System's POV

Chapter 133 How To Train A Hero [Part 1]

Chapter 133 How To Train A Hero [Part 1]

"Okay, let me introduce all of you to everyone," Thirteen said as he pointed at the chubby teenager on his right side. "This is Cristopher. You can think of him as my right-hand man."

Cristopher, who had been called as the younger boy's right hand man, was surprised because he didn't expect that Thirteen thought highly of him.

"This lady over here is Rianna," Thirteen stated as he pointed at the young lady on his left side. "She is the leader of her own Hunting Party, and currently helping me manage this Warehouse. The Human Slaves that you see working here in the warehouse are all under her command.

"But, make no mistake. We operate differently. I don't command her Slaves because they are her responsibility. Likewise, she cannot command any of you because you are my responsibility."

The seven-year-old wanted to make everything clear that there were two divisions of manpower that were staying inside the warehouse.

"The five of you will be put on the same team as this boy, Taiga," Thirteen stated. "He is not going to be your leader. All of you are my slaves, so you will only take orders from me. Do all of you understand?"

The Tigerkins, whose ages ranged from sixteen to nineteen years old, glared at the human boy who had bought them from the Slave Market.

If not for the boy's command of absolute loyalty and servitude, all the TIgerkins would have already ganged up to tear him apart.

"I asked all of you a question," Thirteen said calmly. "Your answers?"

Even after being asked for the second time, none of the Tigerkins gave him any reply, and only glared in his direction.

Aside from their loyalty, Thirteen had ordered them to openly show their dislike for him, and even gave them the freedom to choose to reply or not.

Of course, he did this so that the Tigerkins could silently defy him, and make their hatred known.

However, if Thirteen ordered them to answer, they would answer without a doubt.

But, since he didn't give such orders, they chose to remain silent, and show their hostility towards their new Master.

Percival clenched his fists because he, too, felt the same way as his brethren. If possible, he didn't want to obey the boy's orders, but his instincts were telling him that defying him openly would only make him suffer.

As if to prove this thought to be correct, Thirteen raised his hand.

Immediately, T1, who was the leader of the Trolls, punched one of the older Tigerkins in the chest, sending the latter flying.

"I asked all of you a question," Thirteen said coldly. "Do all of you understand what I just said?"

"Even if you hurt us, you will not break our spirit!" one of the Tigerkin boys shouted. "I am from the Maddox Clan! I will not yield, even if I die!"

"Well said." Thirteen smirked. "Lady Adira, can you please make him more obedient for me?"

"Oh, my! You're already treating me as one of your thugs?" Adira arched an eyebrow. "You really have nerves of steel, Zion."

"I know for a fact that when it comes to torture, nothing can beat Drows in this regard. I am simply asking the help of a Professional in order to discipline my slave."

"It will cost you."

"How much?"

"A thousand silver per hour," Adira replied. "I already gave you a friend discount."

"Deal." Thirteen nodded.

The Tigerkin, who came from the Maddox Clan, didn't plan on going down without a fight.

Since Adira wasn't one of the younger boy's subordinates, this meant that it was fine to attack her.

Moving at a speed that was faster than a human, the Tigerkin closed in the distance with his claws fully extended to tear his target apart.

However, he made one mistake.

Adira was no ordinary Drow.

She was a Champion, whose rank far surpassed the Tigerkin who dared to lunge at her by leaps and bounds.

A moment later, the sound of something cracking reverberated in the surroundings, followed by a bloodcurdling scream.

Adira had casually flicked her finger, hitting the claws of the Tigerkin who had tried to attack her.

A second after that, the hand of the Tigerkin was bent into an unnatural angle, making the latter scream in pain.

Adira smiled sweetly because it had been a while since she heard someone scream in pain.

Even though she had broken free from the savage behavior of her race, she was still a Drow, and found the sound of people's scream music to her ears.

With one fluid motion, Adira closed the gap and once again flicked his fingers, hitting the Tigerkin's arms.

Just like what happened earlier, the arm was once again bent into an unnatural angle, making the pain that the Tigerkin was feeling intensify.

Tears, snot, and drool, leaked out from the orifices on his face, but this didn't stop the Drow from making him feel an even greater amount of pain than he was already feeling at the moment.

Adira grabbed the Tigerkins' dislocated arm, and fixed it back in place.

However, a second later, she dislocated it once more, to the horror of those watching the spectacle.

"Stop it!" Percival said as he blocked Thirteen's view, staring down at him. "I said stop it!"

"Stand aside, Taiga," Thirteen ordered, making Percival's body stiffen.

Percival gritted his teeth as he fought hard against the order that was given to him.

The pain that was assaulting his head was getting stronger with each passing second, and he knew that if it reached a certain threshold, he would probably lose consciousness from it.

In the end Taiga stepped aside, allowing Thirteen to watch the torturous show in front of him.

Percival, on the other hand, gritted his teeth, and clenched his fists tightly.

Maddox, who was currently being tortured by Adira in front of the other Tigerkins couldn't do anything except shout in pain.

Half an hour later, he collapsed on the ground, unconscious, with both of his arms still dislocated.

"Well then, where was I?" Thirteen said as he stared at one of the two Tigerkin Ladies, whose faces had become pale after witnessing the suffering that their brethren had experienced.

"I asked you a question earlier," Thirteen said in a teasing tone. "Are you going to answer me, or do you want to have some fun with Lady Adira over there?"

"Eeek!'' The Tigerkin lady, who seemed to be around sixteen to seventeen years old, took a step back.

However, her legs didn't have enough strength to support her body, making her fall on the ground.

Thirteen, ignored her sorry state as he crouched down to look her in the eye.

"It seems that you Tigerkins and I don't speak the same language," Thirteen smirked. "But, that's fine. You're lucky, we have a good teacher here, who will teach you all the things you need to know about how to become obedient. Lady Adira, if you please…"

"N-No!" the Tigerkin girl almost shouted the moment the Drow walked towards her direction.

Adira chuckled because she didn't mind playing the bad guy, which was second nature to her.

But, before she could approach the Tigerkin Girl on the ground, something appeared at the corner of her vision.

The Drow instinctively stepped aside, allowing Percival, who had lunged at her from the side to pass harmlessly.

Since his sneak attack had missed, Percival decided to go all out against the Drow, who was harming his people.

Suddenly, his hands and feet were covered with golden flames, making Adira arch an eyebrow.

Tigerkins specialized in combat, and very few of them were capable of using magic.

The golden flames that appeared on Percival's hands and feet were not exactly magical flames.

No, this was the manifestation of an Ancient Technique that had been passed down from generation to generation of Tigerkins.

It was called King's Might, and only the members of the Royal Family had been taught this technique since ancient times.

However, Percival wasn't a member of the Royal Family.

He was able to use this ability because all Tigerkins were capable of using it, if their resolve reached a certain threshold.

This hidden power also activated if they were fighting opponents who were stronger than them.

"I won't let you touch her!" Percival growled as he prepared to fight the Drow, who was several times stronger than him.

The smile on Adira's face widened when she saw Percival's eyes, which were filled with determination.

What she liked the most was breaking people with those eyes, so she decided to play with the boy a bit, and make him understand that in the face of absolute strength, his resistance was useless.

Thirteen, who was watching this from the side, smiled faintly.

'It seems that bringing Adira here was the right choice,' Thirteen mused as he looked at his Heroic Slave, who was starting to awaken his powers at a pace that was much faster than that of his peers.

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