System's POV

Chapter 102 Teaching Rianna A Lesson About Leadership and Responsibilities

Chapter 102 Teaching Rianna A Lesson About Leadership and Responsibilities

Thirteen glanced at the teenage boys and girls behind Rianna.

Just as he expected, the girl didn't hesitate to buy all of the Human children from the Slave Market.

These kids were looking at her with gratitude, but there were a few strong-willed people who didn't like owing her a favor.

The boy then shifted his attention to Cristopher, who currently had a big smile on his face.

Originally, Thirteen thought that Christopher would purchase Teenage Tigerkins as his slaves, but the two ladies who were currently pampering him were Tigerkins who were over thirty years old

They might not be the most beautiful among the Tigerkin Slaves, but they were no doubt the ones who had a motherly appeal, especially in their chest area, which he estimated were at least D-Cups.

However, Cristopher didn't only buy Beastkin Girls.

He bought two Ogres as well.

All in all, Rianna got 33 Human Slaves, while Cristopher got 2 Tigerkins and 2 Ogres.

To his surprise, the two Ogres were actually Rank 3 Monsters, which were stronger than Brutus and Bruno.

Since the Ogres were relatively strong, they cost 400 Silver Coins each, while the two Tigerkins were 100 Silver Coins each.

"You did well, Cristopher," Thirteen praised the chubby boy who scratched his head shyly because of Thirteen's praise.

He then shifted his gaze at Rianna before smirking.

"They are your responsibility, okay?" Thirteen stated. "I don't want to babysit you guys."

The teenagers behind Rianna all looked at the seven-year-old in confusion. They didn't understand why someone younger than them would talk about babysitting them.

Usually, it was the older ones who babysat younger people!

"Um, actually, I plan to make a Hunting Party," Rianna stated. "But I have no money to arm them."

"And you want to ask me for money?"

"… Yes."

Rianna showed an embarrassed expression because she knew that Thirteen had no obligation to help her.

However, since she already spent most of the money that Thirteen had given her, there was nothing else she could do but ask him for funds.

Thirteen rubbed his chin as he looked at Rianna with a mischievous smile.

"I'll give you a hundred silver," Thirteen said.

"… But that's not enough," Rianna replied.

"I know."

"Then why?"

Thirteen placed his hands on his waist and looked at Rianna with a solemn expression on his face.

"They are your responsibility, so you need to deal with them yourself," Thirteen stated.

Rianna lowered her head because she knew that the boy in front of her was right.

This made the teenagers frown. Judging by their exchange, they immediately understood that the one calling the shots was none other than the seven-year-old, and this fact surprised them greatly.

"Rianna, did you forget how I earned money?" Thirteen asked. "What is stopping you from doing the same?"

The young lady, who was at a loss about what to do, suddenly had a realization after hearing the younger boy's words.

"You mean…" Rianna muttered.

"Exactly," Thirteen answered.

Rianna's expression became serious as she considered fighting in the Duel Arena. Although she knew hand-to-hand fighting techniques, she wasn't confident that she would be able to perform as brilliantly as Thirteen.

The seven-year-old had no plans to duel again anytime soon since he was currently a "hot topic" among the regulars of the arena.

Even Raldo asked him to keep a low profile for the time being and wait until things settled down.

"I…" Rianna was about to say something when Thirteen raised a hand to stop her.

"I think you are misunderstanding something, Rianna," Thirteen stated. "Who said that you would have to be the one to do the fighting? Aren't they your slaves? I'm sure someone can do a better job in fighting in the arena aside from you."

The young boy then raised his hand and pointed at one of the boys behind Rianna.

"For example that guy," Thirteen said. "Let him fight in the Arena then you bet 100 silver on him. If he wins, then your group will have the money you need to buy a few weapons, so that you can hunt Monsters.

"They are now your people, so they should help you. Don't be stuck up and carry all the responsibilities on your own. I mean, do you see me handling everything myself? You have to split the roles among your team. That is what it takes to become a leader."

Since Rianna already bought the other Wanderers, Thirteen thought that it would be best if he taught her a little bit about how to handle subordinates.

He didn't want her to end up as a martyr who always carried heavy burdens on her shoulders so that everyone could be happy.

The guy whom Thirteen pointed at sized up the seven-year-old with a calm expression on his face.

He noticed the Black Snake that was coiled on the boy's neck and recognized it for what it truly was.

'This brat is not someone simple,' the teenage boy thought.

"Well, there is another matter that you should consider," Thirteen stated. "Aside from arming them, you also need to find a place for them to stay. The inn will not be enough to house them all. Besides, I will not be giving you money for their accommodations either."

Rianna frowned because she hadn't thought that far. The only thing on her mind was to free all the slaves out of pity.

But now that they were free, she couldn't possibly let them wander off on their own. Although they bore the mark of slaves with the red dots on their foreheads, that didn't mean that no one in the city would try to harm them.

They were, after all, Slaves.

The lowest of the lows, and they had no Human rights to speak of.

"What should I do?" Rianna asked with a beet-red face.

Thirteen didn't answer her. Instead, he looked at Norris, who was watching this scene with amusement.

"Do you know of any place where we can fit at least fifty people?" Thirteen asked. "The slaves can sleep in the stables or the backyard of the property."

"What a coincidence, one of our warehouses is now free after many slaves had been bought from my collection," Norris replied. "It's only 5,000 Silvers for one month. No discounts."

Thirteen pondered for a bit before nodding his head.

"Deal," Thirteen replied.

"It's good doing business with you!" Norris was genuinely happy because he was able to earn so much in a single day.

Earlier, Thirteen had 32,000 Silver Coins.

But now, his wealth had decreased to 19,000 Silver Coins.

Although it was still a substantial amount, he believed that it would not be enough to get the Five Leaf Clover, which would be auctioned two weeks from now

'It will be a bit tight, but it's not impossible,' Thirteen thought.

Since he had already spent good money on these Wanderers, he would certainly squeeze them dry until he got his money's worth back and more.

After getting the payment for Thirteen's purchases, Norris led them to one of the warehouses that he owned in the city.

It was quite big and had two storeys.

It had more than enough space to house fifty people and a few Ogres.

There were ready-made beds to sleep on. Although they were crude, it proved that this was a place used to store slaves before they were sold at the Slave Market.

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