now, soon wore a relaxed expression, seemingly misunderstanding why Ren-kun had stopped his threatening pressure. With a triumphant expression, he spouted, ''Aww, but don't worry. You just need to follow us and we won't touch anyone. Our head just took a liking to you, after all."

I finally bore witness to the spectacle I was waiting for. This was—

Ren-kun briskly approached the goat-bearded man and slammed his knee onto his stomach.

There was no color of mercy in his eyes as he flatly looked at the man who staggered back and stumbled while throwing up the contents of his stomach.

This was the true—

<Mad Hound>


"You bastard! You're going to pay heavily for baring your fangs against the Rose Family!"

The two beefy guys from earlier jumped at me from behind, flustered.

I kicked the jaw of beefy guy A with my left foot, hurling him three meters away. Then, I put my left leg down and twirled on its heel. At the same time, I slammed a reverse roundhouse kick at the rib cage of beefy guy B.

I believe the two fellas must have had some of their bones broken as they lost consciousness.

Again, I returned to goat-beard and with a cold smile on my face, I kindly suggested.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys thought that such foolish intimidation would work on me. But sure, let's do it your way. I’ll follow you this once...... It’s not a bad day to greet that small fry (Red)."

But goat-beard didn't reply, except uttering painful groans. Hmm? I was sure I held back. Did I accidentally hit a delicate part or was it his usual acting? Whatever.

I was thinking if I should end the matter quickly by visiting Red, else I was sure that the pea-brained dumbasses would never learn their lesson and this might even backfire. But I didn't know where to begin now.

Just as I mused over the situation, the fatty approached me, wearing a vulgar smile, and handed me a salve, saying 'You can use it, Aniki’.

"............Didn’t I say to not call me that again!?"

I decked Benza's head with my fist and received the salve.

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