Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 92 - Ninety-two : Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Chapter 92 - Ninety-two : Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Isabella's Pov

I looked up and was surprised to find that woman by my side, my forehead creased and eyes narrowed into slits. I don't remember the both of us being friends so why was she helping me out?

"I said, she is with me " Tina restated firmly when they tried to approach me.

"But Sir Niklaus would not - "

"I would handle Niklaus by myself " she interrupted one of the two guards who tried to protest.

"But still - "

" Move " Tina ordered coldly and the guard shrunk back from her intimidating gaze.

Though I disliked her, I couldn't help but give her a thumbs-up for her aggressiveness; she was totally badass .

"Let's go " Tina took my hand and led me down the hallway and into the elevator.

"I don't like owing people, what do you want in return? " I told her straightforwardly as soon as the elevator door closed us in.

Tina turned to stare at me with an amused expression, with hands crossed across her chest she asked ,

"What if I said I needed your support? "

I laughed "That would so not happen,? not even in my next life " I told her pointedly "I don't like you "

"And I don't like you too" She replied back with a serious expression "At Least we've established that fact "

"Thankfully " I mumbled under my breath. I never gave the illusion of liking her and she didn't either, regardless her straightforwardness was an admirable trait.

"What were you doing outside by the way? " I inquired curiously.

"None of your business " came her curt reply.

But I pressed on "The ballroom is not that direction "

She gave me an annoyed look " I was looking for your father "

I twisted my face in a mock laugh "If that's so then you're more dumber than I thought "

Her expression changed " I'm not dumb !"

"Says someone who can't figure out Maya and Niklaus sitting in the tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G " I taunted, God! how I love the expression on her face.

She tried to reason,perhaps tried to convince herself "Today is a very important day and Niklaus wouldn't be so careless as to abandon his guest just for a moment of pleasure with that gold digger! "

Tsk tsk, I shook my head, I wasn't a love specialist neither do I convince people in denial, so I continued my song.

"First comes love.Then comes marriage.Then comes a baby who would help me out with my plans - "

" Stop it !" Tina ordered, her face was beet red

I cocked a brow "Why? Does it sound awfully close to home? "

I watched her take a long deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check.

"In this life Niklaus can only belong to one woman and that is me, no one else ! No one knows Niklaus more than I do and I won't let anyone take what's rightfully mine " She declared and I could see the fire in her eyes; she really was determined to see this to the end.

This was why I disliked her, she had too many dreams and yes, having a dream wasn't bad, delusional dreams were .

"You really need to see a doctor, this was how all psychopaths began - if only they had someone to tell them on time, which I just did so you're welcome by the way " I consoled her in my own way.

Tina was taken aback by my comment until a smile stretched her lips "Undoubtedly you're Niklaus's kid, you have the same hair, face and attitude "

She pursed her lips together as if thinking " I wonder who made the stupid assumption of you being Eden's child "

My head jerked up as all smiles drained from my face. Did she really have to bring that up?

Tina continued "You know it surprises me sometimes " she tilted her head to the side "How dumb kay could give birth to such an amazing and intelligent daughter? "

My eyes flashed, you can speak ill of me or any other person save my mother - she is the apple of my eyes and always would remain my hot button.

I gritted my teeth, anger surging through me " You would never be my mother! "

"Makes it all the more easier for me, at least I don't need to pretend around you "

The elevator opened with a ding sound and she stepped out of it, her God knows how many inches heels click-clanking against the floor and I trailed along.

Once we got to the entrance of the ballroom, the security stationed there were all familiar faces and straightened up the moment they saw me, here we go again.

They all quickly closed in on me as if I was a world wanted terrorist. My mouth quirked, Niklaus sure places a lot of value on me.

Tina stepped in front of me protectively " She's with me "

The leader of the guards adjusted and spoke into his tiny, in-ear headset probably calling for more backup.

Wow, was I that dangerous? I don't even know karate like Maya - I knew I should've asked her to teach me that earlier on - yet they were calling for more men; only if they knew I'd run out of pranks.

He ended the conversation glancing up at Tina saying "I'm sorry but this is Sir Niklaus orders "

"I have spoken with Niklaus already, I managed to convince him " Tina lied through her teeth.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire " I sang inwardly but there was something bothering me.

Why was Tina adamant on getting me into the party? I couldn't help but feel something was going to happen tonight.

The guard had a confused expression on his features before his eyes narrowed suspiciously - he was definitely having a hard time believing her.

Though the guards don't usually say anything but they see and know what's happening. It was no longer secret that Tina had fallen out of favor with Niklaus; her words were no longer valid.

"He's with Maya so I managed to convince him " Tina closed all loopholes and I rolled my eyes, she finally believed my words afterall.

"You can confirm my words by calling him but I can assure you, he won't pick up cause he's busy with his woman - if you know what I mean " Tina insinuated that Niklaus was doing adult stuff with Maya.

One had to admit, a learned, smart and ambitious woman was highly dangerous. With just my words,Tina had put two and two together, and came up with a lie that was highly convincing.

She knew since her words held no more power that Maya's name would and as predicted, they tried reaching Niklaus all to no avail.

So after a while of inner battle and deliberation, he finally gave in. He dismissed the rest of the guards and said to me " You can go in now " but added "Be good "

I knew it wasn't a request but an order, unfortunately I was born not to follow instructions.

The moment we walked into the ballroom, I got in Tina's way " What are you planning? "

Her eyes widened and was quite startled by my question for a brief moment before she resumed her apathetic face " I don't know what you're talking about "

She denied my claim but I didn't give up? " You could have left me at the entrance but you still persisted and even lied just to have me here . Unless you want something from me or want me to see something, you won't go to such lengths just to save a child you clearly dislike "

Tina gulped and my lips moved to the side " Just as I thought " I chuckled mirthlessly.

Suddenly I looked up, all signs of playfulness left my intense gaze and though she was a lot taller than me, I stared her straight in the eyes and began " I don't know nor care what you're planning, but leave Maya out of it "

Her brows quirked up and huffed "You too? " disbelief was clearly written across her face " What's so special about that low class gold digger? " She spat with a venomous voice.

"Gold digger? " I rolled my eyes towards heaven " Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! "

"Y-you !" Tina choked but lowered her voice when she suspected people were beginning to eavesdrop on our argument.

I stepped closer " You want to know what's so special about Maya? She's a funny, kind, cute dumbass who still has this innocence around her unlike you who has sold your soul to riches. You're delusional and numb of emotion "

I watched her gulp but not out of nervousness, rather to stomach my words she's probably perceiving as an insult to her reputation.

I went on "That dumbass sees the good in people and tries to change them even at her own expense. Any one able to tame that man called Niklaus has earned my respect "

I turned to walk away but remembered something " Moreover, Maya would never insult my late mother! "

"Speak of the devils " I said as soon as I saw the figures coming our direction and informed her? " I think your lie is about to be busted "

"And don't tell Maya I said those things about her " I added quickly causing Tina's face to screw up. She snorted with annoyance and looked away.

Niklaus was walking in with Maya, a goofy smile on his face while she looked hot and flushed after he said something - only both of them knew thankfully - into her ears. But at that very moment, our eyes met and held and all smiles disappeared from his face.

His eyes flashed and an ugly grimace crossed his features as he strode towards me amidst Maya tugging on his arm.

" I thought I told you not -! "

I waved " Hi Dad " and Niklaus froze like a popsicle.

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