Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 167 - One Hundred And Sixty-Seven: La Mia Farfalla

Chapter 167 - One Hundred And Sixty-Seven: La Mia Farfalla

The third point of view

"What's my next schedule?" Angela asked her secretary who was standing before her with a tablet in hand.

"None at the moment ma'am, save the women's empowerment conference that has been pushed to tomorrow, they apologize for the impromptu notice"

"Fine" she sighed, pressing her temple out of fatigue. She was the guest speaker for that event which she was pleased had been adjusted. Right now her head was throbbing, she needed rest.

"If there's nothing else, I'll need you to …" she was still speaking when her office door was opened and her husband came in.

A smile tipped her mouth, "You can leave now" She asked her secretary to give them some privacy.

Hardly had the door close, did she stand from her swivel chair, and walked over to her husband who was staring at her with an amused look.

"Today must be a lucky day for me" she teased him, "What brings this handsome man to my office?"

"Can't a husband take in the sight of his beautiful wife while she works?"

Angela smiled and kissed him briefly," Seriously sweetheart, what brings you here"

Though in his early fifties but it was clear that Alfred was a very handsome man during his prime and the intelligence in his eyes hasn't been shadowed by his age.

With dark wavy hair that was carefully picked and gelled back by a professional stylist, he had piercing brown eyes that looked like warm chocolate and was quite tall.

Alfred walked with a gait that commanded respect and not terror, unlike most men in power.

But that meekness was not to be taken for weakness, cause just like any other person in such a position, they would do everything to keep that seat.

"Come on, have a seat" she directed him to the settee so they could have a proper discussion.

"No, I'm going to be brief" Alfred tugged on her hand to keep her from moving.

"Okay, go on. I'm all ears "

"Lately, I discovered we've been so busy that we don't have time to work on our personal life," he said.


"So, would you go on a date with me? I want to take you out after work"

"Sure, anything for my husband" she promised him with a delighted glint in her eyes.

He pecked her on the lips, "I'll pick you right after work"

"I'll be waiting"

Alfred left for his office while Angela went back to her seat, feeling as if she was on cloud nine. She was filled with anticipation and thinking about the date brought a smile to her lips.

She was going through one of the documents out of the piles on her desk when her secretary came in again. But this time, she had a bouquet of roses in hand.

Angela blushed, she didn't have to guess since her husband must be the one who sent it over.

"This is for you, Ma'am" Her secretary passed the flowers to her.

"Alfred shouldn't have bothered" she tugged a lock of hair behind her head in a coy manner.

"I'm sorry ma'am but that's not from the president"

Angela's smile ceased, "Is not from Alfred?"

She shook her head," I'm afraid no, ma'am "

" Who then?"

"I have no idea but it was passed from the front desk with instructions to be delivered to you personally. I've checked it and there's no bug nor harmful object - so far the flower's safe. It came with a delivery card, perhaps you could read it and I can help you trace whoever sent it? "

"Don't worry, you can leave. I'll call you if I need help in tracing it "

"Alright, ma'am " The secretary bowed and strutted out of her office.

Angela frowned, she hardly received flowers without knowing the sender but she picked out the stylishly folded? card, opened it, and read

"Like migratory birds, my soul has flown back to you. How are you, La mia farfalla."

All color drained from Angela's face as soon as she read, "La mia farfalla" and her breath began to come in gasps.

When did he come back? Why was he back? What does he want from her again? Haven't they settled everything back then?

Just then, her phone beeped with a notification.

"Did you receive my flowers?"

Angela's soul almost flew out of her body when she saw the message, it was him! How did he get her number?

She looked around her room as if checking for a camera secretly recording her. Who was she kidding? Getting her contact was just a piece of cake for him.

With clammy and shaky hands, she typed, "What do you want from me?" and sent it to him.

But a reply came in instantly as if he'd been waiting for her response this while, "I missed you, is that a valid reason?"

Angela swallowed nervously, sweat beaded her forehead and she squeezed her eyes shut for a while before reopening them with a deep breath.

"I have nothing to do with you, don't contact me ever again!"

A response came in immediately as usual "Have a meal with me, I'm waiting"

Angela could have rejected his invitation but she knew him, it was a decree. Even if she ignored him, Valentino would still have his way, there was no escaping him.

Moreover, that man was crazy. There was a possibility he would come to get her by himself which she dreaded. She was a married woman and of high status, she needed to avoid ugly and unnecessary rumors.

"Fine "

"Should I come to pick you up?"

"That crazy man" she cursed through gritted teeth and answered back, "I'll come to you, just send the address to me "

Angela's heart was slamming against her chest, who knew what that mad guy had in store for her?

She had just received the address and was going through it when a knock came on her door and was swung open before she could react.

"Mom - "

Kimberly stopped short when she saw the panicky look on her mother's face. She watched her dump something into the paper bin beside her desk and stood abruptly.

"What is it?"

"I was wondering if you could help me out - "

"That should be once I'm back " Her mom cut her off before she was done speaking, arranging her desk.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"Yes," she answered briskly much to her surprise, rummaging through her handbag for God knows what.

What was so important that had her mom in a haste like this? Kim wondered.

"Where are you going?" She asked, hoping for an answer.

"None of your business. I'm your mother and you're my daughter, so I don't answer to you, rather it's the other way around."

Kim frowned at her mother's sharp tone. She knew her mom quite well and unless something was bothering her, her tongue never turns acidic.

Her eyes fell on the dark rose on her mother's desk," Dad sent you flowers? It's so beautiful"

"Sure, you can have it, " Angela offered it to her and walked past Kim in a hurry before she could question her further.

Kimberly was flabbergasted, her mother gave her the flowers dad sent her? That woman that was so possessive of her husband? Strange.

Something was fishy, mom wouldn't give her this flower...unless it wasn't from dad.

Kim at once left the room and walked to the secretary, "Who sent flowers to my mother?"

The secretary stood up, "I have no clue, is there a problem?"

"The bouquet is not from my father?"

"No, there was no information about the sender. Though it came with a note and I suggested to madam to have it traced if she could make out any information from the card"

At once, Kim's mind flashed back to that time she saw her mom tossing something into the bin.

"Thank you and this conversation remains between us, " Kim warned the secretary.

" Sure " she nodded

Kim strode back to her mother's office and headed straight for the bin. It wasn't hard to recognize the crumbled card thanks to its fancy design.

"La mia farfalla?" She frowned, then picked out her phone from the pocket of her pants and searched up the word.

"An Italian word for, 'my butterfly?' "

A lot of thoughts went through Kim's head but she still couldn't connote it with her mom's odd behavior until an absurd thought came into her head: her mom was cheating on Dad!

Her eyes widened from shock, but how was that possible? It sounded stupid but what could explain the flowers and the romantic message.

No, she has to find out.

Kim hurried out and entered the elevator that led to the lobby, just as she reached outside to watch her mom's car drive away.

"Taxi!" Kim flagged down one at once, "follow that car" she directed him as soon as she stepped in.

Kim was so obsessed with tailing her mom that she was quite disgruntled when a call came into her phone.

Tina, what bad luck.


"I need Maya to suffer" Her royal highness ordered without even asking about her wellbeing.

Kim was irritated, does this woman think she was her dog?

"Probably another time, right now I don't have anything on - " she was still answering but Tina cut her off rudely.

"It was not a request but an order"

Kim could sense the coldness from her tone, something must have happened for her to be this pissed off but what could she do? She had nothing to bring the downfall of Maya at the moment.

"Fine, I'll do it " she reluctantly agreed, else that witch wouldn't let her rest.

"And do it fast, my patience is thinning by each growing seconds"

What an audacity

"Alright, your honor" she snarked and ended the call with no care. That rich witch was beginning to get on her nerves and it was irritating her.

Moreover, she had a car to chase.

Immediately she turned her gaze back to the road, Kim was shocked when a car came out of nowhere and crossed them.

Had the driver not being alert and stepped on the break, they would have crashed into that car.

"Who's that mad man?!" The driver climbed out of the car angrily for a confrontation.

Before the matter could be settled, Kim had lost her mom's car. Damn it!

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