Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 138 - One Hundred And Thirty-eight : Paving Her Way

Chapter 138 - One Hundred And Thirty-eight : Paving Her Way

The third point of view :

"At this rate, you'll grow wrinkles all over your face " Kim attempted to calm the agitated Christina who was spacing up and down her office in a fit of anger.

"Shut up! "? Tina spat at her with a fiery glare.

Kim helplessly pressed her lips together, she swore never to joke with that pretentious witch ever again. Rolling her eyes when the witch heiress was not looking, she cursed her over and over in her heart.

Kimberly checked the time on her wristwatch and bit back a profanity when she discovered it was mid-afternoon - today was a waste.

All because of this stupid woman, she calls a busy lawyer to her company and does nothing but throw a tantrum over a man. Unlike Tina who sits in her office and orders people around, Kim had an actual job to return to.

There was no doubt that she would be K-Group heiress because her parents would never hand over the company to Maya. Kim has no competition still, she has to prove to her father that she was worth it else a substitute CEO would be appointed.

Fine Kimberly, take a deep breath, you shouldn't erupt in anger and do something stupid; you still need Tina to succeed, play it cool.

On the other hand, Tina was fuming in anger, she just wanted to transfer her aggression on someone right now.

She couldn't even understand why she called Kim in the first place? Perhaps, looking at her face reminds her of the root of all her problems: that idiot was the sister of that devil spawn called Maya.

Though, they were technically half-sister but who cares! As far as both come from the same womb, they were no different.

K-Group was not on par with Debra Group but that didn't mean she could assault that gold digger physically and go scot-free; Kim was an attorney and had her contacts.

There was no doubt Debra would win the lawsuit if Kim pressed charges against them - Tina had powerful relatives in different tiers of government.

But the buzz generated by the scandal would ruin the company image, threatening her position as the heiress.

Tina was her parent's only child but there was an illegitimate brother as a result of her father not keeping his d*ck in his pants.

Yes, her parents showed preferential treatment as expected; he was not pureblood but her brother was dearly loved by her relatives, posing a huge threat to her.

Underneath that cunning innocence, Tina was sure that the scum of a brother would strike once given an opportunity, which was why she needed Niklaus desperately.

Yes, she loves Niklaus with all her heart but he was essential in solidifying her position; being the madam of the Spencer Group was one hell of an accomplishment and a fairytale every woman fantasized.

Tina would never let go of him, no other woman but she deserves Niklaus.

Once they get married, she would merge both companies, and then, no one would question her authority - not even her family.

Tina glanced up at Kim thoughtfully, for now, she would torture her slowly and subtly to fulfill her bloodthirst moreover, her dirty jobs needed a cleaner.

"Are you done now?" Kim asked her when she plopped down on the sofa in her office.

Tina smirked and spoke with a haughty tone, "Why? Do you want to leave already? "

"I'm not supposed to leave? " Kim retorted, the gleam in her eye, and her tone was apparently a challenge.

Both eyes met and collided, they knew what was on each other's mind. Why not?

The two of them were selfish and sly individuals who had to join forces to accomplish a common goal: eradicate Maya. Other than that, there was no love lost between them.

Kim knew she was just a pawn in Tina's ploy to destroy her half-sister from the initial start, so she had no right to complain about the unfair treatment meted out on her.

But that doesn't mean she would allow herself to be treated like a rag doll, she had her own limit too.

Tina knew she was endangering herself by colliding with someone as smart as her - if not smarter. But sometimes, the most dangerous place was also the safest place.

Beside to defeat her enemy, she needed someone who knew her from inside out; household enemies were the best.

"So Niklaus humiliated you? " Kim changed the topic, arguing with Tina was not going to lead her anywhere.

Rippling anger coursed through Tina's vein, she clenched her shaking fist and bit down on her bottom lips, she would never forget today!

She had thought Niklaus was joking when he had told her to discuss the details of the engagement party with his secretary; he truly meant it.

Earlier she had tried calling his line but he refused to pick up, so she decided to go find him in his office.

Sadly for her, Tina was denied entrance to his office by his security and was directed to his secretary instead.

Remembering that morning incident brought back the anger, she had never been disgraced like that in her entire life!

Kim's lips tilted upward, it seems anger and jealousy were the only emotion that could ruffle this cool-headed pretender.

"So what are you going to do? By chance, don't tell me you would take that humiliation lying down?"

Tina sprang to her feet and scoffed under her breath, "You talk as if you don't know me "

"I know, but you can't touch Niklaus, you might as well just sign your death certificate, " Kim told her but was subtly inciting her to take action.

Tina threw her head back and released an evil cackle that made the hairs on Kim's arm stand on edge.

Her eyes darkened, "Yes, you're right, I can't touch Niklaus but I can harm the little bitch he treasures - body and soul."

Kim stood to her feet with a white sheet of paper in her hand, this was the moment she'd been waiting for,

"Thought so too which is why I have this important news" She handed the paper to Tina who had a curious look on her face.

Tina snatched the list from her grip and went through it, a rollercoaster of emotions playing out on her face all the while she glued her face to it.

Suddenly, she began to laugh till tears escaped her eyes, the back of her palm was pressed against her mouth, it was that amusing.

"Wait, she would be auditioning for the lead role this week? " Tina asked in disbelief.

"It appears so "

Frost touched Tina's eyes," She would not make the list, not on my watch, I'll make sure of it "


"No, she would audition" Kim decided, causing Tina to raise a brow in her direction.

"Excuse me? "

Kim felt the chill coming her way but remained calm as she explained

"According to my sources, Niklaus had been the one who recommended her for the role and when met with opposition from other top artists who got hold of the news, he almost ended their contract had Eden not mediated. Wouldn't we also attract trouble if we stop her? "

Tina had been ready to deal with that idiot when she fearlessly opposed her, turns out she had a good reason for doing so.

"So you're trying to say, we should give that bitch the illusion of losing, then when she rises to the peak of her career, we drag her to the bottom "Tina surmised.

Kim nodded.

Tina worked her jaw while her eyes moved upward in thought," No doubt, it's a great plan but I'm not satisfied "

She moved towards Kim until they were standing face-to-face. Both were of the same height though Kim was three inches taller but Tina covered it up with her heel.

"I need to torment Maya, make her suffer, and feel pain! Put her in her place and show her where she truly belongs " The heiress emphasized by fisting her hand as if she was crushing something.

"Of course, I thought of that "

Tina was surprised, "You did? "

Kim smiled warmly at her," You can have all the fun you want with her by investing in the movie; become one of the investor "

Tina was happy with her suggestion until she discovered a flaw, "No, Nik would discover my plan right away"

"Who said you had to invest by yourself? "

"What? "

"In your circle, don't you have friends that would help you out with this little favor?"

"Yes, but - " Suddenly her face brightened, " Of course, this is brilliant - " A knock at the door interrupted her, both eyes rested there.

" Come in "

Immediately, a man walked into the room and the ever sharp Kim didn't fail to capture the anticipatory look on Tina's face as her sixth sense tingled.

Her brows narrowed together in suspicion, she could sense the sexual tension between these two; wasn't she now together with Niklaus? Was Tina Debra two-timing?

Tina cleared her throat after a moment of gazing at her male visitor, "You can leave now "

As expected, she was being dismissed; Kim realized she has fulfilled her role for the day and was being discarded.

Although burning with anger still, she passed a sweet smile on her face saying, "Alright, see you later " and left, but not without taking a good look at the "guest''.

Kim had already profiled that little bitch; she always needed someone or something to transfer her aggression when agitated.

And judging from the fact she had a male alone in her office? It was obvious what would go down there in a few minutes; thankfully, she had her plans.

"You're late," Tina told Fernando who ignored her, crossing the distance between them.

"You always call me when you want to vent your anger " He pointed out while playing with her hair.

Tina cocked an arrogant brow," And do you have any problem with that?"

Fernando chuckled, then wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her flush against him; making sure to rub her against his obvious erection.

Tina gasped, pleasure zinged through her body while her throat dried up from delicious anticipation.

Seconds later, clothes were thrown in different directions and angles.

Minutes later, the lustful moans and grunts of couples going at it filled the room.

Tina closed her eyes as sensation after sensation rocked her body.

Fine, since Nik wouldn't reciprocate her love, she would do whatever she wanted; his money would do the rest of the motivation.

Unknown to both, Kim who had returned to her office in the guise of grabbing a forgotten item was filming their intense unadulterated sex scene.

She laughed a crooked smile, for sure there was a probability Niklaus wouldn't break up with Tina even if he sees the video but the seed of distrust has already been sown; Kim was slowly paving her way.

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