System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 79 Divine Weapon

As David's eyes scanned the details of the quest, a mix of excitement and trepidation swirled within his chest. This quest was unlike any he had encountered before. Most quests involved venturing into dangerous territories, collecting treasures, or even seeking potential companions for his harem. But crafting? This was uncharted territory for him.

The blessings he had received from the God of Weapons had always been a source of comfort. He had believed that their mere presence would be enough, that he could rely on his innate abilities and not have to put his craftsmanship to the test.

After all, why would he need to utilize those blessings when his skills were already maxed out and seemingly untouchable?

Yet, his neglect had caught up with him. Ignoring the blessings had consequences, consequences that now loomed before him in the form of this quest. The penalty of losing the god's favor was a daunting prospect, one that drove David's determination to complete the task at hand.

"Take me to the blacksmith forge," David requested of Luna as they continued their journey towards the inn.

"Of course, master. The blacksmith forge is located near the exit gate. We will need to walk until we reach there," Luna replied, her voice filled with a sense of loyalty and readiness.

As they approached their destination, David's anxiety intensified. He was keenly aware of the reserved nature of blacksmiths, their dedication to their craft, and their disdain for those who underestimated or mocked their skill.

The thought of entering the forge, a place he had never stepped foot in before, sent a shiver down his spine. Doubts flooded his mind. How could he, with no prior experience in crafting, hope to create a weapon worthy of auction?

Despite his wavering confidence, the weight of the quest pressed upon him. He knew he had to push through his fears and face this challenge head-on. The consequences of failure were too great to ignore. Gathering his resolve, he steeled himself for the unknown that awaited within the blacksmith forge.

The moment arrived as they reached the forge's entrance. The rhythmic clanging of hammers on metal reverberated through the air, a testament to the skilled hands at work. David hesitated for a brief moment, swallowing his apprehension. With Luna by his side, a source of unwavering support, he stepped forward into the forge.

David took a deep breath, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the weapon he needed to create for the auction. He knew that common or even rare weapons wouldn't be enough to capture the attention of the auction attendees.

He needed something exceptional, something that would ignite bidding wars and leave a lasting impression. The weight of this challenge bore down on him as he walked toward the blacksmith forge, anticipation mingling with a tinge of nervousness.

Approaching the entrance, the sounds of clanging swords and the rhythmic thud of hammers against anvils filled the air. However, there was an eerie stillness outside, devoid of any greeters or signs of life.

The neglected surroundings spoke of a place long untouched, overrun by weeds and moss. The only constant was the resounding symphony of metal being shaped and formed within.

Tuck Tuck

Summoning his courage, David rapped on the door. The sound reverberated briefly before fading into the cacophony of the forge. Receiving no response, he tried again, his knuckles striking the door more insistently.

The rhythmic pounding of metal ceased, replaced by the sound of approaching footsteps. The door swung open, revealing a dwarf, aged and weathered, his face obscured by a thick, dark beard. His hands and gloves bore the stains of countless hours spent toiling at the forge.

"What do you want, brat?" the dwarf grumbled, his voice gruff.

He ushered David and Luna inside, revealing a sparsely populated workshop. It seemed that this dwarf was the sole laborer within.

David spoke up, his voice tinged with determination, "I have come here to craft a weapon."

The dwarf raised an eyebrow, skepticism etched on his face as he continued to clean a sword. "And what does a brat like you know about blacksmithing? Are you the same brat... let me guess, the one who achieved S rank?"

He paused, searching David's face for confirmation. "There have been rumors of a foreigner traveling with a cat girl."

A flicker of hesitation crossed David's features, but he knew he had to convince the dwarf to allow him to use his blacksmith skills.

"Yes, I am that brat," David admitted, weaving a tale of half-truths. "In my homeland, my father was a blacksmith with his own forge. I learned the craft from him as I grew up. Now, on my adventurous journey, I wanted to practice and hone my skills further."

The dwarf's eyes narrowed as he scrutinized David, assessing the sincerity in his words. After a moment, he grunted and gestured for David to follow him deeper into the forge. The air was thick with heat and the smell of burning coal. Rows of tools and materials lined the walls, a testament to the craftsmanship that had transpired within these walls.

David's heart quickened with both anticipation and gratitude as he was led to an available workstation. The dwarf's hardened exterior seemed to soften slightly as he observed David's eagerness to learn and improve.

As David approached the anvil, his mind raced with possibilities. He opened his storage portal, retrieving the rare minerals he had discovered during his adventures. With utmost care, he presented them to the dwarf, allowing the keen eyes of the seasoned craftsman to select the most suitable pieces for the weapon. The dwarf handed David a metal plate, a foundation upon which his creation would take form.

With the dwarf's guidance, David began the process of forging. His hands moved with purpose and finesse, wielding the hammer and tongs with a rhythm that seemed innate. Step by step, he shaped the metal, applying heat and pressure to mold it according to his vision.

Using the minerals he had gathered, David infused them into the sword, each one lending its unique properties to the weapon. The dwarf suggested the inclusion of mana stones, urging David to infuse the sword with their magical essence. As the metal responded to his touch, a harmonious fusion of craftsmanship and enchantment took place.

The scene unfolded with a mystical aura. The heat of the forge mingled with the pulsating glow of mana as David worked diligently. A mesmerizing display of colors danced before his eyes, shimmering in the air like an ethereal dance. The light from the forge spilled out, casting an otherworldly glow that beckoned the curious townsfolk to draw near.

With each strike of the hammer, the sword began to take shape. Its form emerged, a testament to David's skill and the divine blessings he had received. The glow intensified, spreading throughout the smithy, illuminating the faces of those present with awe and wonder.

As the final blows fell upon the metal, David infused the mana stones and rare minerals into the sword. A surge of energy coursed through the weapon, its power resonating within its very core. The glow intensified, enveloping the sword in a breathtaking display of radiance.

As the light settled, a hushed silence fell upon the smithy. The townsfolk, drawn by the spectacle, gasped in amazement. The completed sword stood before them, its dark blue hue tinged with the unmistakable glimmer of mana. Its golden accents gleamed, a testament to its majesty and power.

The dwarf, unable to contain his excitement, staggered backward, his voice stammering with awe. Tears welled in his eyes as he beheld the divine weapon before him. For a blacksmith, creating such a masterpiece was a lifelong dream. Witnessing its creation firsthand was a blessing beyond measure.

Words escaped the dwarf's lips, his voice trembling with emotion. " have crafted a divine weapon," he managed to stammer.

Overwhelmed by the magnitude of the moment, he sank to the ground, his heart filled with a mixture of reverence and gratitude. This sword, borne of David's skill and blessed by the gods, would forever be etched in the annals of the smithy's history.

David stood in awe, his eyes fixed on the sword he had crafted. The weight of his achievement settled upon him, filling his heart with a sense of fulfillment. The divine weapon radiated power, its presence a testament to the merging of his craftsmanship and the blessings bestowed upon him.

The townsfolk, mesmerized by the spectacle, approached the smithy with wonder-filled eyes. Whispers of awe spread throughout the crowd, as they marveled at the glorious sword that had been brought into existence. The creation had surpassed their expectations, igniting a sense of reverence for the artistry of blacksmithing and the boundless possibilities that lay within the realm of magic.

Suddenly a familiar screen appeared in front of his eyes, as he looked to check the contents.


[System Message]

Congratulations on creating a Divine weapon!

You have been rewarded:

+100 reputation points across Silver Haven Town.

+1 Key to Earth.

Favorability with dwarfs: Favorable opinion earned from all dwarfs.

[System Message End]


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