System's POV

Chapter 129 A Game Of Cat And Mouse

Chapter 129 A Game Of Cat And Mouse

Harry was in disbelief when he arrived in the warehouse Thirteen rented.

He saw that it was big enough to house more than a hundred people.

Not only that, but the Wanderers seemed to be doing well. None of them looked malnourished, and they all looked content with their current circumstances.

Granted, the warehouse wasn't a luxurious residence like the residence of the Remington Clan, but it was still a safe haven for teenagers like them.

The best place for the Wanderers who had been forced to go to the world of Solterra regardless of whether they liked it or not.

The sound of constant hammering echoed in the background, which made Harry look towards the Eastern Side of the warehouse where the Smithy was, according to Rianna.

But before he could ask if he could see Zion, a familiar chubby boy walked in their direction.

"You're back, Rianna," Cristopher greeted. "Was the hunt good?"

"Not that good, but not that bad either," Rianna replied. "Is Zion still working?"

"He is," Cristopher answered before shifting his attention to Harry. "My Young Master said that he will meet you tomorrow. He is working on something important right now, so he can't meet you right away."

"I see," Harry looked disappointed after hearing that he wouldn't be able to see the seven-year-old, who seemed to be the one who was at the top of the hierarchy among the Wanderers.

"Rest for now, and eat some good food," Cristopher stated. "It must have been tough in the Desert. Well then, I'll go back to the Young Master's side. See you at dinner, Rianna. Young Master said that he wouldn't be able to join us because he had to go somewhere important."

Rianna nodded in understanding.

If Zion said that he would do or go somewhere important, then he meant it.

So, she decided to just wait until the morning to talk about a few things, especially about how they would deal with Harry, who was part of a Monarch Clan.

After Cristopher left, Harry followed Rianna to the Western Side of the Warehouse, where she and the other Wanderers were staying.

"Just so you know, you must not go to the Eastern Side of the warehouse without permission," Rianna stated. "Zion bought Trolls and Ogres as slaves. They will not hesitate to attack anyone who goes to their part of the building."

Harry stiffened before nodding his head.

He had planned to secretly meet with the younger boy later to have a private talk, but after hearing Rianna's warning, he decided to just behave and wait until morning came.

Zion had made it clear that his side of the warehouse was off-limits to everyone, with the exception of Rianna, whom he considered to be part of his team.

The Wanderers, who were under Rianna's command, respected his privacy because they discovered that the money that Rianna had used to buy them came from the seven-year-old, whom the young lady held in high esteem.

They were not like Colbert who bit the hand of the person that helped them.

However, Rianna was still the one who decided to buy them, not Zion, so they only listened to her orders.

Originally, they thought that the younger boy would boss them around, but he did no such thing.

Zion just minded his own business and worked in the smithy alongside his slaves.

A few hours later…

Thirteen looked at the black bow in his hand with a satisfied look on his face.

It looked crude, but with a little bit of polishing, he was certain that it would look better than the Dark Wing Bow that was sold in the Auction a few hours ago.

The boy then stored the bow inside his storage ring before he ate dinner alone.

There was a reason why he didn't meet with Harry right away.

This was his way of subtly making the teenage boy from the Monarch Clan know that, here in the warehouse, he was the law.

If he wanted to speak with him, he would speak with him.

If he wanted him to wait, he would wait.

He had already given him a chance to build his own force in the Houdini Desert and even left him half of his resources as well as weapons.

But because of certain circumstances, the scion of the Remington House was unable to survive on his own, which led him to come to Gronar City with the hopes of being able to reunite with Thirteen.

'I'll make sure that Uncle Elijah gives me that Helicopter when I return to Pangea,' Thirteen mused. 'I deserve that much for everything I've done for his son.'

The seven-year-old was adamant about having his own Military Helicopter, which he planned to modify to become his personal transport.

There were places he wanted to go in the Aldebaran Continent, and having a Helicopter would make his life so much easier.

After a late-night dinner, Thirteen left the warehouse with Tiona and Vassago.

Their destination?

The place where the Five Leaf Clover was placed.

Thirteen planned to steal it from the City Lord who made things difficult for him earlier.

He was confident that if the right conditions were met, he would be able to enter and leave the City Lord's Residence with the Five Leaf Clover in his hands.

An hour later, Thirteen stared at the City Lord's residence from on top of a roof.

High in the sky, Vassago circled the residence and eyed the possible places for entry. He also checked the location of the guards, which he would then report to the seven-year-old waiting for him on the ground.

After confirming that he had memorized the layout of the house, Vassago returned to where Thirteen was to give his report.

The boy listened to the Pocopoco's words without any interruption.

When Vassago finished his report, a frown appeared on Thirteen's face.

'Something smells fishy,' Thirteen thought as he reviewed the position of the guards that were inside the residence.

There were several guards stationed in different places, which was very normal for the residences of important people.

However, the thing that bothered the boy was that all possible entrances were guarded, with the exception of one.

As a System, he knew that something wasn't right because it smelled like a trap.

A moment later, a faint smile appeared on Thirteen's face.

He then jumped to the next roof and slowly made his way towards the City Lord's Residence.

Vassago flew high in the sky and observed the seven-year-old while paying attention to his surroundings.

Thirteen had told the Pocopoco about his hunch and left clear instructions for the bird to follow just in case his guess was right.

When Thirteen was only two hundred meters away from the City Lord's Residence, he stopped.

He could feel the hairs at the back of his neck standing on end, and goosebumps washed over his body.

'I knew it,' Thirteen thought.

The boy then made a show of casually stretching his arms before lying down on the roof, placing his hands under his head before looking at the stars in the sky.

Tiona coiled herself up on Thirteen's chest and rested her head on the boy's neck.

The seven-year-old then closed his eyes, and before long, he was sound asleep.

The minutes passed, and only the sound of the nightlife of the city could be heard in the surroundings.

But somewhere inside the City Lord's Residence, a man holding a glass of wine in his hand was staring at the boy lying on the rooftop.

Arthas' gaze was cold, but he didn't make any moves to approach the boy.

The night was still long, and he had no problem waiting.

He was expecting someone to sneak inside his residence, and once the rat had taken the bait, he would make sure that it would never see the sun ever again.

Thirteen, on the other hand, was not bothered with what was going on inside Arthas' mind.

He, too, had dropped some bait, and whether the City Lord would take a bite or not, the seven-year-old would still be the one in control of the situation.

Vassago, who would serve as the observer of this match, landed at a nearby rooftop, allowing him to see everything from his vantage point.

What the two didn't know was that there was a third party, aside from Vassago, observing this face-off from a distance.

'I guess taking a casual stroll unexpectedly paid off,' the person thought as they made themselves comfortable while observing the City Lord's Residence, as well as the boy from a distance away.

This was a classic game of Cat and Mouse. Whether the Cat would catch its prey or whether the Mouse would be able to get away, everything would be known before the morning sun rose in the East.

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