Tales of a Seductress

TOAD – Chapter 62

TOAD – Chapter 62

I didn’t have the time to combine Jenai with the homunculus body just yet. The demon king wanted me to attend this gala of his, after all. I could still make use of the robotic-like features of the soulless human, having her remove my clothing and help me dress. Thankfully, despite having no soul, her mind seemed to work. She knew dresses and could carry out tasks I asked her to do. It wasn’t like I needed to explain each step. She had the basic knowledge of a lady and was able to carry out any task I asked of her with a mechanical-like steadiness.

After she dressed me up in proper attire, I stroked her cheek. Goosebumps appeared on her skin, but her face didn’t react at all. It seemed like the body would still react to a couple of things. Maybe I should play with her a few times before I let Jenai have her. Clearing my throat, I turned away and made sure I was proper in the mirror. It had been a long time since I had ever actually attempted to clean up. My body could be instantly cleaned with the wave of a hand. Pretty and difficult to put on dresses only got in the way when I was ready to take them off for sex. As for hair and makeup, when someone had the superhuman charm that I did, it just seemed like overkill.

However, since the demon king wanted to parade me around, I decided to give him the doll he wanted. I picked out the finest dress and did my hair and makeup to the best of my skill. It wasn’t at the level of  Hollywood makeup design, but I could have painted my face like a clown and still stunned everyone with my beauty. Maybe I was becoming a bit conceited. I knew I was beautiful, but I shouldn’t assume anything when it came to demons. As I final step, I set Beautification to demon.

“I’m ready…” I finally announced when I made sure I was dressed up as nicely as I could manage without a team of beauty experts.

The door opened up and the Truthsayer showed his head. “My la…ah…”

His expression was extremely satisfying. The Truthsayer who had so far spurned most of my advances stopped in mid-sentence. His mouth had fallen open and his eyes had widened. He seemed to be in a complete state of shock. This was with their suppression necklace on so that only spoke to my current appearance.

“Shall you lead the way?” I asked, attempting to act dainty and formal, returning to the princess training that I had received thanks to Nova in what felt like forever ago.

To his credit, the Truthsayer managed to snap out of his daze and quickly nod his head. “Yes, of course! My apologies!”

I gave a little smile and a wave, and the Truthsayer finally broke his gaze away from me and turned to the hallway. He began to walk away taking quick steps as if he was trying to flee from me. I maintained my pace, feeling a bit like a lioness on the hunt. Of course, I’d never dare to pounce. This was still Oberon’s place, and I couldn’t do anything unbecoming of a queen. Plus, I had done all of this to get dressed up, and it’d be a shame if I ruined it all on the way.

Since this was the demon king’s mansion, I presumed that the house of the parliament was in another building. That’s why I was surprised when we didn’t head for the exit but instead continued down into an area that resembled a dungeon. There were a pair of guards, and the Truthsayer even needed to use a key to get through the door. The distrustful part of me wondered if this was a trap. Perhaps the demon king changed his mind and set up a situation where he could get rid of me.

I didn’t follow the Truthsayer with apprehension or fear though. If the demon king betrayed me, I’d make sure he paid in his skin. I was confident no one could constrain me if I didn’t allow it. The only reason I allowed the collars on my neck in the first place was that I knew I’d be able to take them off whenever I wanted. If he attempted to kill me, well many tried to kill me before and failed. I wasn’t afraid of death. I was numb to it.

I was confident that I wouldn’t die, or at least not without exacting my vengeance. However, even if I did die, I didn’t have much of an aversion to that either. At this point, I walked alongside death. I wouldn’t say death and I were old friends, but we were fuck buddies.

It seemed like my worries were for naught, as the underground dungeon disappeared and I found myself in hallways. I realized that an underground tunnel system had been built under the city. This allowed the parliament to move without walking among the common people. Considering the last time we were paraded in public, there was an assassination attempt, I could understand why this existed all too easily. The hallway went on for a while, with a few intersections which let off into different directions.

It was clear this was a common mode of travel and not some emergency option, as we passed guards on patrol and other nobles who seemed to be heading in the same direction. There were also signs at every intersection as well as maps to lead the way. It wasn’t intended to confuse people, but to provide convenience to the nobles.

Although I said that there were other nobles heading in the same direction, they didn’t join us. As soon as anyone turned a corner and saw me, their mouth would fall open and their face would go slack in stunned admiration. The more perverted of the bunch instantly got hard, and I could see their stiffening member in their pants. If I wasn’t following the Truthsayer and trying to maintain my appearance, I would have played with them. It had been a long time since I felt a hard cock in my mouth.

Well, at the moment, I couldn’t feel much of anything, but that deterred me only so much. It was true that my skin was extremely sensitive and that my pussy constantly ached from arousal. It was also true that the collar numbed all of those feelings. However, a girl could get aroused from more than just physical touch. For example, seeing a man get hard looking at me was more than enough to get my juices flowing.

I tried to ignore them the best I could though. I had gone clean for so long, but the fact I didn’t get to play before leaving was just torture. I was going to ruin my panties before even getting to the house of the parliament!

To keep my arousal under control, I started thinking about all of the information Oberon asked me to memorize. I started reciting the names and dates that I had read, sorting and contextualizing them. It was the best method at my disposal to get a grip of my mind. Ever so slowly, and with a good bit of effort, I forced myself to calm down. To think, a single stiffy was enough to bring back all of my naughty habits.

As we got closer to the house of the parliament, we left all of those tempting dirty nobles behind, and so I was also able to put them out of my mind. We reached a new gate, and the Truthsayer quickly opened the gate and continued into a new building. I hadn’t noticed when we left, but the guards had also been stunned by my beauty. They were wearing helmets though so their vacant stares were lost on me unless I was paying attention. The Truthsayer seemed to recognize this, as he moved quickly through them and didn’t question their seeming lack of response. He also hadn’t looked back at me once since we started our journey.

We left the stuffy underground and came out into a much nicer hallway with beautiful wooden floors and white walls. There were paintings, marble statues, and more which showed it was a place of wealth and elegance. Compared to the somewhat drab castle of Nidia, this place displayed a lot more wealth. Then again, that was a single small country, while this was the seat of power for the entire demon realm. Although they are in decline now, they had once been a force that threatened to wipe out the human realm and conquer the world.

Just as I started to see crowds and hear the mumble of people, the Truthsayer made a sudden turn, bringing me into a small waiting room. It had a table and chairs, and not much else. I frowned as I looked at it. I was getting ready to mingle, and yet he quickly dragged me to this place?

“Please wait here, my lady.” He spoke, still avoiding my eye as he bowed and then closed the door behind me.

I shot the door a glare and then crossed my arms. Had the door been a person, they assuredly would have wilted away just by my displeasure. Unfortunately, it was inanimate, and my true source of displeasure was absent as he always was. The Demon King, even on my debut, had found a way to ignore me. He seriously needed to learn how to treat a lady. A lady needed to be given attention. Even if he hit her, berated her, and choked her until an inch of her life… at least she’d know he cared. Well, maybe that was just me, but I was pretty sure on the attention part.

I tried to be good. I really did. I even sat down for a minute. However, it had been three days of neglect followed by three days of forced study. That was nearly a week of waiting. It wasn’t just a matter of sex, although I considered masturbating while I was waiting. That would involve taking off my collar though, and once that was off, I couldn’t be held responsible for what I did. I’d like to release my Frenzy and start an orgy in the parliament right there. Such a proposition sounded quite fun to me. I’d have seriously considered it if I wasn’t worried that Oberon would have me executed immediately.

That let my eyes wander back to the door. Strictly speaking, the Truthsayer had only asked me to wait. It wasn’t an order, and it certainly didn’t come from the mouth of my husband. If I chose to ignore his advice, anyone could excuse me for not realizing what I was and wasn’t allowed to do. It felt like a perfectly reasonable excuse in my head. I conveniently allowed myself to be convinced with that.

Brushing back my hair, I checked myself one last time in the mirror. My hair and body were still as perfect as always. I adjusted the girls to make sure they were showing enough cleavage, and I pursed my lips. Yeah, I’d do me. Satisfied with my appearance, I opened the door and left the room. What was the worst thing that would happen?


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