System's POV

Chapter 301 Farming Apocalypse Points [Part 3]

Chapter 301 Farming Apocalypse Points [Part 3]

"I think you pissed them off, Zion," Camazotz commented upon hearing both Zazriel and Kalaziel roar in anger. They even left their respective pyramids and flew to the Second Island in order to turn the hateful human boy into meat paste.

"All part of the plan," Thirteen replied as he looked at the purple gate, which was now spawning hundreds of Artemians, who were all looking at the boy with bloodshot eyes.

"I'm very tempted to leave you here just to see how they will torture you." Camazotz chuckled. "But, we can't have that now, can we? Especially since we've gone this far."

"Can you take on one of them?" Thirteen inquired.

"I'll face that guy Zazriel," Camazotz answered. "He's the strongest here."

"You're just in the Initial Stages of a Majin Prince, and you want to fight a Peak High Archon?" Thirteen stared at the Death Bat in disbelief. "You sure about that?"

"Do we have a choice?" Camazotz asked back.



The Death Bat glanced at the Artemians, who were all headed in his direction. If looks could kill, Thirteen and Camazotz would have already died a thousand times over.

But, instead of running away, Camazotz stayed in place as if waiting for something.

When their enemies were only dozens of meters away from them, the ten-year-old and the Death Bat heard a screech resounding in the heavens.

A Red Phoenix suddenly descended from the sky, and behind her, countless flying monsters followed suit, raring and ready to fight the Artemians, who were all out for blood.

The Red Phoenix spread her wings wide, and dozens of Fireballs rained down on the army on the ground.

Zazriel and Kalaziel took the brunt of the barrage, preventing their people from dying en masse.

But, some weren't as lucky and got hit by the fireballs, making them scream in pain, desperation, and horror as their flesh instantly melted from the heat of the flames.

The smell of burning flesh spread in the surroundings, triggering the Artemians into unleashing all their long-range attacks at the Red Phoenix, whose strength matched their High Archons.

While this was happening, the purple gate was spitting more Artemians to the battlefield, surpassing the five thousand warriors quota they planned, which should've been enough to make the Arcadia Archipelago their stronghold.

The number continued to rise until it surpassed ten thousand, a force enough to destroy a few Human Kingdoms.

"Camazotz, what do you see?" Thirteen asked as he looked down on the army that seemed to increase by the second.

"A bunch of Apocalypse Points," Camazotz replied. "I hope they send more though. This won't be enough."

"The two of you seem to be having a lot of fun," the Red Phoenix commented as she transformed into the Majin Princess of Prophecy, Kamrusepa. "By the way, Camazotz, are you not going to call your army?"

Kamrusepa had brought countless Flying Monsters, as well as Aquatic Monsters, who were all currently in the sea and only waiting for her order to attack.

"I was just about to do that. Don't rush me," Camazotz replied before whistling long and hard.

Soon, the sound of flapping wings reached everyone's ears.

Manticores, Cockatrice, and Wyverns, as well as countless bats, answered his call and swarmed toward the island.

"Drop me off," Thirteen said. "I'll assist the two of you in any way I can."

Camazotz knew that Thirteen would be useless in a fight of this magnitude.

They had brought their armies in preparation for this day, but the deciding factor in order to win this battle was the fall of Zazriel and Kalaziel, who were the highest commanding officers of the Artemian Army.

The Death Bat flew toward the Gate of the Moonlight, covering the distance in just a few seconds.

He then placed Thirteen beside the Gate before flying back toward the battlefield, which had started to become a bloodbath.

"Why are all of you still here?" Thirteen asked Raon and the others, who were standing in front of the Gate of the Moonlight and watching the battle from afar. "Hurry up and go. You might get caught up in this battle or get hit by a random attack.

"Staying here will only endanger your lives. Your mission is over, so go and leave while you still can."

After saying those words, the ground under the ten-year-old's feet gave way, making Thirteen fall into Rocky's wide-open mouth.

The Artemians were targeting him, so he couldn't show himself out in the open. The only way to escape their detection was to dive deep underground.

Unlike what happened to Rocky in the past, the Artemians had no methods of firing a laser beam that could reach him deep underground.

The Moon Walkers was a race who had strong physical strength, and their forte was close combat.

While they did have some ranged attacks, they still had a limitation, which Thirteen, Camazotz, and Kamrusepa were exploiting right now.

The only subordinates they brought to this battle were those who could either fly or unleash a barrage from a long distance away.

Only Camazotz and Kamrusepa would fight in close combat. The rest of their subordinates would only use ranged attacks to whittle down the enemy forces.

Thirteen had devised this strategy, understanding that there was nothing more irritating than an enemy who could hit you but couldn't be hit back!

This was also the logic he had in mind when he chose the Cheap Shot Savant as one of his Core Martial Skills.

"Are you ready to die, Artemian?!" Camazotz roared, his image turning into a blur as he flew three times faster than the speed of sound.

Kamrusepa, on the other hand, transformed into her Phoenix form once again and started to engage Kalaziel in battle.

She deliberately used wide-range attacks, knowing that even if her opponent was able to dodge it, his subordinates would not be as lucky as him.

Also, there was another factor that was limiting the Artemians from being able to fight with their full strength.

It was the atmosphere and gravity of Solterra.

The gravity of Solterra was higher than their home planet, Artem.

Because of this, they needed to exert more effort into moving their bodies properly. It wasn't easy to adjust to a new gravity in just a short time, so they were still having trouble adjusting to their current condition.

The only ones who had been able to adjust without any problems were Rank 7 Monsters and above.

On the contrary, those with lower Rank felt as if their bodies were as heavy as lead, reducing their effectiveness in battle.

While the Artemians were having a hard time defending against the attacks of their enemies, a swarm of bats flew in their direction.

These bats then merged into one and formed a Vampire Lord.

He was Camazotz's right-hand man, Damion, and the only Rank 9 Sovereign in his army.

"Such a waste of blood," Damion commented as he lifted his hand, turning the blood into a whip, which he lashed out at the Artemians, slicing their bodies in half.

High above the clouds, a Giant Roc made a nose dive toward the ground.

When it was only a few dozen meters away from the Artemians, it flapped its wings, creating a sonic boom as it flew past the enemy formation, shredding them with a sonic blast.

All the Rank 9 Sovereigns whom the Artemians had brought had been sent to the Treasury of the Apocalypse earlier.

So the only Rank 9 Monster left within the Artemian Army was the Commander, Eremiel, who was currently fighting against the Leventis Family.

Because of the absence of High-Ranking Monsters that could match them, Damion and the three Rank 9 Sovereigns that belonged to Kamrusepa's army started a massacre.

This made the other Artemians, who arrived to reinforce their people, regret their decision to come to Solterra.

They could only watch helplessly as the Vampire Lord, Roc, Harpie Empress, and the Giant Turtle, who was shooting high-

pressure water cannons that could slice through armor, annihilated those who were unlucky enough to face them in battle.

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