System's POV

Chapter 218 The End Bringer [Part 1]

Chapter 218 The End Bringer [Part 1]

Two days after Thirteen's and Percival's duel…

"We're finally here, Young Master," Dixon said with a smile. "Welcome back to Karabor City."

Percival stared at the city gates with moist eyes. He never thought that he would see it again so soon…

After he won his battle against Zion, the boy had set him free and even ordered Dixon to take him back to the General's Residence to reunite with his family.

Anwir had lent them his own Sabertooth Tiger so that they could get to the city faster.

He had no intention of meeting his family at this time, so he returned to Parania City and dealt with the requests that his sworn brother had asked of him.

The moment they arrived at the General's Residence, news of Percival's return spread like wildfire.

A few minutes later, Briella came running toward her son and wrapped him in a tight hug while crying in happiness.

General Stark and Cleo also came and joined the family hug, making all the onlookers around them look at them with warm smiles.

"You've become thinner," Briella said as she looked at her son, whom she hadn't seen for several weeks. "Come, I'll cook all your favorite foods. Make sure to eat them all, okay?"

"Yes, Mother," Percival replied, feeling too emotional to say anything else.

As the Tigerkin was dragged by his mother and sister inside the house, General Stark asked Dixon to come with him to his office.

The General had many questions to ask, and he personally wanted to hear the answers from his right-hand man.

After learning what kind of life his son had lived under Zion's wing, the General couldn't help but curse the seven-year-old who had made Percival suffer.

However, when he heard how Percival regained his freedom, he couldn't help but frown after hearing the result of the duel.

"Percival lost in close combat?" General Stark asked in disbelief. "Against that boy?"

"Yes, General," Dixon replied. "Even I was surprised. Zion was actually a good fighter despite his age."

"But my son is two ranks stronger than him," General Stark frowned. "And he still lost?"

Dixon nodded. "He still lost despite his advantages. Zion is like a slippery eel, always out of his reach. Although I don't want to admit it, I feel like he already predicted how Percival would move, allowing him to move two steps ahead.

"Although Percival has the advantage in both speed and strength, Zion was reading him like an open book. If I didn't personally witness it, I wouldn't believe it either, General."

General Stark sighed before nodding his head. Since Dixon was there when it happened, he had no choice but to believe it.

"Then, what is that boy doing right now?" General Stark asked. "Has he dealt with the Barbarians?"

"No," Dixon answered. "But he managed to make the City Lord of Gronar City his ally. Over the past month, the only thing he did was help his Father build a giant Ballista that is fifteen-meters long.

"I don't know what he plans to do with it, but he mentioned that it would be the key to ending the war, so he asked us to help him build it."

General Stark pondered for a while before voicing out his thoughts.

"If he is making a Ballista that big, he will probably use it against the Majin Prince," General Stark stated. "The only question now is what kind of ammunition he would use that can defeat a being of that Rank. I doubt ordinary steel will pierce Arundel's body. Have you asked him what kind of metal he will be using? Is he going to use Adamantine?"

"… About that General, he wouldn't say anything," Dixon replied. "No matter who asked him, he just kept his lips shut tight. Even inside our base, I don't see anyone making any kind of ammunition for the Ballista.

"The war is only a month away, so there is still time to make some final adjustments. Also, he asked me to return after a week, so I'll be staying here until then, General. Ah, before I forget, Zion had asked me to pass a letter to you, General."

Dixon took out a scroll from his storage ring and handed it to General Stark, who didn't hesitate to read it then and there.

As he read the contents of the letter, General Stark couldn't help but frown as a reaction to the content of the letter.

The seven-year-old was asking him to prepare twenty Saber Tooth Tigers for Dixon to bring back with him when he returned to his base.

That was still fine. They bred Sabertooth Tigers to become the mounts of the Tigerkins, so they had plenty to spare.

However, Zion told him one more thing, and that was the thing that was making the General frown.

"Is something the matter, General?" Dixon, who noticed the General's distasteful expression, asked with concern.

Although he didn't like how Zion did things, especially when he ordered Giga Chad to fart on him, he still appreciated the boy's leadership and charisma, which children his age didn't usually possess.

"It's nothing," General Stark replied. "The boy is just asking me for twenty Sabertooth Tigers. You will be bringing them back when you return to him in a week. With that said, go to the stable in the Barracks and pick out twenty Rank 2 Tigers that have been properly trained. That will be enough for his use."

The General had no plans to give Zion Rank 3 or higher Saber Tooth Tigers because they were hard to raise, and the resources used on them weren't cheap.

But he still agreed to let the seven-year-old have Rank 2 Monsters, which wasn't too shabby either.

"I'll go and have lunch with my family," General Stark stated. "It has been a while since we all had a meal together."

Dixon nodded in understanding and didn't mention the fact that they still had one family member missing, and that was Anwir.

However, after what happened recently, he made sure to keep his lips shut tight because the General's feelings for his adopted son were a bit complicated.

Still, he knew that Percival's return to the residence was a positive thing. The smiles of the General's Family that were lost when Percival disappeared had finally returned, and that was something worthy of celebration.


Meanwhile on the Third Island of the Valbarra Archipelago…

Blacky, who had swam all the way to the island, shook his body, sending water droplets flying in every direction.

Thirteen, who had already dismounted from the Warsor Black Hound, walked toward the people who were seated around a bonfire beside a cave.

"You're here, Zion," a Barbarian Shaman greeted him with a smile. "Have you finished the thing that you were working on?"

"Yes, Auntie Helen," Thirteen replied. "Where is Uncle Roger?"

"He's inside the cave and is monitoring the smelting process. Why don't you join us for lunch? You and Blacky have journeyed quite far to reach us. Did you bring Rocky with you?"

As if waiting for that moment, the Rocky Bal-Boa emerged from the ground and let out a low growl.

This was his way of greeting the Barbarian and Tigerkin Shamans who were staying on the Third Island, which was sacred to everyone in the Valbarra Archipelago.

"Lunch sounds good," Thirteen said as he looked at the fish that were being grilled beside the bonfire. "I'll humbly accept your invitation, Auntie Helen."

Everyone in their secret base was wondering what kind of ammunition Thirteen would be using for the Grand Ballista.

However, no matter who asked him, Thirteen refused to say anything.

He knew that if he gave them an answer, all of them would definitely call him a Heretic, for what he was doing was blasphemy.

This was also why the ultimate weapon that would deal a devastating blow to the Majin Prince was being created on the Third Island of the Valbarra Archipelago.

A place where the Barbarians and the Tigerkins would not dare to investigate.

Only the Shamans were allowed to wander freely around the island. Visitors who come were only allowed to wander on the beach area.

Thirteen knew that if the other races were to discover what he was doing, they would rise up to hunt him down.

However, they didn't know that the Shamans, who were guarding the Sacred Island, were working with Zion to create the ultimate weapon that could "theoretically" deal with the Majin Prince, who would be arriving a month from now.

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