System's POV

Chapter 201 Want To Move House?

Chapter 201 Want To Move House?

"Are you sure about this, Adira?" Norris asked. "Are you really going to stay?"

Adira nodded. "I have already made up my mind, Norris. My Master had given me an order to stick with the person who has gained the loyalty of the Domini Mortis. If he survives this Calamity, then our organization will greatly benefit from having a good relationship with him."

Seeing the strong determination in the Drow's eyes, Norris no longer tried to convince her to return with him.

"Understood. But prioritize yours and Zion's safety," Norris stated. "I will leave a seaworthy vessel in one of the enclaves we discovered long ago. You can take Zion and anyone he wants out of this place and sail back to the Main Continent. If things really become too dangerous, just knock him out and drag him away by force if you have to."

Adira smirked because that was exactly what she was thinking.

If things really got too dangerous, she would knock Zion out and drag him away by hook or by crook.

"I will surrender the ownership of this place to you, so feel free to do anything you want with it as you wish," Norris added. "This is bigger than Zion's warehouse, and it also has more amenities. You can convince him to move his base of operations over here if you like."

"That sounds lovely," Adira commented. "Since I'll be left alone, I might as well do that to make every day interesting."

Norris smiled faintly as he looked at the time on the pocket watch in his hand.

"We'll be leaving in three hours," Norris said. "I'll just say goodbye to Zion before I go. Do you want to come with me?"

Adira shrugged. "Might as well."

A few minutes later, the Slave Master and the Drow arrived at the warehouse and immediately saw the flurry of activities everyone was busy with.

It didn't take long before they found Zion, who was currently talking to Cristopher about something important.

"Hey, Zion!" Norris shouted. "I came here to say goodbye."

The seven-year-old glanced at the Slave Master's direction before patting Cristopher's head.

"Sir Norris, thank you for everything," Thirteen said as he walked toward the Slave Master in order to shake his hand. "I wouldn't have been able to do many things if it weren't for your help."

"Indeed." Norris nodded. "You drove me like a Slave even though I was supposed to be the Slave Master. You sure are bold, boy."

Thirteen chuckled because he couldn't refute the Slave Master's words. He had indeed worked Norris like a slave back in the Sumatran Kingdom, but he was the only one whom he could count on to enslave the Tigerkins and make them subservient to their cause.

"Can I ask a favor?" Thirteen grinned. "When you get back to the Mainland, try to look for information about a teenage boy who goes by the name Mikhail Leventis. He is my brother, and he's probably wandering all over the place with a bunch of beautiful girls by his side."

Norris laughed before patting the boy's shoulder. "Damn you, little devil. Even as I leave, you still order me around."

Even Adira, who was standing beside Norris, found this exchange quite amusing.

"Be safe, Sir Norris," Thirteen said in a solemn tone. "I guarantee you that we will meet again. And please, prepare the finest slaves you can find. I will need some good slaves once I arrive in the Main Continent."

"Mmm, but no friend discounts, okay?" Norris smirked. "Also, no dragging me to conflicts involving you-know-what."

Thirteen chuckled. "No promises!"

The Slave Master couldn't help but shake his head helplessly, but deep inside, he really hoped that Zion would survive so that they could reunite in the Mainland.

Being around the boy was fun, and he wouldn't mind going on a small adventure with him again in the future.

"Here's the thing, Zion," Adira commented after the two finished saying their goodbyes to each other. "The Slave Market is transferred over to me. But, since everyone will be gone, only I will remain.

"Norris here also made a proper smithy for you guys, and it has some leftover ore that can still be used. So, how about it? Want to move house? I'm sure that the accommodation will be to your liking."

Thirteen didn't even need to think and immediately nodded his head.

"Thank you for the offer, Lady Adira," Thirteen replied. "I'll happily accept your offer."

The Drow smiled sweetly because she knew that Thirteen would not pass up such an offer. Because of this, she decided to stay until they finished moving to the Slave Market.

After Thirteen announced that they would relocate their base of operations, everyone moved like a well-oiled machine and packed things properly.

Since the Wanderers didn't have many belongings, their preparations were done quickly.

It was only Thirteen's side that required a lot of heavy lifting.

Fortunately, everyone worked together, speeding up the process.

Three hours later, several wagons made their way to the Black Market.

Since the Black Market spanned a wide area, with many structures and rooms ready to be occupied, Thirteen made sure to get the best accommodation for himself and his inner circle.

Thirteen, Gerald, Cristopher, Colbert, Riana, Harry all got the best rooms, while Taiga and the others settled for the good rooms available.

Adira, who was introduced to Gerald by Thirteen, was surprised when she met the seven-year-old's father.

Just like everyone else, she doubted Zion's explanation, but in the end, she had no choice but to accept it.

Fortunately, Gerald had no plans of going anywhere aside from the smithy, where Bruno was assisting him as an apprentice blacksmith.

After receiving permission from The One, Thirteen planned to teach Bruno the Hammer for All Seasons later that night to increase the Ogre's proficiency with smithing.

Gerald was also surprised when his son told him that the Ogre would become his assistant. At first, he thought that the Ogre would just do some heavy lifting by bringing him ore to craft.

However, this notion completely disappeared when Bruno began pounding on a piece of heated metal and started to shape it into a crude shield.

Seeing Bruno's determination to learn, Gerald felt some sense of kinship with the Ogre and decided to teach him a few things that he learned along the way.

A few hours later, just as Thirteen was aboutto enact his plan to give his subordinates some Divine Techniques, someone arrived at Slave Market and asked for him to meet them.

Recognizing who had come, Thirteen immediately welcomed the knocking guests and invited Lord Netero and Arthas to his room to talk in private.

Seeing that the City Lord of Gronar City had come to him personally, Thirteen believed that he had already made his decision about whether he would follow the boy to go to Drada City or not.

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