System's POV

Chapter 280 The Trinity Of The Apocalypse [Part 2]

Chapter 280 The Trinity Of The Apocalypse [Part 2]

When the members of the order were trying to bribe her, so that she would help them find Thirteen's location, the Majin Princess only said that it was impossible for her to use her power of Divination on the members of the order.

But, this was only half true.

One of the main reasons why she said that it was impossible was due to the fact that almost all of them had similar strength and powers.

Among the Majin Princes and Majin Princesses, Kamrusepa was in the middle stages.

Camazotz had just become a Majin Prince, so he was just an Initial Stage, Majin Prince.

Older monsters like Belzeebub were at the peak of the Majin Prince. Making him one of the strongest beings in the world, just under the Seven Celestials and Seven Fiends.

Because of their ranks, it was very hard for Kamrusepa to use her powers of Divination on them.

But, it wasn't impossible.

If she really went all out, she could use her powers of Divination to unlock a few of their darkest secrets.

However, she didn't do that.

For her, there was no merit in antagonizing the other members of the Order, so she stayed her hand.

However, Thirteen was an exception.

Not only was he an ordinary human, he didn't even have a Rank.

Simply put, if Kamrusepa was to use her Divination on the boy, she would be able to unlock his secrets.

So, she did just that.

She used her powers of Divination on the newest member of the Order. But, to her surprise, her Divination result was blank.

At first, Kamrusepa thought that she made a mistake, so she tried again.

Still, the result didn't change, which forced her to try again, and again.

After trying over a dozen times, she felt something she never felt in a long time.

The Majin Princess, who was known as the Majin Princess of Prophecy, became serious.

It had been hundreds of years since she had last gone all out.

Even though she didn't know why she was unable to use her power over Thirteen, she decided to use a vast amount of resources and cast her strongest divination spell to find out his secrets.

A spell that never failed her in the past.

And, she did succeed.

That was when she saw it.

Within the Abyss, a pair of giant green eyes stared down on her as if she was just an insignificant insect that it could crush anytime.

Kamrusepa wouldn't forget those eyes.

Those were the eyes that looked on Deities and Gods in disdain, making her heart beat wildly inside her chest.

For the first time in forever, she felt excited.

It was as if she was looking at a pair of doors that, once unlocked, would bring forth countless horrors upon the world.

Among the Orders of the Apocalypse, Kamrusepa was one who truly wished to see the end of the world.

For her, the world had become a boring place, so she wished to end it, even if the ending would result in her demise.

The Majin Princes and Princesses might be strong, but at the end of the day, they were nothing in the face of the Seven Celestials and Seven Fiends.

Even Arundel begged and pleaded for his life to be spared after Mammon descended on the Valbarra Archipelago.

Kamrusepa hated the fact that she needed to bow her head to those who were stronger than her.

So, she did everything in her power within the order, unlocking one layer after layer in the treasury, desperately hoping to reach the 13th, and Final Layer, where Pandora's Box was sealed.

But, she knew with every fiber of her being that it would probably take her an entire lifetime for that to happen.

Right now, she had unlocked up to the Sixth Layer of the Treasury.

She was nearly halfway there, but this also made her understand how difficult it was to cross the remaining half, making her feel despair.

So, in the end, she only put minimal effort in her endeavor because she knew that it was impossible for her to open Pandora's Box.

But, there was someone who could do that.

The one who owned those shining green eyes in the darkness that burned like green suns, and looked on all of creation in disdain.

Because of that, Kamrusepa made a decision.

In order to witness the end of the world, she decided to assist the weakest member of their Order because, just like Camazotz had stated, only Thirteen had the ability to unlock all the layers faster than any of them combined.

"The reason why I want to join this Alliance is because I believe that you will let me see things I've never seen before," Kamrusepa stated. "I believe that you will let me feel things I've never felt before."

Thirteen and Camazotz looked at Kamrusepa weirdly because they could tell that she was being serious, and yet, neither of them could understand what she was trying to say.

"Okay, let's say that I agree to join this alliance," Thirteen said. "What's in it for me? Will you both give me Rank 9 Sovereigns to become my subordinates?"

The corner of Camazotz's lips twitched as he fought the strong urge to smack Thirteen's head.

"Thirteen, Rank 9 Sovereigns don't grow on trees," Camazotz replied. "In fact, I only have one Rank 9 Sovereign as my subordinate."

"Only one?" Thirteen looked at the Death Bat with pity. "Arundel had two of them, and you only have one?"

"He might have had two, but I have four Rank 8 Sovereigns, while he had none." Camazotz replied. "In terms of a fighting force, mine is superior."

Kamrusepa chuckled, but she also told Thirteen that giving him a Rank 9 Sovereign was impossible.

They were their strongest subordinates, so it was impossible for them to give the ten-year-old such a powerful lackey.

Thirteen had already expected this, so he didn't take it to heart. He was simply wondering if he could get away with such a thing, so he decided to give it a shot.

After all, asking didn't cost him anything.

"I'll come back in a few days," Thirteen stated. "We'll finalize the details of our alliance then. For the time being, the two of you discuss on what kind of rules that all of us must follow. If what you present is acceptable, I will agree to join this alliance."

"Good." Camazotz nodded happily. "With the three of us working together, we will become unstoppable!"

Thirteen smiled faintly because he was still half in doubt. Of course, he could tell that Camazotz and Kamrusepa were sincere.

But there were many people who looked sincere, but deep down were black-hearted people.

However, just like he was willing to trust Uncle Boo, he was also willing to trust Camazotz and Kamrusepa.

In the end, even if all of them were just using each other, as long as there were benefits to be gained, he wouldn't mind shaking their hands.

After promising to return after three days, Thirteen disappeared from the room and returned to Solterra.

There, he saw Uncle Boo sitting cross-legged in the place where Thirteen vanished more than an hour ago.

"You're back," Uncle Boo said as soon as he saw the ten-year-

old appear. "Where is Albion?"

"Don't worry, he's still alive," Thirteen replied. "I just need him to stay put for a few days because he is a variable that is outside of our control. Once he calms down, he and I will have a proper talk with each other."

Uncle Boo nodded. "Although he might be arrogant, and forceful in his approach, his strength is the real deal. We will need his assistance if we are to save Callie."

"I know," Thirteen said as he climbed up on Blacky's back, who had also stayed behind to wait for him. "For now, let's return to the base. I need to discuss a few things with my sister before I head to the First Island.

"Uncle Boo, I will ask you later to bring the Wanderers on the Fourth Island to the Second Island. I need all of them to be aware of the real situation that we will be facing in the future.

"In your eyes, they might be weak, and I agree that they are. But, they were sent here for a reason. The One does not do things half-heartedly. Since they have been sent here, it means that they have the ability to complete the mission that was given to them."

Uncle Boo nodded because he didn't dare to not take Thirteen's words seriously.

After seeing what had happened to the Unicorn, the stories about Zion defeating Arundel once again appeared inside his head.

The Beholder was now starting to believe that maybe, just maybe, this final chance given to them to save Callie, might not be as dark and difficult as he originally thought it would be.

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