System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 66 Night Filled With Pleasure

David savored the crisp, refreshing taste of the drink as he raised his can, offering a silent toast to Emily and Lily. The open window allowed a gentle breeze to caress his face, carrying with it a hint of the outside world. He observed his companions, both fatigued yet determined to push through.

Emily and Lily remained in their cosplay attire, their fatigue evident but their spirits unyielding. They had chosen to forgo the hassle of changing clothes, finding comfort in the familiarity of their outfits.

Side by side, they indulged in their drinks, embracing a moment of respite. Emily, her can now empty, placed it down with a clink, her attention drawn elsewhere. She rose from the bean bag, a hint of restlessness in her movements.

Meanwhile, Lily reclined on the bag, her gaze fixed upon the ceiling above. The weight of the day's endeavors seemed to pull her down, her body seeking comfort in the plush bean bag.

David, caught in the rhythm of the evening, savored the drink and savored the company. He reveled in the taste of the liquid and the satisfying crunch of the snacks they had brought along.

"I will go get fresh,"

Emily announced, her voice tinged with exhaustion, as she made her way towards her room.

The strains of the day had taken a toll on her, and the perspiration clinging to her body urged her to seek solace in a refreshing shower. With a sense of anticipation, she left the room, leaving David and Lily alone in the hall.

In the background, the TV murmured, its glow casting a soft illumination across the room. The midnight hour had arrived, enveloping the city in a peaceful slumber, but for David and his two companions, sleep seemed a distant notion.

David, having already consumed four cans of beer, appeared surprisingly unaffected. His body, blessed with immunity against the perils of alcohol and the ailments of the world, processed the liquid without falter.

Though a formidable force in the realms of fantasy, David chose to live a life grounded in reality.

Lily, on the other hand, succumbed to her weariness, opting to recline on the bean bag, still adorned in her cosplay attire. The weight of fatigue pulled at her limbs, urging her to surrender to a moment of fatigue.

After a brief interlude, Emily emerged from her room, her damp hair cascading over her shoulders as she delicately towel-dried it. The room, instantly filled by the fresh scent of her body wash, bore witness to her rejuvenation.

Clad in a loose-fitting red t-shirt that extended to her knees, Emily exuded an air of casual comfort. Beneath the hem of her shirt, barely visible, lay a pair of shorts that hinted at her concealed thighs.

"Lily, go freshen up,"

Emily's voice carried a hint of urgency, imploring her tired friend to seek the revitalizing embrace of a shower. Sweat clung to their bodies, serving as a constant reminder of their exhaustion. Emily hoped that a refreshing bath would provide them with some relief.

"No, I don't want to,"

Lily replied, her voice barely audible, a reflection of her weariness. The thought of exerting any further energy for a bath seemed overwhelming at that moment.

Emily's tone grew sharper as she insisted, "At least change and come out, don't be so lazy."

Frustration tinged her words as she expressed her exasperation with Lily's lack of motivation.

With a resigned sigh, Lily retorted,

"Alright, alright."

Slowly, she rose from the bean bag, her body aching from the day's activities. As she made her way to her room, David's gaze followed her, catching a glimpse of her exposed back as she unfastened her tight cosplay dress.

The fabric revealed a small portion of her butt cheeks, teasing his senses. Lily discarded her pink wig, carelessly tossing it into a corner, before disappearing into her room to change.

"Don't mind her, she's always like that,"

Emily chimed in, observing Lily's nonchalant actions. She attempted to alleviate any potential discomfort David might feel from witnessing the scene.

David chuckled, his amusement evident, as he replied, "No problem at all."

He found a hint of entertainment in the quirks and idiosyncrasies of those around him, including Lily's carefree attitude towards personal grooming.

Due to the continuous drinking and lack of bathroom breaks since 7 o'clock, David's bladder had reached its limit. The urge to pee became overwhelming, and he tightly gripped his crotch in a desperate attempt to control it.

"I really need to go to the washroom,"

David exclaimed, his discomfort evident in his voice.

Emily couldn't help but laugh at David's predicament. She pointed towards her own room and suggested,

"Go to my room."

With a sense of relief, David nodded and started making his way towards Emily's room.

Meanwhile, Emily opened another can of beer and placed the snacks within reach. As David walked, he noticed that both Lily's room and Emily's room were opposite each other, situated on either side of the hallway.

Lily's room was to the right, while Emily's room was to the left. Moving further along the hallway would lead him to the kitchen area.

As he moved further, heightened by his senses and blessings, he could literally perceive everything. Positioned in the middle, making his way towards the bathroom, he caught sight of Lily, who had inadvertently left the door unlocked, revealing her fully naked form.

His gaze lingered on her exposed boobs which were hanging down and cleanly shaved pussy area as she knelt down to put on her shorts. Unaware of David's presence, she was too drunk to take notice.

Captivated by her beauty, David reluctantly proceeded towards the bathroom, his self-control waning. Upon entering, he was greeted by the lingering scent of Emily's recent bath, as the fragrance of her chosen body wash filled the air.

Relieved, he released the accumulated pressure of his bladder as he started peeing, taking a moment to observe a set of black bra and panties hanging on the steel bar, remnants of Emily's pre-bath preparations.

After finishing his business, he resisted the temptation to indulge further, preserving the scent of her body on the panty, and resumed his path back to the room.

As David emerged from the washroom, he felt a sense of relief, having relieved himself of the need to urinate. His jeans felt slightly uncomfortable, so he decided to make himself more at ease.

Thanks to the convenience of his storage portal, he had packed spare clothes for any occasion. He swiftly retrieved a pair of boxers from his portal and skillfully changed into them, preparing to remove his jeans when the time was right.

As he turned his attention back to the room, he noticed that Lily had returned to her previous spot and had opened another beer. She had opted to change her clothes without taking a bath, perhaps due to her exhaustion.

Meanwhile, from his vantage point, David couldn't help but steal glances at Emily's alluring white thighs, visible from behind where he stood.

In the past, David had relied on the system for quests related to Sex encounters or progressing with the girls. However, after experiencing numerous encounters and gaining confidence, he found himself less dependent on the system's prompts.

Nowadays, the system seemed to understand David's intentions, tailoring quests to suit his specific circumstances. As he pondered this, he realized that no quests had been given to him yet, but he was confident that would not require any quests to have Sex tonight with both, as he smirked on thought of having Sex again.

Emily's gaze fixed upon David as he emerged from the washroom. Observing his discomfort in his jeans, she suggested,

"Get comfortable. You can take off your jeans."

"Ok" replied David.

Taking her suggestion to heart, David quickly unzipped his pants, allowing him to slide down his legs. With Emily's eyes still on him, he nonchalantly removed his jeans, revealing his boxer-clad lower half. Folding the jeans neatly, he set them aside and made his way toward Emily and Lily, where they both sat.

Emily retrieved the last can of beer from its plastic packaging and handed it over to David. He took a sip, savoring the taste, before setting it down. His attention shifted to Lily, who appeared on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.

Meanwhile, Emily, feeling rejuvenated after her bath, approached David, drawn to his presence. Sensing her intentions, he instinctively moved closer to her.

In a moment of connection, their lips met in a passionate kiss. The energy between them intensified as their embrace deepened. In the past, Lily would have eagerly joined in, her adventurous spirit propelling her forward. However, her fatigue had overtaken her, rendering her too lethargic to seize the moment as she chose to pass the moment.

For now, the intimate exchange remained solely between David and Emily, their lips locked in a dance of desire and their bodies leaning into each other, relishing the connection they shared.

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