System's POV

Chapter 303 Systems Don’t Go To Hell

Chapter 303 Systems Don’t Go To Hell

Eremiel didn't expect that Arthur's attack would chop off his right arm. It was all because of that sneak attack from under his feet that he hadn't seen coming.

Not only was his arm cut off, but his weapon, which was also of the Mythical Rank, had dropped to the ground with it.

Unfortunately for him, Thirteen didn't give him the opportunity to recover his arm or his weapon, swiftly pulling them all into Rocky's Mobile Fortress.

After realizing that his opponent was capable of killing him, Eremiel was forced to make an important choice.

Stay and fight, or flee to live another day.

Although it would take a long period of time, he was confident that his arm could be regrown using the technology that his people possessed.

The weapon he lost could also be replaced, so making the decision was easier for him.

Without even saying a word, Eremiel opened his wings to fly away.

But, before he could take off from the ground, Cranky emerged behind him and grabbed one of his wings, ripping it apart.

The Devil-Horned Honey Badger had developed an insane stealth ability that prevented anyone from detecting it as long as it was in the ground.

As a Rank 8 Mutant Sovereign, his strength was also stronger than most Rank 8 Sovereigns, allowing Cranky to deal serious injuries to Rank 9 Monsters and below that were unlucky enough to be sneak attacked by him.

Thirteen had called out to the Devil-Horned Honey Badger when he and Rocky were headed in the Leventis Family's direction in order to assist them in battle.

Cranky, who had also fought alongside the boy during the battle against Arundel, didn't hesitate and accepted his request for help.

After Eremiel had his wings torn off from his body, escaping through the sky was no longer an option.

The Artemian grunted in pain before launching a backhand attack at the Devil Horned Honey Badger.

But, Cranky already expected this to happen, so after tearing off one of Eremiel's wings, he didn't hesitate to dig underground to escape the Commander's counterattack.

Although Arthur didn't expect that he would receive additional help from a monster, he didn't miss the opportunity given to him and took the initiative to attack.

Knowing that his life was truly on the line, the Commander of the Artemian Army did the only thing that he could do and that was to run away.

He wasn't a fool.

Eremiel understood that he didn't stand a chance at winning when there were two bastards sneak attacking him from the ground.

Also, Arthur's sword was extremely deadly, and he had already experienced it firsthand.

But he was only able to take five steps when the ground in front of him collapsed.

Cranky created a trap for the Artemian earlier and hid at the bottom of the sinkhole he created.

But, Eremiel was already expecting something like this to happen. The moment he felt that the ground under his feet was about to give way, he jumped as high as he could.

Cranky watched as his prey jumped over the hole he created, making him screech.

However, before the Artemian Commander could rejoice, the ground where he was about to land opened up, making him roar in anger.

"Do you really think I'd let you escape?" Thirteen sneered. Just now, he calculated the exact place where Eremiel was going to land and asked Rocky to create a sinkhole in that location.

Unable to fly and correct his landing, Eremiel fell into the three-meter-deep hole, with only his shoulders and head jutting out of the ground.

Michael, pierced the ground in front of him with his spear, allowing him to create countless spears to attack the fallen Commander, trapping him in place.

The tip of Rocky's tail coiled around one of Eremiel's feet, preventing him from freeing himself from the hole.

With only one hand to support his body, the Artemian Commander wasn't able to exert enough force to pull himself out of Thirteen's trap.

A few seconds later, Cranky grabbed hold of Eremiel's remaining arm, and pulled it deeper into the ground, sealing his fate.

Eremiel could only watch in horror as Arthur's sword was about to slash his neck.

He was unresigned and in disbelief. Who knew that someone as powerful as him would die in the hands of the lowly creatures whom he despised so much?

Arthur poured all of his strength in his sword swing, his eyes filled with determination.

Now that the path to being Monarch was in front of him, he would not let it escape no matter what.

"Stop!" Eremiel shouted as his last attempt to preserve his life.

But Arthur showed no mercy and went for the kill.

Eremiel saw his world spin around him before coming to a complete stop.

Then he saw a body without a head, with blood spurting up on the severed neck like a fountain, dyeing its surroundings with blood.

As the light in his eyes slowly dimmed, Eremiel remembered something from ten years ago.

The Moon Princess Candidate, whom he had personally captured to sacrifice to Callie, told him something that made him snort back then.

"A Wanderer will avenge me, and when that time comes, you will die a dog's death."

The Artemian Commander treated the teenage girl's last words as the ramblings of a weakling who didn't have the power to resist her fate.

But, as his last vestige of life was about to escape him, a young boy appeared in front of him and looked down on him in disdain.

"I have come to avenge the Wanderers whom you thought were weaklings," Thirteen stated. "You will not be the first nor the last Artemian to die on this island—the island soaked with the blood of the thousands of children that you and your people killed.

"You can go to hell knowing that you will not go there alone. I'll make sure that your people will accompany you there as well."

Thirteen didn't stop there and even spat on Eremiel's face because of the rage he felt after absorbing all of Callie's memories.

He saw the last moments of the Candidates of the Moon Princess, as well as the dying screams of countless Wanderers whom the Artemian Commander had killed just for fun.

"I'll see you… in hell," Eremiel used the last bit of his life force to say those words to Thirteen before the light on his eyes disappeared completely.

Even in death, his eyes were open and looking at the boy who had trampled on his honor and dignity.

"You'll see me in hell?"

The corner of Thirteen's lips curled up as if he heard the biggest joke of his life.

The boy then crouched down and whispered something in the dead Artemian's ear.

"Systems don't go to hell," Thirteen said coldly. "You can wait there for eternity for all I care. Tiona, go and eat this clown."

The Black Snake nodded and slithered through the Artemian's ear and activated her predation ability.

At that moment, he heard Cranky's screech, which made the boy look behind him.

There, the Devil-Horned Honey Badger screeched at Arthur, who had beaten him in getting the Core of the Artemian Commander.

Thirteen didn't know whether he should laugh or cry. Cranky was really a bonafide glutton who wouldn't hesitate to attack even his allies if they took his food.

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