Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 216 - Two Hundred And Sixteen: The Show

Chapter 216 - Two Hundred And Sixteen: The Show

The third point of view

Kim knew the night was the best cover to leave. She wasn't a criminal - at least not yet - but she had to smuggle out of the country by ship.

She had nothing wrong aside from exposing her sister's wrongdoing but after hearing about the sudden disappearance of Lily, she knew foul play was at work.

Someone was pulling the strings from behind and if Lily had been captured, then it was a matter of time before she was taken too.

There was something people didn't know, she had been the one who brought those fans to Maya. Kim had just been driving to the station when she happened to come across Maya at the bridge.

With an evil smile, she had taken a photo of her and used a fake account that couldn't be traced back to her to inform the fanatic fans of her location.

Kim wouldn't lie. Yes, she never wanted Maya to be pushed or slip off the bridge but she bore ill intent by posting that. She wanted her sister to be disgraced further, at least if her clothes had been ripped with pictures taken in that pathetic state, it would be interesting.

All she did was inform the fans that she had found Maya but tactically incited those ignorant fools to action. This wasn't the first time fans tracked down scandalous celebrities so what could the police do to her?

But the same couldn't be said for people who had no regard for the law. This couldn't be Niklaus anymore moreover, she heard he was busy searching for Maya so it had to be another.

But who was this powerful backer behind Maya? She bet her sister must have opened her legs for some old, bald, sugar daddy- that was what she was good at anyhow, she had bewitched Niklaus that way too- Yes, that must be it!

Her ugly, fat disgusting sugar daddy must be after her to avenge the death of his mistress- Maya-? Kim thought.

Kim looked around the dock and then her wristwatch, it was late already and way behind schedule, where was the damned pilot?

She was dressed thoroughly in dark clothes with a hood and her packed bags placed by her side. Once she leaves this country, she'd hide till this commotion was over - thankfully, she had her mom to look out for her and inform her of the latest happening.

Kim heard movements behind and breathed a sigh of relief, that must be the pilot. But when she turned around, her heart jumped out of her chest.

That was no pilot. A Pilot doesn't have murderous intent oozing off of him neither had she seen one as tall as Mount Everest. Kim knew immediately that she was in danger.

Kim gulped, taking quick steps back which soon turned into a sprint. But she had not run long before she bumped into a wall, no, a body; a hard-muscled body.

She crawled back on all fours with fear apparent in her eyes, they had found her- she was doomed. At once, she lurched to her feet and tried to make another escape but she had been surrounded.

Kim dived her hand into her pocket, brought out the pepper spray saying determinedly, "Don't take a step or I'll spray - "

The words were still being spoken when she was hit from behind and the spray slipped from her hand, falling to the ground. Before she could turn to meet the face of her assaulter, that huge man backhanded her with a force that made her see stars as she fell to the ground.

Her cheeks stung and she felt like crying. Kim was determined not to leave the floor but she was dragged up to her feet and a rag pressed over her nose.

Kim struggled, kicking the air intensely but her assailant was stronger. Before she knew it, she had inhaled the whole substance and passed out.

"You know the location, take her there," Emerald ordered.


Angela paced up and down her room. Thankfully Alfred was not around to see her in this state nor discover his daughter was gone. She would find an excuse to cover up her daughter's disappearance and yes it would be hard to live with, but her daughter's safety comes first.

"God, please keep Kim safe," she prayed for a very long time. She wasn't an atheist however she wasn't a zealous Christian either moreover, her work didn't give her time for such spiritual communion.

But right now, she was scared and the only thing she could think of was committing the life of her daughter to a higher entity. But then, she forgot the law of reaping what you sow.

Angela had just gotten off her knee when her phone beeped with a message. She opened it and shrieked, dropping her phone to the ground out of shock.

She began to hyperventilate, it was her daughter, Kim. She saw Kim being bound to a chair and gagged, the usual modus operandi of most kidnappers. A knife went through her heart that moment, her poor daughter!

Another message came into her phone and she glanced through it with shaky hands.

"How was the present, La mia Farfalla,"

Her heart skipped a beat.

Oh my God, she forgot about Sakuzi. Kim had been so intent that Niklaus was the one after her hence it didn't cross her mind that Sakuzi was Maya's father and must have seen the news already.

"Seriously, Kim!"

Angela screamed, gripping her hair tight. She warned Kim not to touch Maya yet she didn't listen. Now, see what she got herself into.

Fine, she was her mother and would do everything to save her. Maya's falling off the bridge was an accident and Kim never meant any of it.

"Where are you?" She summoned the courage to text Valentino.

"Why? You miss me?" He replied.

"Quit the game, Valentino. Where is my daughter?"

He didn't reply for a long time which made Angela worried. Had he waved her off? Valentino was an unpredictable man.

Just when she had given up hope, a message came into her phone; he sent her the address.

It was late in the night yet Angela didn't bother going with a chauffeur nor call the police. Calling the police on Valentino was asking for a death sentence. He had his forces there and knew the right string to pull and she would just end up aggravating the whole situation.

She arrived in a lonely,

an unseemly and indecorous neighborhood that would scare the shit out of her if Valentino had not sent his men to get her.

They arrived in some sort of warehouse where she saw her daughter sitting just as shown in the pictures sent to her.

"Kim!" Angela screamed which caused her daughter to open her eyes with a grimace. Kim wasn't spotting a black eye but her cheeks were red and swollen with split lips.

"Mother," she moaned.

"My daughter," Tears spurted from her eyes. Angela tried to run to her but a comment stopped her in her tracks.

"Have you ever cried for Maya?" Valentino's deep voice rang across the warehouse.

Two of his men each were guarding the entrances to the warehouse while Sakuzi sat on the sofa on a raised platform watching her with interest.

"Kim didn't kill Maya. My daughter might have done something dumb but she didn't mean any harm to Maya. She didn't mean for your daughter to fall off that bridge," was her defense.

Sakuzi was amused, "So Kim is your daughter and Maya is my daughter, is that it?"

Angela was speechless, she didn't mean it that way," I uh...I don't -"

Her heart leaped out of her chest when Sakuzi's eyes darkened without warning," Your daughter caused the death of my own daughter, so she must pay with her life," he demanded.

" No!"

"Mom, what's he talking about?"

"Before then, we would see a mild demonstration of what Maya must have encountered during that fall off the bridge. But most of all, I'll like to see if that would draw some tears from your eyes. I advise you to buckle your seat belt, it's going to be one hell of a rollercoaster ride" informed Sakuzi with mirth.

Before her eyes, she watched as two tough-looking men began to lose the restraints on Kim but she knew they weren't setting her free, Sakuzi must have something evil in mind.

"Don't you dare touch -"

"Take a step more and I'll put two bullets in her head. Don't test my patience, Angela,"

Goosebumps formed on her back. That was a command and failure to do so bore consequences.

Against her will, Angela found herself sitting on the sofa positioned opposite his, awaiting the great show anxiously.

The couch was so close to each other that Sakuzi could easily lean and whispered anything into her ears, which he did.

"You're going to enjoy it,"

Oh yeah, she felt like throwing up already. It would certainly be a pleasant ride.

Since Angela arrived, there was a large red regal curtain covering a portion of the warehouse which made her wonder what was behind it.

"Here we go," Sakuzi prompted.

At once, the curtain slides open to reveal Kim standing above an incredibly large see-through water tank.

Blood of God.

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