Sword, Magic and Academic Society

Vol. 1 - Chapter 166 - Marquis Gathering (1)

The year came to an end and has transitioned into a new one. At the top of winter's social life was the much awaited customary assembly in the Royal Capital held each year.

The kingdom's 9 marquises would come together in a certain place and have breakfast together— the so-called breakfast meeting.

After wishing the royal family as well as the Dukes a happy new year, the breakfast meeting that took place in the first week of the new year would trigger various powers to gather together in a tea party or other similar exchanges.

It was a precursor to the long socializing event that would continue until the arrival of spring, when the entrance exam for the Royal Academy had ended.

But for the breakfast meeting itself, it was a mere one-hour-long gathering. There was no set agenda to discuss, and they just talked about whatever came to mind. It was a sort of unhurried greeting and small chit-chat.

The actual implication aside— there was hardly any noble who would take a moment of their time for a mere casual gathering at the first meeting of the new year.

Dressed sharply in formal attire, which was rather a tad early at 7 in the morning, the marquises gathered at the Hotel Rune Makize — this year's gathering spot — five minutes before the appointed time.

They were guided to a cozy hall by Gritter, the hotel's receptionist and face, and then they greeted each other energetically, and gave each other firm handshakes — or if it mattered, too firm a handshake as if intending to crush each other’s hands — making them look youthful despite their actual ages.

Some appeared deprived of sleep, while others seemed to still be suffering from hangovers. However, none were there to do something as boorish as only having juice. Starting with a heap of salad, they had breakfast that was served to them in succession with gusto.

Even so, this was the same starting motion similar to entering the ring. It was the usual thing. Every year, they'd discuss various topics, or how the prospects for this year's entrance exam appeared to be.

But this year wasn't a typical year.


"Gracious, I was really shocked to see Class 1-A's outdoor class score. Who could have thought that they would make such a turnaround, surpassing the absolute score of that legendary era... Certainly not me. This just makes me anticipate their futures after graduation.

Well, on the other hand, I was stumped to see our Torveil army (a part of the Northwest Army) that had been there to support the outdoor classes so easily toyed with by students. Alas, is this what the saying ‘there's always someone better’ means? They still ought to be disciplined for the safety of the citizens either way. Uh-huh, this is another heavy duty, but oh well."

The remark, obviously showing the speaker's humorous mood, came from the holder of many influential forces like Viscount Wangyush and so on, and was the lord of the region where the outdoor classes took place— Marquis Torveil.

This outdoor class session had been no less of a harvest season for him.

First, the huge positive side effect of having the outdoor classes take place in his region was huge. The Royal Academy, after all, had an immense budget and some of it did trickle down to his coffers. Plus, lending out his territory was similar to public service.

The nobles of the concerned regions received a windfall following the support they'd been granted to prepare the meals and other goods for the expansive support staff who had arrived a step earlier to lay the initial groundwork. At the same time, the materials the students had piled up in the orientation had also been absolutely massive this year.

The profit from the sales of the materials had been distributed among the Wangyush territory, who had offered their territory for the outdoor class, and the surrounding regions for their support.

A windfall for the local lords meant it was a windfall for the entire Toveil region. It might be stating the obvious, but a huge reason why the Wangyush region had been chosen this year was due to Godorfun's leadership. One could find many people in Japan advocating for 'impartial selection' and all that, but that was a loser's rambling in this kingdom.

The career track of the students from the entrance ceremony up to the Academy was fairly broad. And from Godorfun's viewpoint, the Wangyush region was the most suitable territory for the training. What, were you jealous? Then use your authority to change the decision.

Besides, there were as many as four students in Class-A this year from Torveil. The reputation of Class A meant their hometowns would similarly be in the limelight. And as they made progress in their careers later down the line, benefits were bound to trickle down to their hometowns as well.

Furthermore, this outdoor class had cemented the position of the Hill Road Club as of the moment, and as its president, Stella Achilies of the Torveil region had become a sensational name overnight through the kingdom.

It was a series of never-ending fortunes for Marquis Torveil that he couldn't help but rejoice about, and justly so.

"Hmph, we know very well how beaten up you are, alright. Shameless. But, it's a fact that they challenged that old man, along with the vice-commander of the Fifth Legion, Tim Buchan, and emerged victorious. It's clear to anyone that the students deserve credit, while the army needs more discipline. This is clearly reflected in the score, and that's how the world perceives it. It would be best if you stopped with your antagonistic remarks just because 'it's the way of the world’."

Marquis Meria Dragoon rebuked, but Marquis Torveil just shrugged, a smile still plastered on his face.

"A sagely advice, grandma. Your age clearly doesn't reflect your astuteness. But your advice is indeed most fitting. Let's discuss the details. I’ve barely heard of anything about the events aside from the general summary, and with most of the information concealed, I have no inkling as to what happened. My word, the lack of detail is killing me."

So remarked Marquis Valcondor, incurring a glare from Meria.

Marquis Valcondor's side was the sole party that had not produced any Class A students this year. It was such a sad state of affairs for him since even the Dosperior region, whose noble family had never bothered to take the exam before, had produced a talent of Class A caliber— Lala.

To put it in another way, Marquis Valcondor had no one he could ask about the events that took place in the outdoor classes.

There had been many eyewitnesses, so he held the details in broader strokes, but he was itching to know about the accomplishments of Class A, Allen and Leo especially.

Meanwhile, Marquis Torveil had thoroughly put a leash on his knights to make sure nothing was leaked. It was the correct course of action, no doubt, but he also had the motive of being ahead of everyone in terms of information.

Maybe a broader reason as to why he couldn't stop smiling was probably due to his lead in terms of information when he usually would have no way of knowing.

"Who the hell are you calling grandma!?...... Also, you're not going to hear anything from me. It's a level 4 classified secret, just so you know. If you're that frustrated, then use that energy to train one of your students for grade advancement this year!"

Going back to her own words, Marquis Dragoon made a spiteful remark. Marquis Valcondor laughed it off.

"You appear quite happy as always, Meria-san. Well, I can't deny that this feeling is foreign to me. I, too, wish I had a convenient shelf that would drop money on my lap each time I woke up. Oh, do believe me when I say I'm so jealous of you."

Marquis Diarmaq followed after Marquis Volcondor, who turned his gaze sideways, harrumphing. In a typical roundabout fashion, he was implying 'Don't be too cocky when you hadn't even known about the A of Allen until this spring’.

Marquis Dragoon widened her feline-like sharp gaze, and chuckled.

"Oh my, you sure have gotten quite better since that time I saw your bedridden appearance last fall, huh, Romario? Good to see your straight face back. That pale, sickly expression indeed didn't suit you. Right, was that boy's name Bester? The successor from your branch family.

Even Fey was stunned by his ability. She was sure he was your typical prodigy, but nope, that overnight transformation certainly showed he had the makings of an extraordinary scholar. Why count other's gold coins when you have a gold egg laying hen yourself, right? The situation looks bright for you as well. Are you going to adopt him into the main family?"

Marquis Diarmaq narrowed his eyes and shook his head in denial.

"......The future is still undetermined. Much less about others, even I was stunned. It was a pressing situation, but to be chosen among the others, never had I expected that his talent would blossom in such a scenario. And because of it, I was further amazed by Allen Rovenne's insight, to figure out his talent. I wonder, how did he see that in him?"

Marquis Leverance, sitting next to him, shrugged at his remark.

"You might be taking it steady, but you really haven't changed that laid back attitude of yours, Romario. I would have already made my move had it been me. Well, just be careful and watch out for the sparks at your feet while taking it slow."

Marquis Diarmaq scoffed, remarking 'That's none of your business’.

"......Anyway, Allen Rovenne hid so many talents behind his persona, it's intriguing. He didn't immediately make his move when the situation with Diarmaq's brat at the Hill Road Club happened, and waited for a better moment before resolving the matter with a single stroke. But also he knew when to stop and turn around to lend a helping hand as well. He has an eye for discernment that probably wouldn't lose out to experienced folks.

Well, we were also quite stumped on how to deal with his elder sister in the past, but his friendship with the son of the Engraver family ran quite deep since the enrollment. It appears that the Emission Magic Research Club that the boy is president of has recently become quite famous as well. He made his position clear through superiority rather than words or actions. Frankly, I really like his way of doing things.”

This impression came from Marquis Endeumion— the lord of Endeumion territory that included the Engraver territory, Al’s hometown. He was also the one with the highest seniority present.

Marquis Endeumion then took a glance at Meria and added further after chuckling.

“I heard his father, Viscount Rovenne, had made it clear that he won’t force any partner on his son. It would be by the boy's own choice, right? I must say that is quite an impressive thing to say. Hahaha!

But I'm amazed he's not leveraging his son's fame to rise up in status. What an odd family, if I must say. Speaking of which, it seems like my granddaughter is also quite a fan of Allen Rovenne, so maybe… Hahaha!”

These words were instantly met with glares from everyone present.

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