Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Chapter 148 - Second and Third Scenarios

The third day of the outdoor classes, 10 in the morning. It was also the deadline of the 48-hour time limit given to us for the first scenario.

For the remaining time after we captured the supposed defense post, we all took turns standing guard and sleeping like logs in one of the dilapidated stone buildings when Godorfun-sensei appeared before us.

“Ho-ho-ho. So it seems like even you guys aren’t impervious to exhaustion. You guys need to take good care of yourselves in these sorts of situations, alright? Moving on, I will now reveal the next scenarios.”

Confirming his entrance, I first decided to clear the worries of the others that had been causing them to lose sleep.

Sure, from my classmates’ point of view, it might appear as me intentionally poking the bush to draw out the snake when Godorfun-sensei himself hadn't brought it up, but the point was that he already knew. Also, my classmates were serious to a fault, so the guilt of possibly cheating would continue to haunt them which could prevent them from bringing out their full potential later on.

“Excuse me, Godorfun-sensei, I want to confirm something first before that. When we were taught about the outdoor classes’ curriculum, my understanding was that any and all supplies must be procured from nature in the outdoor classes. However, I still want to confirm, does using the ingredients that are typically used in recovery drugs, which are banned in the Academy, result in losing marks?”

Godorfun-sensei chuckled at my question.

“Fumu. I guess I forgot to explain it, huh? First, yes, there's no problem. Frankly, I’m surprised you have the energy to ask about such a trivial question after going through this exhausting first scenario.

The outdoor classes are held for you to learn this very lesson: to complete your tasks using everything in your arsenal, whether it be your intelligence, prowess, or anything else. However, beware that there are also poisonous ingredients in the mountains. Keep in mind that you’ll only have yourself to blame if you ever fall into that sort of situation.

It seems that there's no more questions so let me reveal the second and third scenarios.”

‘I forgot’, my ass. This geezer must have thought it would be interesting to see our reactions and kept mum about it.

Meanwhile, the invisible tension on my serious classmates had been visibly relieved.

“Listen carefully then.

2nd Scenario — As you’ve recovered the fallen base, the enemies might attempt to take it back, so you ought to strengthen the defensive capabilities of this border post in the next 72 hours as much as possible. All that you’ll need is the 800 kg supplies you’ve brought with you. The leader is Allen Rovenne.

3rd Scenario — There's a marshland — Mer Marshland to be precise — 60 km southeast of here. A report has revealed that the population of the Dark Ferrets nearby there has sharply increased.

You’ll separate into two teams: one team will chase and corner the Dark Ferrets towards the marshland, while another team will lie in ambush in the marshland. Defeat at least 20 Dark Ferrets and return to the defense post within 36 hours. The leader will be Shalum Halloween.

There's no restriction on how you want to compose the teams. However, the leaders must take charge of their respective scenarios. That is all.”

……What the heck?

The gimmicky second scenario had me totally flabbergasted.

‘Strengthen the base’ as much as possible was all about putting in effort with no set baseline that needed to be achieved.

I dare say even just making a wall using the trees around the base might be considered a pass too. The score would basically be settled depending on the amount of effort we put in. The only aspect that made it dicey was the obscure condition to pass. In that case, I presume the hint was in the ‘72 hours’ time limit…….

I had to bolster the defense of the base to some extent within 72 hours, and how far I could take it would determine the task evaluation, presumably.

And again, the third scenario was just as confusing to me.

According to the Canardia's Monster Encyclopaedia, Dark Ferrets were exceptionally nimble monsters with extreme wariness. They often turned into hungry demons before winter came, so I could understand how their huge population would pose a threat to the local ecosystem.

However, why were they so lax with the situation that they'd wait until it was time for our outdoor classes instead of dealing with it immediately if the situation was so dire?

Besides, the order on how to hunt them down was also bugging me.

Ambush, simply put, was the act of setting up a combat area or kill zone in advance and positioning the troops in such a way that they remained concealed from the enemy or prey, allowing for a surprise attack on the target.

I glanced at Coco, but he too shook his head, unable to decipher Godorfun’s intention.

However, the answer that I sought came from the leader of the third scenario, Shal.

"............What Godorfun-sensei told us is the hunting technique of Halloween viscounty, which has been plagued with the Dark Ferrets’ overpopulation, every year.

They're not strong monsters, but they're extremely agile and can climb up trees in a flash, so hunting them inside your regular forest is an almost impossible feat. However, their agility suffers greatly when they try to swim their way out of stream or marshland-like water regions. So one group would usually lay in ambush near a body of water, the predetermined hunting ground, meanwhile another would deliberately chase them toward the said hunting ground.

However, the problem is—"

Shal explained as her face came closer to shedding tears.

"The hunting session typically takes place in summer. Since the Dark Ferrets have exceptionally cautious spirits, the hunting team must stay in the water no matter what, lest they get found out. Often, you’d have to lay in ambush for as long as half a day.

However, the water is too cold in this season, so it's impossible to stay in the water for more than 30 minutes....... unless we use our mana to defend against the cold. It wouldn’t take long to defeat 20 of them if their number has propagated to extreme levels, but remember that if it came to that, and we must chase them away from the forest...... then the hunting team in the water would have hell to go through."

Silence befell everyone at her explanation.

"Y-You're being too petty, you damn old geezer...!"

Now that I had an idea of how tough it would be for the Shal-led team, I immediately raised a voice of protest. However, Godorfun simply squinted his eyes, saying 'What're you talking about?' while stroking his beard before making his exit from the hypothetical base, a ruin.

Damn, that dastardly old man had done it now...... He definitely wanted me to stay away from my classmate's circle...... Yet again, my springtime, my hot spring seemed to be a distant dream......

The supplies we brought had axes, shovels, hammers, basically everything we needed to bolster the defense of the base.

I guess my plan to divert the monsters toward Godorfun and the other pursuer, seemingly also someone strong, to make our location safer had backfired.

He must have assumed that the second scenario's location would be far enough to make us sweat. So he instead fiddled with the subjugation number to make Shal spearheading the third scenario a tough walk.

I could only think of these assumptions considering the wildly different scenarios along with Godorfun's expressionless face.

Above all, I don't think he would have given us two parallel scenarios, even without me sending monsters their way. It was nearly impossible.

Besides, he shouldn't have anticipated that I would deal with the monsters by using them as decoys. All my assumptions were hinting that all these were a later patch up.

The second scenario would obviously be hard to tackle considering the third scenario would ideally require you to assign as many people as possible. If my assumptions were correct, then the desired ordeals that Godorfun had wanted us to face would perfectly even out according to his plan.

......I swear I was going to make that shitty old geezer cry a river of tears one day. I affirmed it in mind and suggested Shal.

"......The second scenario has no baseline to cross for the time being. So first focus on tackling the third scenario with everything you have.

However, these must be a reason for bolstering the defense of this post within 72 hours. It would be nigh impossible for me to do everything alone, and I don't think it would be a sound idea to wait until everyone returns. I need at least one more person to stay here."

Hearing my words, everyone looked at each other in puzzlement. Then, Fey took a step forward, her eyes shining with a blazing radiance.

"Aww, it seems like this frail maiden would have to take up manual labor yet again, huh? But then, I believe you’ll soothe my muscle aches with your massage, right, Allen?"

"Stop daydreaming, you and Leo are obviously needed in the ambush party. The squad members would either have to have huge mana or fine mana control to use their mana as a shield for a long duration."

However, as I cleanly cut her idea down, she protested with a teary face.

"How cold! You would really have a frail maiden like me lie in the marshland, drenched for who knows how long? Ohhh, wait, maybe you’ll share your warmth with me through skinship later? Hmm, I think I can give my 200% that way."

Hey, hey, no one wants to cry about this more than me, alright? Blame Godorfun for all this absurdity.

With desperation in my voice, I shouted.

"We don't have time to be wishy-washy!

......I can totally understand your hesitation if you had to remain still in cold water all alone, shivering from the chill. But look around, you’ll have your friends who'll jump in the water with you! That's youth! Cold? No, I'm jealous, dammit...! What I would do to take your place!"

Everyone was momentarily dumbfounded at my sudden outburst about the mysterious youth analogy, my jealousy, and how I would kill to be with them. But soon they flashed bitter smiles, saying 'Oh good grief’.

Al for some reason burst out in laughter.

"Pfft! Hahaha!...... It all depends on how you decide to see the situation, huh? It's just like you. Alright, since my affinity lies with water, I shall be in the ambush team too! Let's work together and make a quick return!"

Damn you, Al! Do you really have to rub it in…?!

Leo, meanwhile, let out an exasperated sigh and continued.

"......What're you saying, Allen? Your ability is obviously for the chase group. It's impossible to leave you in the youth group. Anyway, who do you want in your group?"

After that, I named the classmate I wanted in my group. They looked surprised for a moment, but perhaps because they were affected by Al's earlier positive mood, they nodded with a determined face.

Later, I saw off everyone's departing back that was flourishing with a sense of solidarity, a definition of youth, with gritted teeth.

T/N - So apparently Shal was a girl, as the author stated in his note. Classmates list if anyone is wondering—

Leo Zatsinger (Leo)

Daniel Sardos (Dan)

Feyrune Von Dragoon (Fey)

Bester Von Stocklaud (Bester)

Jeuri Levarance (Jeu)

Shalum Halloween (Shal)

Kate Salkanp (Kate)

Allen Rovenne

Rudolf Austin (Dol)

Margrait Stea (Magi)

Aldol Engraver (Al)

Coconial Canardia (Coco)

Regina Sanhurt (Regi)

Visques Lawyunkurl (Viz)

Elena Iskandar (Elena)

Parry Abenil (Parry)

Sophia Bransh (Sophie)

Berd Yuniwance (Berd)

Lala Von Liancool (Lala)

E/N - Poor Allen. This has been the 2nd time Godorfun has singled him out ever since this outdoor class arc started though I understand why he did it. Allen could probably carry his class through these scenarios by himself with all the experience he has with his explorer and knight order work.

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