System's POV

Chapter 225 This Is Your Last Chance. Your One And Only Chance, So Think Wisely

Chapter 225 This Is Your Last Chance. Your One And Only Chance, So Think Wisely

Dozens of wooden wagons traveled alongside the Giant Ballista, which was being pulled by Giga and Rocky.

Their destination was none other than the Furvus Grasslands, where they would be hidden from the eyes of the armies of the Barbarians, the Orcs, and the Tigerkins.

After napping for three hours, Thirteen ordered everyone inside the cave to mobilize and head to the camp that they had prepared in the darkest regions of the Warsor Plains.

There, they would set up their Grand Ballista, and hope that after a few days, the war would finally be over.

The Wanderers were feeling restless because they could feel the tension in the surroundings.

Thirteen hadn't told them that if everything went according to his plan, they would be able to return to Pangea once he had successfully lit the Beacon of Hope.

Unfortunately, for that to happen, he needed Arundel to enter the trap he had prepared. But, that was easier said than done.

Knowing the Majin Prince, he would not actively participate in the war, and only send his forces at the right time, when both armies were weakened.

But, according to his conversation with Paven, the Old Tigerkin believed that Arundel seemed to be in a hurry to conquer the Valbarra Archipelago.

So, if he felt that the war wasn't proceeding the way he wanted it to be, there was a high chance that he would personally make his move.

Thirteen was betting on this event to happen because the only way for them to win the war was for Arundel to step onto the battlefield.

If the Monarchs of Pangea were to know that a Majin Prince would be coming, the seven-year-old believed that all five of them would turn tail and evacuate the place as fast as they could.

And yet, mere Wanderers, who were not even Rookies, were forced to face such an existence.

As much as possible, he didn't want any of the Wanderers to get caught up in the fighting, so he had asked Rianna, and her Hunting Party to play a defensive role, and protect their Grand Ballista from being targeted by stray members from the different armies in the Warsor Plains.

Thirteen, Percival, Adira, and Dixon would position themselves not far from the actual battlefield, and see how things progressed from their side.

The Grand Ballista was already in place, and was perched on a hill, facing the Warsor Plains.

Only Cristopher, Brutus, Bruno, and the Shamans from the Sacred Island were allowed to operate the Grand Ballista.

The rest of the fighters were placed several hundreds of meters away from them, spread out like a fan, and ready to intercept anyone who happened to come close to their Trump Card.

Since the Grand Ballista was hidden from view, Thirteen asked Rocky to load the End Bringer on it, with Bruno, and Giga Chad helping to secure it in place.

Cristopher, who was tasked to operate the Grand Ballista, couldn't help but blink repeatedly as he looked at the shiny ammunition in surprise.

The four Reinforced Steel Bolts that they had crafted as ammunition lay beside the Grand Ballista, ready to be used anytime.

However, it didn't take long for Cristopher to understand that the true ammunition that they were going to use was none other than the shining bolt that he was supposed to fire after seeing Thirteen's signal.

"Cristopher, I know that this is a heavy responsibility, but I believe in you," Thirteen said as he patted his right-hand man's shoulder. "I don't want to pressure you, but know that if you miss, all of us are going to die."

The chubby boy's face crumpled, looking as if he was about to cry. Clearly, he didn't want to be the person assigned to launch the End Bringer, which was the ultimate weapon against the Majin Prince.

"Y-Young Master, I think you should reconsider," Cristopher stuttered. "I think Rianna will be a better candidate than me. I'm sure of it!"

"No," Thirteen shook his head. "At times like this, only you can do it."

"B-But Young Master, I really don't think I can do it."

"You have to do it, Cristopher. If you don't, you won't see your mother ever again."

After hearing Thirteen's words, the chubby boy clenched both of his fists.

While it was true that he was scared to death of the Majin Prince, nothing scared him more than leaving his mother, who was still in a coma in one of the hospitals of the Leventis Family, behind.

"Cristopher, let me promise you one thing," Thirteen said before holding the boy's clenched fists. "If you succeed, I promise that I will cure your mother from her sickness when I return to Pangea.

"Although it might not be tomorrow, in a week, a month, or perhaps even a year, I promise you that I will make her open her eyes so that the two of you can hug each other again."

Cristopher didn't doubt Zion's words for he had already done many things that he deemed impossible.

He also understood that he was placed in the safest place possible, so that he wouldn't have to worry about getting attacked by the armies that were about to face off against each other.

The ones who were truly going to be in danger were none other than Thirteen, Percival, Adira, and Dixon, who would head to the frontlines alongside Giga, Blacky, Rocky, Hercules, the Trolls, and the Ogres, who would support his Young Master in his mission.

Payton and the rest of the Tigerkins would remain to protect the Wanderers and the Grand Ballista from harm.

"I will not wish you luck, Cristopher because you won't need it," Thirteen said with a smirk. "You already have what it takes to succeed. Don't worry, no matter what happens, I will make sure that the Beacon of Hope is lit, so that you, and the others can go home.

"Ah! Before I forget, when the Beacon of Light is lit, stay for as long as you can. You might not see me again for a long time, so make sure to watch me closely using that telescope I gave you."

When Thirteen descended the hill, Gerald looked at him with a solemn expression on his face before hugging the seven-year-


"Don't die out there, son," Gerald said. "Your mother, Mikhail, Shasha, and Remi, will be waiting for your return."

"Got it, Pops," Thirteen replied as he gently patted Gerald's back. "Once you return to Pangea, take care of Cristopher for me. He is my right-hand man, so make sure to talk to Grandma about it, okay?"

Gerald chuckled. "Why should I talk about Cristopher with Mother? Shouldn't I talk with my old man instead?"

"That's because you and Gramps are the same," Thirteen answered. "Both of you are henpecked husbands. So, as long as Grandma agrees, Gramps will have no choice but to agree as well."

Gerald shook his head helplessly before ruffling his unfilial son's hair, turning it to a mess.

"May the winds of Fortune be at your back," Gerald said softly.

"Don't worry, Pops," Thirteen smirked. "It's just a Majin Prince. I'm sure Gramps will die out of envy knowing that he missed the chance of becoming a Monarch by taking part in this mission."

"Hahaha! Indeed, he will definitely feel constipated all day long once he hears of our legendary exploits," Gerald laughed.

Thirteen joined him in his laughter for a few seconds before he set out to walk towards Rianna and Harry, who were several meters away from them.

"The two of you only have one mission," Thirteen stated. "Stay alive until the Beacon of Hope is lit. Rianna, it has been fun going on an adventure with you. I hope that our paths will cross again somewhere here in Solterra."

Rianna became teary-eyed as she hugged the seven-year-old tightly. "Of course there will be plenty of opportunities to meet. We will meet again, definitely!"

Thirteen, who had been hugged tightly, waited for a few seconds before tapping the young lady's back, so that she could release him.

Although she was reluctant, Rianna finally let him go, allowing the seven-year-old to look at Harry with a solemn expression on his face.

"Zion, I—," Harry was about to say something, but he was cut short when the younger boy raised his hand.

"Harry, there is only one thing I want from you," Thirteen said.

"Anything! As long as I can do it, I will give it to you," Harry replied.

"Attack Helicopter."

"… Can I take my words back?"

The scion of the Remington Clan almost face palmed after hearing Thirteen's words.

The younger boy was so firm in his goal to get an Attack Helicopter from his family, making him smile bitterly.

"Don't worry," Thirteen stated as he patted Harry's shoulder. "I will have my Attack Helicopter, by hook or by crook. So, wait for me to return to Pangea to cash out what you owe me, okay?"

Harry sighed before nodding his head.

"Fine," Harry said. "I'll see what I can do."

"And I'll do the rest," Thirteen said with a devilish smile on his face. "Attack Helicopter Get!"

The younger boy smirked as he walked towards Percival, Adira, Dixon, and the monsters who would fight alongside him.

"I will not sugarcoat things," Thirteen declared as he faced those who would accompany him in battle. "There is a high chance that many of you will die. But, know this. All of us are not fighting just for the sake of one race.

"We are going to protect the entirety of the Valbarra Archipelago. But, know this, I have every intention of surviving this battle. So, all of you must also do everything in your power to survive.

"If there is anyone here who wishes to remain here, speak up now, and I will allow you to do so. This is your last chance. Your one and only chance, so think wisely."

Everyone glanced at each other. A moment later, Blacky started to walk back towards the other Wanderers, but Thirteen wrapped his arms around the Warsor Black Hound's neck and pulled him back, making the latter bark in surprise.

"Bastard, where are you going?!" Thirteen asked in annoyance. "Hello? You are my mount? Do you think I'll allow you to go? Also, Rocky, don't burrow and hide under the ground! You're coming with me period! Hercules, why are you hiding in those grasses? Do you think I can't see you? Come back here!"

The Beasts, who didn't want to participate in the war, all groaned, hissed, and growled, making their intentions known.

However, the seven-year-old wouldn't have any of it!

Percival, Adira, and Dixon, watched all of these with amused expressions on their faces. The seven-year-old gave everyone a chance to back down, but it seemed that he had no intention of letting anyone leave in the first place!

In the end, Thirteen sat on Blacky's back, and raised his closed fist in the air.

"What you do in life, echoes in Eternity!" Thirteen shouted. "To victory!"

"""To Victory!"""

High above the sky, Vassago and Poca screeched as they circled around their Master, whose unyielding gaze looked towards the place where a great battle was about to begin.

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