Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Ch. 6 - Schord's Report

*Multiple pov shift

Entrance exams were a matter of luck.

You never knew if the question appearing would fall into the area of your expertise, or maybe outside of your knowledge. Or your health happened to take a dip on the day of the exam and your mental condition deteriorated as a result.

Entrance exams were a sprawling tapestry of variables— after becoming a part of them for years as a private tutor, I had recently come to realize this, late as it might be.

In the realm of exams, there was no such thing as the goddess of luck taking a fancy to you on a whim and granting you success by chance. This revelation struck me as I observed Young Master Allen's recent transformation.

Young Master Allen has gone through such tremendous growth that I have recently begun to ponder on such a question which I never would have before.

I had been a private tutor for 40 years, even before becoming the tutor for the Viscount's family. Young Master Allen wasn't the sole person to exhibit such changes right before the exam, however, the vigor with which he had burst forth with was something I had never seen in my whole career.

It just left me wondering what had spurred him to do so...... As a private tutor, not knowing was quite disheartening

I had been left stunned when Young Master Allen requested to extend the study time, however, if that event was like a tremor, then the subsequent scene had rocked me to the core.

Following Young Master Allen's instructions, I compiled as many past entrance exam questions as possible and handed them over. To my amazement, not only did he complete them all in less than a week, but he also came back with specific requests to tailor the lecture content.

He identified his weaknesses and areas where he was fine but could still work on to improve in a limited time frame, and after further analyzing the trend in recent exams, he fine-tuned the lecture content and came up with a detailed strategic plan to carry out until the exam.

I might be a failure as a private tutor after being pushed around by the fervor of the Young Master and changing the lectures as per his requests, but I must admit that, from my perspective, it aligned perfectly with reason.

It wasn't like I didn't have any misgivings, however, he explained why this was necessary to me coherently and logically, leaving me with no choice but to accept his request completely. Also, along with it came the changes in the lecture I was giving until now.

So far, it had just been me putting in effort into providing lectures, I didn't even remember the last time when the Young Master himself had asked me any question proactively.

But now, he would relentlessly pursue the answer to any slightest doubt that arose until he was satisfied. His doubts were quite specific and rather than being mere queries, they would often evolve into debates. It was easy to forget I was talking to a kid of a tender age during such discussions.

His penchant for focusing on substantial studying had been strong from the outset but it had been further intensified recently.

However, it wasn't too bad overall since he had also come to accept the so-called exam technique that he had loathed so much before. So when I asked him about the recent changes in him, the answer I received was,

<It might not amount to much in the future, but it's just fine to follow it for now since our imminent goal is to pass the entrance exam. It's crucial to differentiate between short-term and long-term plans.>

I wondered what the meaning of my struggles were so far......

To put it in a few words, Young Master Allen has grown in his mentality so much in these few months that no one would believe that his past and current self were the same person.

While I found myself exhausted after the rigorous lectures, the Young Master was fine and dandy and even continued his self-study after that.

Encouraged by his hard-working self, I believed I could also endure this.

I wasn't clear about the Young Master's prowess in practical skills, but as long as it concerned theory, it wouldn't be too much of a surprise if he managed to score for A-Class.


......Such was the report that Bellwood Rovenne, the current head of the Rovenne family, received from Schord.

It was late at night when he had returned to his estate from a long journey after finishing his due socializing. Exhausted as he was, he couldn't give his body rest yet, for there was something of even more importance he needed to confirm. He needed to affirm the progress of his son, study-hating Allen, so he called in Schord, the exclusive private tutor, to his study room with trepidation.

His worry was hidden to no one, at least not with the quiver of apprehension that rippled across his face.

However, as soon as he heard about how his son had changed from Schord, the Viscount was greatly astonished.

"S, So you're saying Allen has been taking lectures he came up with himself!? Just before the exam, when it was the crucial period!?"

Viscount plopped down on his desk. He felt as if the tiredness he was feeling from the journey had just increased twofold.

From the letter he received when he was at the Royal Capital, he did learn how Allen seemed to be exhibiting more eagerness towards studying and he even volunteered to increase his study hours. Though the Viscount had forgotten about it thinking it was his fleeting whim and he would return to his previous carefree self.

"Gramps, are you sure you're talking about Allen? Perhaps you are tired and mixed up Allen with Rose (Eldest Daughter)? Sure, Allen's talented, someone who could do anything as long as he put his mind to it, and all the family members believe it. However, this is so ludicrous that it is getting a bit hard to stomach. You know Father already said this time is just formality, especially after Rose's failure, with whom Father had so much expectation, so you don't have stress over it."

Hearing the words of Grim, his eldest son, the Viscount lifted his head.

As the next family head, Grim had gone along with his father to the Royal Capital for a social event and just returned together with him.

"Ah, So you're talking about Rose! Hmm, I see, I can relate then. She has been a level-headed person as far as I know, and her eyes never left the goal once she decided on something. Sounds like age has started to show its effect on you as well, Old Man. Ahahaha, hahaha, hahaha......"

Schord, who had been calmly reporting the situation, immediately changed his demeanor in response to Bellwood's flippant laughter.


Sensing the change, the Viscount swallowed hard. It was as if he was being watched by a predator.

Schord intently stared at the Current Head with murderous eyes.

"Young Master is...... He has been telling me how he wouldn't accept being a stain in the history and legacy of the esteemed Viscount Rovenne family whose ancestors have spent so much sweat and effort to get to where they are now for the past two months. He has cut down on his sleep and meal time as much as possible while devoting himself to working hard. He looks as determined as a soldier on the battlefield, and it was this vigor of his that has pushed me to work hard along with him. I firmly believe that his relentless dedication, the camaraderie of our bond, will come to fruition when he faces the upcoming exams in a fortnight."

The point to be corrected here was that Allen didn't care about his family's history even for a bit, he was just following his desire to enjoy this new world and having fun studying, forgetting even to sleep and eat. If anything, Schord had been nagging him to take care of his health so he had to use that speech to make him yield.

"But in no way does this sound like Allen...... I mean, he's the kind of guy who finds even the annual visit to the family grave tedious."

The Viscount gingerly mounted a rebuttal, intimidated by the pressure from Schord.

He knew from his time when Schord used to be his private tutor that when the Old Man stared at you intently, no one knew what might happen next.

Schord gritted his teeth in frustration.

He knew considering the Viscount had been absent from the estate for three months, it might be too much to expect him to believe it right off the bat. Even he himself would have brushed it off as a prank.

"Young Master Allen has also become more clear-headed. If the Master has any concerns, why don't you invite him tomorrow to have dinner together and confirm it yourself? Young Master Allen has been having portable rations for breakfast and lunch, so I doubt he will join at that time either."

'Anyway, this old man still has some preparations for tomorrow's lectures to attend to, so I will take my leave,' said Schord with a grin, further distorting his already sunken cheeks. Then he left the study room.

As a matter of fact, Allen found the leisurely breakfast in the morning to be another time waster so he had replaced his breakfast, too, with emergency rations.

"Emergency rations? Since when did he become a soldier?"

Like a deflated balloon, the Viscount plopped onto his desk once again.

"Take it easy, Father. I guess Gramps is just going through exam blues. Still, it's certainly good news that Allen has grown up. Let's listen to Allen's side story at tomorrow's dinner and praise him for his effort. Ah, but let's not put pressure on him after hearing the Gramps report."

Grim, the ever-positive and reliable boy cheered the Viscount up.

"Hmm, you're right. All that matters is our cute Allen has grown up. This calls for some praise, and yeah, let's avoid putting any pressure on him. So we'll be having tomorrow's dinner with him, I'll leave the arrangements to you."

'......Still, it's a bit sad to hear our cute little Allen has finally spread his wings.'

The Viscount, regaining his spirit, murmured so in his heart and squinted his eyes.


"I apologize for keeping you waiting, Father, Grim Onii-sama. I forgot the passage of time during my debate with Schord in the afternoon magic history class, causing me to arrive late."

After hurriedly arriving at the dining room, Allen bowed his head in apology.

'Oh? This is indeed quite a change.'

How long had they tried to change his rough speech pattern, but to no avail. But he could easily be mistaken as a different person if one looked at him now.

The roughness and rowdiness he used to exhibit had disappeared, but it wasn't that he became meek either. To put it in better words, if earlier it could be said that he had been led around by his excessive energy up until now, now he was the one in complete control of it...... Though this might be something only a doting parent like him could see.

Viscount Rovenne thought all this as he narrowed his eyes.

"Excellent, I heard from Schord that you have been studying hard recently. The time is nigh before your departure to the Royal Capital, so take it easy and continue studying like before."

"I appreciate that."

For the Viscount though, it felt a bit unsettling to see Allen acting so mature. This transformation was just too abrupt. He could see even the smile on Grim's face had stiffened up.

"Allen, both Grim and I are sick of formalities after the never-ending social exchange trip. Although I'm usually quite insistent on proper manners, we can cut loose for today. Anyway, it's just us family here."

The Viscount proposed, trying to hide away the unsettled feelings he had swirling inside him.

"Mother isn't here as well, after all."

Grim also said while winking.

Allen looked embarrassed for a moment but eventually cleared his throat and put on a smiling face.

"Dad! Grim! Welcome back!"

There he was, the same lovable Allen as always, with a slightly more mature air but still asking for tales from their journey in his cheeky manner.


I was slightly apprehensive about whether I could actually act as 'Allen' without arousing any suspicions. Thankfully, it proved to be just a groundless worry of mine.

But I guess despite the awakening of my memories from my previous life, it was an ironclad fact that I was also the ‘Allen’ who had been living in this world for the past 12 years.

"Mother hasn't returned with you?"

I inquired after listening to the latest fads in the Royal Capital and other innocuous topics while stuffing my cheeks with Pappy steak— a monster born out of a deer who fostered a mana stone within its body over the years. (T/N - Not sure if it was birth or deer themselves turned into monsters)

"Your mother huh…? She couldn't ignore the rough lifestyle your sister was living and 'Allen is going to arrive in the royal capital soon anyway, so I'll be staying behind,' or so she said."

"Elder sister hasn't changed her habits even now, it seems......"

A wry smile appeared on my face.

She was what you would call 'A single-minded pursuer'. Even when she used to be at home, she would often forget about her surroundings and daily routine once she immersed herself in her research and forging.

She'd pull all-nighters, skip meals, neglect her appearance, and eventually skip bathing as well which led to an argument with Mother. In the end, she was obligated to bathe either before bedtime or before breakfast.

With her pale pink hair, humble demeanor, and lovable appearance, it was no wonder she charmed the fiefdom. In fact, she was even nicknamed the 'Princess of Harmony' by the people. A fitting name for someone whose cutesy features resembled a cosmos bipinnatus. Sounds like a fine lady, doesn't she? But anyone who knew her personally would agree on one thing: the most beautiful things are often the deadliest as well.

My sister was the perfect example of it as she was not as adorable of a lady as the public knew her to be.

She wasn't short-tempered, but once irked, she wouldn't pull her punches, even if the person facing her was her cute brother, me, on whom she doted so much.

On the other hand, Dad, despite his appearance, was a mild-mannered bureaucrat who preached pacifism. So the only one who could handle my sister in our family was our mother.

"Dad... if I am lucky enough to pass the entrance exam, please allow me to live in the dormitory. Even a commoner dormitory will work, just give me your permission!"

I bowed my head, almost scraping it against the table.

The Royal Academy also had dormitory facilities. The commoner dormitories were said to be small one-room units, but the rent was quite cheap for the capital city, and they even provided breakfast apparently.

Our Viscount family had a secondary residence — just an ordinary house with a garden — in the royal capital. I could commute to the academy from there but my sister lived there. Besides, my mother wouldn't live there all the time as well.

It wasn't a laughing matter to live together with my esteemed sister.

"I guess so, and you're aiming to be a knight, no? It would be a fine experience to live in the dormitory and eat from the same pot as your friends."

Dad made a bitter smile after getting the cue from me and nodded.

"Nevertheless, you seem quite confident about your admission, eh?”

He said, trying his best to keep a calm persona as he sipped on his alcohol. However, it was hardly effective as I could detect a subtle undercurrent of tension beneath his words.

I stole a glance toward Grim and noticed his frozen expression resembling a Noh mask, although he was making a constant effort to keep a smile.

Wait a minute, it was strange neither of them asked me about my preparation since we started dinner.

I guess they must be afraid to ask directly, or they were probably avoiding the topic on purpose to not put pressure on me.

If I had to answer, of course, I have confidence, however, I was also thinking about taking my leave from this competitive society. It wouldn't be good to raise their hopes considering my future plans.

It was kind of comical how we all were trying to be reserved with our words.

"Well, I have been working hard for that after all. Of course, I am not getting my hopes up for the A-rank class but I do want to avoid being counted from the very bottom, I guess."

I answered cautiously.

"Is that so? Schord seemed to be awfully confident about your ranking, however...... The Moonlit Viscount across the mountain from here had been quite annoying on this recent trip to the Royal Capital. Apparently, his second son Theode is also going to take the exam this year and there are already rumors about his excellence during the gathering at Marquis Dragoon’s place.”

Puny nobles like us were typically under the protection of the Marquises who had a vast territory under them that they oversaw which typically also included many puny nobles like us.

Our fiefdom came under the patronage of Marquis Dragoon.

So (though it was considered impolite to openly discuss such matters) subtle discussions about their children's education and performance were significant topics in high society too. After all, if any talented person who may play a pivotal role in the kingdom in the future came out from their territory, it would contribute to their influence as well.

"It seems like that guy is quite confident about his second son so much that he never misses the chance to spout nonsense like 'I am really envious of your youngest son Allen'. Thanks to his rambling, it seems that everyone has started to pay close attention to the exam results now... The thought of the gathering at Dragreid next month is already killing me."

......What sort of cringe-worthy "Oh, so pitiful" flag was that dimwitted noble attempting to raise!?

Well, it was none of my business.

"I see, well whatever. I wouldn't know without giving the exam a try. But even if I managed to luckily pass, I heard it's quite challenging to keep up with the studies once you enter the Royal Academy. If things take a turn for worse and I end up dropping, I would die of shame so please don't try to copy him and start boasting, alright?"

I emphasized to prevent Dad from digging his own grave like some foolish noble.

"You're still as carefree as ever... Well, there's no point in fussing about it now."

"You're right, Father. Considering how reckless Allen used to be, it's quite impressive how far he's come. Now, all we can do is wait for fate to decide."

The ever-so-competent Grim wrapped it up nicely.

"You're right, even someone like Rose tried to go against the will of heaven yet all the preparations were for naught, thinking about that time—"

And here he started his inebriated rambling.

He was a good father, as long as he stayed sober, but even the best of them would stumble occasionally, I guess~.

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