System at One End and Harem at the Other End

Chapter 88 Mystery Behind The Woman

The night was quiet as the mysterious girl disappeared from David's sight and left the park. It was nearly eleven o'clock, and slowly, people began to head home. David remained seated outside on the park bench, sighing with a sense of bewilderment.

"What is going on?" he muttered to himself, his brow furrowing in confusion. The status screen had failed to appear for her, and he couldn't understand why.

David's mind was consumed with thoughts of the past fifteen minutes when he had rescued her from a group of harassing individuals. He vividly recalled the image of her in sporty clothes, her perfect body, and her face, even though at the time, he hadn't taken a long look at her.

Her features lingered in his memory, and he couldn't deny that she was quite striking. But that couldn't be the reason why her status window didn't appear. The God's Eyes skill, bestowed by the Goddess herself, was absolute and should have revealed the status of everyone.

He pondered further, trying to remember if he had encountered a similar situation before. He recalled using the Status Analyzer skill, which, although at a very low level, still managed to display the status of Gods and Goddesses, albeit with question marks obscuring their levels. However, this situation was different, and he couldn't put his finger on why.

As he sat lost in thought, the memories of rescuing the girl and the failure to view her status lingered in David's mind again and again as the same scene continuously played out. Suddenly, a gentle vibration pulled him back to reality. He reached into his pocket and retrieved his sleek smartphone, checking the notification.

It was from the Whatsapp group he had created, a group of nine others who had also been summoned to the Goddess Pavilion some months ago. David had formed the group in the hopes that they would meet someday. The message was casual chatter, and the group seemed quite active in their interactions.

Despite his mind being preoccupied with thoughts of the mysterious woman, David decided to ask the group about their experiences.

His fingers danced across the touchpad as he typed, "Has anyone faced an issue where they couldn't view the status of a person? Has this happened to anyone?"

He hoped to find out if any of them had encountered similar situations. After all, they all possessed the God's Eyes skill bestowed upon them by the Goddess of Sex during their summoning.

The first reply came swiftly, with someone stating, "That's impossible."

Others chimed in, agreeing that such a scenario shouldn't be possible, given the supposed absoluteness of their skill. However, for David, it was a different story.

He knew what he had experienced and replied, "Maybe you're right. I might be overthinking it, but it's happened to me twice now."

The group members asked him to double-check or offered various pieces of advice.

Despite the reassurances, David couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it. He trusted his instincts and the capabilities of his God's Eyes skill. It had never failed him before, except when encountering divine beings with hidden levels. But this girl was different; she wasn't a goddess or divine entity. So why couldn't he see her status?

Feeling a bit frustrated and eager for answers, David decided to leave it for the moment. He had already spent considerable time pondering the mystery and discussing it with the group. Perhaps it was a one-time anomaly that wouldn't repeat itself. Yet, a part of him couldn't help but feel drawn to the enigma.

David knew that with his powers and the stealth bestowed upon him by the God of Darkness, he could have instantly appeared behind her and caught up. However, he hesitated. Even if he caught up to her, what would he say? What questions would he ask?

The idea of confronting her about the issue with her status seemed absurd. Ordinary people living common lives would find it ridiculous, and David didn't want to risk her trust by approaching her so suddenly.

Feeling conflicted, David decided against pursuing her at that moment. He didn't have any specific questions to ask her, and he didn't want to appear as if he were harassing her. He had just earned her trust during their encounter, and he didn't want to ruin that by acting impulsively.

With a heavy sigh, he got up from the bench in the park and started making his way back to his apartment. The frustration lingered within him, and he couldn't shake the nagging feeling that he was missing something important about this mysterious woman.

As he headed home, David couldn't help but think about his modeling appointment the next day. He wondered if he would come across the woman again, or if he would even recognize her in a different context. Perhaps seeing her in a different environment would shed some light on the issue he was facing.

As David left the peaceful park behind, he made his way back to his apartment. The clock struck midnight, and the city seemed to rest under the blanket of darkness. Street dogs howled in the distance, adding an eerie charm to the night.

As he entered the residential area, all was calm. The majority of the residents were fast asleep, and the only sounds that broke the silence were those of security guards patrolling the streets.

David reached his apartment and decided to call it a day, hoping that one day he would uncover the identity of the mysterious woman whose status remained elusive to his God's Eyes skill.

The next morning, the sun's rays gently kissed the city awake, and David rose from his slumber. He had a shoot scheduled at a studio later in the day, but before that, he had a plan in mind.

He strolled towards the studio, taking a route that led him past the college where he had encountered the enigmatic woman. As he approached the college premises, he activated his God's Eyes skill, ready to scan the statuses of those present. His heart raced with anticipation, hoping to catch a glimpse of the woman's status once again.

Outside the college gate, David's heightened senses detected that the status window of the mysterious woman was still elusive. A small bead of sweat formed on his face, but he couldn't help but smile. The college had strict security measures, and he didn't want to cause any commotion by searching for her inside. So, he chose to remain outside.

"Now I just need to confirm one thing," David muttered to himself. He recalled the encounter from the previous night and sensed the familiar presence of the woman he had saved. Excitement surged within him as he realized she was the same person he was looking for.

With newfound determination, he focused on sensing her presence. He could feel her energy, and with growing excitement, he whispered, "She is the one!" He had successfully located the woman he had rescued from the creeps the previous night. Now, the only way forward was to approach her.

However, he knew it wasn't the right time or place to do so. David couldn't risk creating a scene in the college, where outsiders were not allowed without proper identity. So, he decided to wait for the right opportunity to meet her again.

As he returned to his work, his mind was consumed with thoughts of the woman who had captured his heart and imagination. He couldn't wait for the night to fall again, bringing with it the chance to uncover the secrets that had eluded him for so long.

As David left the college campus, he made his way towards the advertising studio. It had been a long day for him, but he was looking forward to his upcoming shoots. First on the agenda was a shoot for men's shoe wear, followed by a beauty products shoot. His recent success had brought in new contracts and clients, and he was excited about the opportunities that lay ahead.

As he entered the studio, he was greeted by Jessica, his sex harem partner and the assistant manager at the studio. They had a close and friendly relationship, both personally and professionally. Jessica was not only talented but also supportive, and she always made sure that everything ran smoothly during the shoots.

"Hey, David! Ready for today's shoots?" Jessica asked with a smile.

"Definitely! Let's make it another successful day," David replied with enthusiasm.

They went over the details of the shoots, discussing the various shots and angles they wanted to capture. David was impressed by Jessica's organization skills and her ability to coordinate everything seamlessly.

The first shoot for men's shoe wear went smoothly. David effortlessly portrayed the confidence and style required for the advertisement. His natural charisma and charm made the shoes look even more appealing. The entire team was thrilled with the results, and they knew they had some fantastic shots to work with.

During breaks between shots, David and Jessica chatted and shared a few laughs. Their bond as friends and colleagues made the atmosphere on set even more enjoyable. Jessica knew how to keep the mood light and upbeat, which helped David stay relaxed and focused.

Next came the beauty products shoot. David had to showcase different skincare and makeup products. With his flawless skin and expressive eyes, he made the products shine on camera. The clients were impressed by his versatility, and they praised his ability to bring life to their brand.

Once successful and eventful day, David went home as he was planning to finally meet the mysterious woman.

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