Sword Saints Should Go Tank

Chapter 458: God-level skill: I am the sun!

Chapter 458: God-level skill: I am the sun!

Every super expert would have a sudden impulse. When Lu Chen thought of his body reaching a hundred meters, his heart trembled. This feeling made Lu Chen understand that the limit of his physical body was at a hundred meters. In other words, when he reached 9.9 meters, his body would not grow any further no matter how hard he cultivated. Only by reaching the limit of his physical body could he break through the limit of a hundred meters.

For ordinary people, knowing their own shackles was a terrible thing. They needed to worry about whether their own limits could support their Ascension.

Therefore, when they reached their peak, ordinary people would not immediately improve. Instead, they would try their best to find all kinds of natural treasures that could enhance their physique to strengthen their bodies.

However, that was what ordinary people would do. Lu Chen heaved a sigh of relief after knowing the limit. He was really afraid that his limit would be too high and that would be troublesome.

100 meters. The normal form is 9.9 meters. I’ll reach that level.

He looked through his skills and didn’t find any vitality gold skills. Then, Lu Chen looked at feast.

“The final upgrade will be up to you.”

He had consumed a lot of his vitality to form the heart. In order to replenish his vitality, he had to replenish the power of the sun. Lu Chen was sunbathing in the courtyard.

While he was basking in the sun, Lu Chen realized that even though he could only absorb the power of the sun through his skin, all the cells in his body could store it. Among them, his ten hearts (one when he devoured the vampire) could store the most power of the sun.

“Although I have not tried it, I can vaguely feel that if the sun Power in my heart is full, one heart is enough for me to become a small sun for an hour. If all ten hearts are full of sun Power, I can become a small sun for ten hours at night. The heart of a vampire is full of bloody magic, which is not compatible with the pure sun god Power, but nine hours is enough. If it is really as I think …”

Lu Chen’s eyes lit up at the thought.

‘I’ve found the way to deal with the legendary Evils.’

Lu Chen wouldn’t be able to do anything to the normal legendaries as they were strong in every aspect and had no weaknesses. But the evils were different. Although their abilities were more bizarre than the normal legendaries, their fear of the sun didn’t disappear.

Lu Chen’s ability to turn into a sun gave him the right to fight against the legendary level evil. At least, after he turned into a sun, the evil’s attacks would be weakened and Lu Chen would be able to escape even if he couldn’t fight it.

“I can enter the shadow Realm again.”

The moment the thought popped up in his mind, Lu Chen became excited.

although the experience points gained from dealing with the Warriors of Yunzhou are quite a lot, it can not be compared to the Shadow Realm. If I can enter the shadow Realm, the speed of my growth will be ten times faster.

When he thought about the rewards he would get from the Shadow Realm, Lu Chen even had the urge to rush into the shadow realm.

However, after checking his own condition, Lu Chen had to give up on the idea of entering the Shadow Realm.

He discovered something. Because of his strong physique, his body and heart could store a lot of power of the sun. However, because of the large amount of power of the sun, it took him a long time to fill his heart with power of the sun.

One heart would take a few days, nine hearts would mean dozens of days. Lu Chen couldn’t bear the slow speed.

At the same time, Lu Chen could feel the pressure on his body. He wasn’t sure how long he could withstand the pressure. Although the system’s solidified skill gave Lu Chen a vague sense, entering the Shadow Realm was a matter of life and death. Lu Chen didn’t dare to make a guess with his vague sense.

before I enter the shadow Realm, I’ll have to give it a try. I’ll have to see if the power of the sun in my heart can turn me into a sun for an hour, and if my body can withstand the power of the sun.

also, my speed of absorbing the power of the sun is too slow. I need to think of a way.

Lu Chen sighed at how slow he was in absorbing the power of the sun. After thinking for a while, he finally found a way.

This method was to fly.

That was what Lu Chen thought, and that was what he did. With a roar, he turned into his dragon form, flapped his wings, and flew into the sky.

The [ sun blessing ] was a skill that combined his body with the divine sun pattern. Even if Lu Chen turned into a Dragon, the divine sun pattern would still appear on his scales. Therefore, the Dragon form didn’t stop Lu Chen from absorbing the power of the sun.

“Lord husband?”

he can even transform into a giant dragon. His Highness’s methods are really amazing.

“What kind of monster is that?”

the thing that flew out of the city Lord’s mansion? is it an evil? ”

why would the evil appear in the day? and this feeling … It’s the Barbarian prince.

The sudden Dragon’s Roar and the flying dragon shocked the crowd. Many of them looked in Lu Chen’s direction. Some of them were familiar with Lu Chen, some were unfamiliar with him. Even Lu Chen’s opponent in three days, tai Zhao, was also surprised by Lu Chen’s method.

what a powerful aura! His dragon form has significantly increased his strength, and it has also allowed him to control the air. If he had transformed into a Dragon during a battle, I would definitely have been caught off guard. However, why did he suddenly transform into a Dragon? ”

Tai Zhao was confused and the others were exclaiming in shock, but Lu Chen didn’t seem to have heard anything at all. After finding a way to fight the evils, Lu Chen couldn’t wait to try it.

As the Overlord of the sky, the Dragon soars in the sky was very fast. In just a short time, Lu Chen had reached a height of 10000 meters with the help of his wings and the roar of the dragon.

From this height, the majestic heaven martial city was like a small village in Lu Chen’s eyes. As for the humans in the city, they were like ants.

In the sky, not only did everything become smaller, but Lu Chen’s vision was also greatly expanded. The broad view of the sky and the wide clouds expanded Lu Chen’s heart. But because the things on the ground were too small and he was looking down on them, Lu Chen felt a little arrogant.

wyrms fly in the sky all year round and look down on the earth from a high altitude. With their strength and longevity, it’s no wonder that wyrms have always been proud. Even if I’ve been a wyrms for a long time, I can’t avoid the pride in my heart.

The 10,000-meter view from above explained the Dragon’s arrogance to Lu Chen. However, Lu Chen didn’t pay any attention to it as soon as he reached the 10000-meter altitude. He felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Lu Chen couldn’t help but raise his head and his dragon eyes suddenly contracted.

When he raised his head, Lu Chen noticed that there were almost 20 moons in the sky. Nine of them were solid while the other 11 were blurry. At the same time, most of the blurry moons were flashing red and exuding a strange and brutal aura. These auras made Lu Chen understand that the blurry moons were not the satellites of this world but the evil God’s divine Kingdom of bi ‘an.

we can see the astral form of the God’s kingdom from 10000 meters above. Moreover, have the human powerhouses been fighting in space all this time? ”

no, there’s also a large-scale Shadow Realm. There’s also a battle in the land of nightmares. There’s more than one place where humans fight.

This time, Lu Chen experienced a battle between worlds. Therefore, he wasn’t the only one fighting. He wasn’t dealing with the most important areas either. The ones that could really decide the outcome were the sky, the large-scale Shadow Realms, and the land of nightmare at the bottom of the world.

although I’m having a lot of fun, it’s always been a small fight. But soon, when all the medium Shadow Realms are cleared, I will definitely advance to legendary. By then, I will also go to the large-scale Shadow Realms and astral battlefields.

While he was thinking, Lu Chen didn’t continue looking up.

Although he could sense that there were several layers of defense protecting the evil god nation hundreds of thousands of meters above, and there were also nine solid satellites stationed with human armies protecting the astral world’s God Kingdom.

However, the power of the gods was unpredictable and Lu Chen didn’t want to face them.

forget it. I’m only here to test if it’s faster to absorb the power of the sun from the sky. The evil God’s matter has nothing to do with me.

Lu Chen stopped thinking about the things in the sky and went through the clouds to absorb the sunlight.

After half an hour, Lu Chen felt that his absorption speed was indeed twice as fast as on the ground.

originally, it would take four days to fill up a heart, but now it only takes two days. However, it’s still too slow.

Lu Chen didn’t know what else to do. He had no choice but to give up on the energy charging method and try to use the energy to transform into the sun.

It only took him half an hour to charge the energy. Lu Chen didn’t have a lot of sun force stored in his body. He didn’t even have enough energy to fill his body cells, let alone his heart. However, he could still use it.

“I am the sun!”

As Lu Chen chanted the spirit Word that represented power, a warm power was emitted from his body. After the magic pattern on his skin absorbed the power of the sun, it glowed with a golden light as if it was activated.

Since the core of the sun mageweath on Lu Chen was located in the image of the sun on his back, a huge amount of the sun’s energy was also being emitted from the image.

As the power of the sun gathered behind Lu Chen’s back, a strange scene appeared. Like a mirror, a burning sun wheel appeared behind Lu Chen in a vertical circle. It stood one finger away from Lu Chen, making him look like a god.

After the burning sun appeared, the sky lit up!

It wasn’t just a simple description. It innocently lit up, and light burst out from the sun, making the world seem as if a Second Sun had risen.

is this the power of transforming into a sun? hmm, this light has the power of the sun and is extremely destructive against all evil. It can also enhance my flames and the power of justice, but it doesn’t seem to be very effective against ordinary people.

After some testing, Lu Chen realized that this power was the bane of the evils. However, it couldn’t destroy humans like the sun.

However, Lu Chen had already expected this. After all, the sun’s blessing was a gold skill and not a mythical one.

if I really want to be like the sun, I can only look at it in awe and not even have the thought of attacking. This requires a mythical skill. Sigh, I wonder what conditions are needed to reach the mythical stage from gold.

Lu Chen already had a lot of skills that could be upgraded to complete gold but up until now, he had yet to have any mythical trial on any of his skills. This meant that his skills could only be gold.

“Forget it. Let’s try and see how long I can last.”

Lu Chen could sense the sun transformation but he didn’t know how long it would last. He had to test it out himself.

The test lasted for more than ten minutes. When the power of sun in his body was exhausted, Lu Chen knew how long he could last.

just as I expected, if a heart is filled with sun Shen power, I can become a sun for an hour. Nine hearts that can store sun Shen power will allow me to become a sun for nine hours. And that’s not the end, my body’s cells can also store power, the power my entire body can store is equal to six hearts. If it is filled with sun Shen power, I can become a sun for fifteen hours.

“Other than storage, there’s pressure. Don’t worry about that. When I release the power of the sun, my body won’t suffer any damage. In fact, when my body is injured, the power of the sun will even repair my body. So, the pressure is nothing to me. ”

After some calculations, Lu Chen realized that he really had the ability to deal with a legendary level evil. He could transform into the sun for 15 hours, allowing him to escape even if he couldn’t defeat it.

“Fifteen hours. The sun’s blessing is really strong. No, wait. If it was only the sun’s blessing, I definitely wouldn’t have been able to store so much energy. It’s because my body was originally strong enough, and my second heart has been perfected, which has expanded my capacity and allowed me to withstand so much sun’s power.”

The sun’s blessing allowed Lu Chen to absorb the power of the sun while his own body was strong enough to withstand the power of the sun. This was considered an unusual skill combination but there were also some things that Lu Chen was troubled by.

Even if Lu Chen’s absorption speed was twice as fast at a height of 10000 meters, it would still take a month for his body to be filled with energy.

In other words, Lu Chen could only go to the Shadow Realm once a month.

“The interval is too long. Definitely not.”

Entering the Shadow Realm once a month was something that Lu Chen couldn’t bear. It was more like a week.

“Is there no other way to speed up the absorption of the sun’s power?”

Lu Chen who was floating 10000 meters in the air was troubled. But soon, he thought of something and released an overbearing territory. After the territory expanded to 10000 meters, Lu Chen let out a dragon roar.


The Dragon’s Roar shook the sky, and a special power combined with the domain.

After these forces combined, some of the powerhouses below who felt the drastic change and stared at the sky noticed that an area of about 10000 meters in the clear sky suddenly turned gloomy. Only the middle part of the sky suddenly shone brightly, as if all the light had gathered in the middle.

“What is that barbarian prince doing?”

“Could it be that he’s trying to intimidate us?”

is there a need to do this? he has defeated so many of our powerhouses. He has already intimidated us.

While the people were discussing, Lu Chen was smiling.

the power of the sun is gathering in my direction. The Dominator’s territory and the Dragon’s Roar are useful.

The Dominator’s territory could make everything in Lu Chen’s will submit to him, and the Dragon’s Roar could control everything with its superior level. Lu Chen was vexed by the slow absorption of the power of the sun, so he tried to distort the power of the sun within a 10000-meter radius with his will just now to gather all the power of the sun in his body.

It was just an attempt but Lu Chen didn’t expect it to work. There was really sun force that was absorbed by Lu Chen under his command.

Even though he didn’t gather all of it, it still increased Lu Chen’s absorption rate by ten times.

Feeling the endless power of the sun, Lu Chen’s heart was filled with excitement and emotion.

it’s good to have more skills. Sun’s blessing only allows me to absorb the power of the sun and store it in my body. If I only have one skill, I need to add my luck during the day and the power of the sun’s recovery to count as a gold skill. It’s only a gold skill, but I don’t have sun’s blessing.

the second heart and Barbarian King’s bloodline have expanded my vessel. Dragon’s Roar and tyrant’s territory have increased my absorption of the power of the sun by more than ten times. These are all the effects of the combination of skills. This combination has already made the sun’s blessing slightly surpass the peak Gold tier.

and this is not the end. When I am the sun is released, the power of flame and justice will be enhanced. If I only have the sun domain, I can only suppress the legends, but I now have the wrath of justice, Demacia’s justice, and the indestructible penetrating Rakshasa. These three all carry the power of flame and justice. Together with the protection of the sun, they give me the capital to fight with the legends head-on.

absorb, store, and release. All three have skills to complement each other. Now, even without the mythical trial, the sun’s blessing is like a myth to me.

The combination of several skills gave the sun’s blessing a mythical power. This was what Lu Chen lamented. To his surprise, after he said that, the mythical skill column really did change.


[ feast ] [ netherclaw ] [ Avalon ] [ apocalypse ] [ black rope Libra King ] [ Frostmourne ] [ torn silver hand ] [ black hole ]

This was Lu Chen’s original mythical skill and now, he had a new one.

[ I am the sun ]

[ skill introduction: after the host has fused with the sun’s blessing, Barbarian King’s bloodline, Overlord’s territory, Dragon Transformation, second heart, wrath of justice, Demacia’s justice, indestructible Rakshasa, and other skills, the host has already gained mythical power when transforming into the sun. ]

“Am I the sun?” Wait, there’s more.”

After reading ‘I am the sun’, a new skill appeared at the bottom of the page before Lu Chen could even sigh.

[ one blade Rakshasa ]

skill introduction: after the host has combined the one blade Shura, master-level swordsmanship, boundless Kendo, Barbarian King’s bloodline, violent wind exterminating breath, and many other skills, this skill has already possessed mythical power.

At this point, Lu Chen had 11 mythical skills.

Lu Chen was speechless at the scene, but when he thought about the power of the one blade Shura and I am the sun, he felt that it was normal.

His actions also piqued Lu Chen’s curiosity. He wanted to use his skills to create more mythical skills.

Just like that, Lu Chen flew in the sky while trying to combine his skills. However, an hour later, Lu Chen was helpless. He tried to combine countless skills, but only to find out that the only ones that could be called legendary were the original two.

As for the others, even the combination of tyrant’s domain and the Dragon Crown could not be considered a legend. As for the ultimate size control and demon ox tremor punch, it was not possible either.

“It’s so difficult to become a legend.”

After sighing, Lu Chen noticed that the sky was getting dark and he landed on the ground. While he was landing, he was also thinking about how long it would take for his body to fully fill up.

although using Dominator’s territory and Dragon’s Roar has increased my absorption speed by ten times, I still need three more days. And this is not even counting when I’m tired. I can’t use Dominator’s territory and Dragon’s Roar all the time.

As he descended from the sky, Lu Chen slowly calculated the time he needed and he frowned.

seven days. Including the time I’ve spent resting, it’ll take a total of seven days for my body to be filled with the power of the sun.

“It’s a little slow to charge it once a week, but that’s all I can do.”

Lu Chen was suffering from the slow charging. When he fell from the sky with a frown, red butterfly Ji and Yi Rong immediately surrounded him and consoled him.

His official wife, Princess Qingxue, also wanted to go forward. However, seeing that red butterfly Ji had already surrounded them, the thin-skinned Princess hesitated for a moment and didn’t dare to go over. However, she had a worried expression on her face.

The concubines ‘comforting words made Lu Chen’s worries fade away, ” forget it. On the bright side, at least I’ve found a way to deal with legends.

however, I didn’t expect that I would be able to resist a legend’s attack with my strong body. In the end, this point fell on the sun. It’s really hard to predict.

When Lu Chen saw that the sky had turned dark, he was ready to bring his wife and concubines to rest so that they could absorb the power of the sun tomorrow.

When he reached the door, Lu Chen also saw the monk and the Taoist outside.

The fat monk still had a frivolous expression on his face, ” did you find something fun? take me with you next time.

Meanwhile, priest and Ali had solemn expressions on their faces. we’re friends now. If you have any trouble, you can come to us.

no, I’ve gained something this time. You guys should rest too.

After that, Lu Chen was about to bring his wife and concubines into the bathroom for a good rest. But just as he turned around, he suddenly thought of something and turned to the monk and the Daoist.

“What’s wrong?”

The monk asked when he saw Lu Chen staring at them. The monk shrunk back and said in a strange tone, ” “Don’t tell me you’ve taken a fancy to me,”

Lu Chen didn’t care about the monk’s joke. He looked at the priest and asked, ” “Do you know how to use formations?”

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