Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 212 - Two Hundred And Twelve: Trouble

Chapter 212 - Two Hundred And Twelve: Trouble

The third point of view

The sight was funny yet not funny as both men rained blows on each other.

"This is all your fault! You caused this scandal!" Blamed Niklaus, straddling Eden and punching him.

But Eden rolled him to his back and ended on top of him instead, bringing down his own punches on him

"My fault, huh? Who caused this from the very beginning? If you had properly protected her from your vulture of a father, she wouldn't have been this vulnerable!"

Infuriated, Niklaus somehow kicked him away which caused Eden to stagger away from him. The officers at the spot took that opportunity to hold both of them.

"You two stop it now!" Hollered the deputy sheriff with hands on his waist and lips pressed together angrily.

"Pray to God that nothing happens to Maya else, I'll dismember your head from your body myself," threatened Niklaus.

"All you ever do is rain threat yet you're just a scaredy-cat. What have you ever done for Maya?! You let your father abuse her plus that bitch called your fisnceé! It's no wonder that Maya kissed me!"

That obtrusive confession coursed through Niklaus like electricity through a wet body and he broke free from the clasps of the officers with incredible strength.

Eden, already held back by the officers, had no time to retaliate nor did they see Niklaus on time as he speared Eden.

"Oof," The breath was knocked out of his lungs when Niklaus drove his shoulder into his midsection. The impact had Eden dazed and didn't have time to protect his face from his blows.

This was quite a huge show for the audience who whipped out their cellphones, recording the live wrestling. Two heirs fighting over a missing actress, it was quite a news.

The police were exhausted, both men were too strong and burning with anger. Left for them alone, they would have let both of them beat each other and blow off some steam. But they were the police and had to uphold the law.

With all their might, they managed to rip Niklaus from Eden who was a bloody mess.

"Call an ambulance," someone shouted amid the commotion.

Eden was helped to his feet while Niklaus who was being restrained by the police released a beastly growl; the growl of a wounded animal.

"You need to sit down,"

Eden who struggled to his feet and staggered about was advised. He was seeing doubles but his eyes were still focused on his target.

The officer thought him weak, so didn't oppress him as much as Niklaus who was being forced to his knee by the officers which allowed him to strike.

No one saw it coming, Eden ran to Niklaus and before he could be stopped, threw a blow to his head which knocked him out cold instantaneously.

Thanks to the sprinting, vertigo overtook Eden and he dropped to the ground before he could be subdued.

"At last," an officer breathed in relief. This was the toughest fight he had ever witnessed.

"Where is the damn ambulance!"


Christina was happy, super happy. She had never been this happy since the day she was born till now. She watched Inside Life showing live from her television and recorded it; this would serve as a memorandum.

She loved seeing Maya at her lowest point, she joyed in it. That lowlife had dared to mess with her, she had dared to take what doesn't belong to her and now was paying the price.

Kim did a good job at this. Perhaps, she would reward her for a job well done after the whole scandal. It didn't surprise her, the amount of hatred Kim had for her sister, Maya.

She had a brother too and all she had to say was that illegitimate specimens were scums. They try to reap where they did not sow and think it's alright. No, she would teach both of them a lesson - Maya and her brother.

Christina glued her eyes to the screen and enjoyed every video clip uploaded to the internet by angry netizens. They made a comical caricature of Maya; the daring fans used hate speeches, and the others started the "Kick Maya out of the entertainment industry" campaign.

Maya's popularity soared overnight, but not in a positive way. Her name was the most sought after in search engines and the show with Lily alone garnered thirty million views in just a few hours. The show presenter had a? large fanbase, it was no wonder.

But that joy didn't last long enough as Christina's countenance changed when she saw the news, " Maya fell into the bridge".

She was unsettled, what was going on? How could such a thing happen? Why didn't Kim plan this thoroughly?

Heart beating against her chest, Tina tried Kim's number but it was not going through. She tried again and again and yet nothing.

Christina began to chew on her nails, her heart pounding against her chest. Niklaus wouldn't trace this back to her right?

She knew Niklaus had been seeing Maya behind her back- Adam had shown her the pictures. Niklaus still liked the girl amid her advances to occupy his heart.

Christina had considered exposing that evidence too but it was a double-edged move. Sure, people would rebuke Maya, and her reputation as a gold digger, finsceé snatcher, and prostitute would be irredeemable but people would talk behind her back since Niklaus was involved too.

Those socialites who flashed their teeth at her with a smile would also scorn her when she wasn't looking. They would gossip, pinpointing how incapable she was in keeping her man and let him whore around with a former nanny, an illegitimate daughter! That was a big stab to her ego.

Tina had swallowed that insult, waiting patiently for this day which ended up a disaster too. Why can't the universe let her be happy for once?

Adam helped her by keeping Niklaus' away to not disrupt her plans. The plot was to ruin Maya's career and break her to the point where she willingly gives up on Niklaus and leaves the country; disappearing from her sight forever.

But now, Maya fell off a bridge instead and Niklaus would think she was the one behind that. Kim was the one who did the dirty job, she would not be held responsible, right?

Christina knew what Niklaus looked like when angry; he was destructive. Fine, had she forgotten her supporter?

The anxious Tina at once tried to call Adam but he was not picking up. She tried repeatedly yet got the same result. Shit, what was going on? Adam had not forsaken her, right?

Fine, she would calm down. Even if Niklaus found out about this, he would need to do an investigation- she would deny his baseless assumption. Hopefully, that would buy her enough time to think about her next course of action.


Kim was in a hurry packing her stuff into a bag to notice her mother.

"What are you doing?"

She let out a startled scream, her hand on her chest only to find out it was her mother.


Angela's eyes took in the sight of the bags on the bed, "Where are you going to?"

Gosh, she had planned to leave unnoticed.

Kim laughed awkwardly, "Mom, I just want to take an emergency vacation" she quickly brought up a lie.

"A vocation and you're packing this much?" Her mother's eyes narrowed on the passport on her bed.

Angela stretched and took it before Kim, her daughter could intercept it.

"Passport to Country F? Her brow raised, "Isn't that one of the highest crime country and a good hideout for criminals,"

Kim's throat dried.

Angela gave her daughter a skeptical look," What did you do Kimberly?"

"Mom is nothing. I just want to take a break. Work has been so overwhelming that I need to catch my breath," Kim continued her lie.

Angela scoffed, "Do you take me for a fool Kimberly," she took slow deliberate steps towards her daughter.

"You're my daughter and I know you like the back of my hand. You can't just abandon your work especially now you're beginning to make progress on impressing your father that you're capable enough to handle the running of the company instead of hiring an outsider,"

Angela asked firmly," What have you done this time," Suddenly, her eyes narrowed with suspicion, "You didn't do anything to Maya, right?"

At once, Kim kneeled in front of her mother and began to rub her

palms together

"Mom, please help me,"

Angela's heart missed a beat, her daughter has done it again.

"What did you do to Maya," her pulse raced awaiting Kim's confession.

"I didn't mean to harm her, I just wanted to scare her a bit," Kim cried, burying her face in her mother's skirt.

By the time Kim was done with her one-sided story that ended with Maya falling off a bridge, Angela narrowly escaped a heart attack.

Here, her daughter was scared of getting discovered by Niklaus, without knowing that Sakuzi was the much bigger threat.

"Hurry up at once, you need to leave here before he finds you!"Angela urged her to pack faster.

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