Taming The Villainesses

Episode 185.2

Episode 185.2

(EP-185.2) Own place #1

185 Each in their own place #1

Under the parasol shielding her from the warm sunlight, Mirna unfolded her fan, partially covering her face.

It has been a while, Sir Theo Well, Ive been doing just fine. I also wanted to talk with you, so this is perfect.

Saying that, she held out the handle of the parasol to me.

Would you like to take a stroll and chat a bit? Of course, thats only if Sir Theo has time. You must be very busy, right?

Behind the blue feather fan, Mirnas expression seemed somewhat anxious. She also appeared tired, lacking energy, as if she had spent the past few days restless in the blistering heat.


I received the parasol that Mirna gave.

Even if I am, I should make time for a conversation with Mirna-nim, no?

Is that so?

Mirnas expression brightened a little.

She even smiled as if she was relieved, but she soon switched to a pompous and sullen expression, as if everything before was just a lie.

Well then, escort me~.

Shall we go to a nearby pond? The park is probably crowded with people right now. I know a quiet place.

Lets go there then.

And so, I led Mirna to said pond.

Sir Theo, it says no entry here?

A wooden sign was stuck like a stake between the trees.

No Entry Trespassers will be held responsible!

I forcefully pulled it out and casually propped it up on a nearby tree.

Not anymore.


Mirna looked around suspiciously, then sighed.

She then grabbed onto my hand. I expected it to be soft, but it was surprisingly rough.

Now that I saw it, she was wrapped up in some band-aid.

How did this happen?

I dont know. But the road is very rough, isnt it?

Mirna walked precariously, not being used to unpaved dirt roads. Her expression was filled with apparent dissatisfaction, questioning why I guided her to such a place.

Aht, that stings.

Mirna flinched, as she was covered in cocklebur thorns looking like a chestnut.


Mirna asked, removing the thorns that were attached to her body.

Is this really the right place?

Yes, were almost there.

As I spoke, a small pond came into view. The pond was surrounded by round stones, and its surface, reflecting the dazzling sunlight, shimmered beautifully like a rainbow. 


Seeing this, Mirnas ruby eyes sparkled mysteriously, momentarily forgetting her dissatisfaction. Before her was a pond untouched by humans.

It looks as if a fairy might pop out.

Indeed, the atmosphere was conducive to the appearance of fairies.

Shouldnt there be nymphs in charge of a place like this? Do you manage this pond, Theo Gospel?

No, this is where my imp friend Marmar catches fish. Therere various types of fish here. The No Entry sign was made by the imps.

Though Mirna seemed to not fully understand my response, she nodded with a murmur I see. Actually, my answer and reason didnt really matter.

Would you like to feed them?

There were grains seemingly left by the imp friends. It appeared they had been feeding the fish living in the pond.

Taking a handful and scattering it into the pond, schools of fish splashed about on the surface of the water.

Its fun.

After enjoying this for a while, I gently asked Mirna, who seemed to be losing interest in feeding the fish.

By the way, earlier you mentioned wanting to talk to me, right?


Mirna exclaimed, before quickly nodding her head.

Theo Gospel, I feel like I havent been able to properly thank you. I couldnt spare time, Ive just been very busy lately.

Thank you?

Did I do anything that Mirna would be grateful for? There were few things that came to mind. Then perhaps realizing my confusion, Mirna added. 

For convincing my sister, Narmi. She was really angry before. But Sir Theo convinced Narmi and helped me get out of a tough situation.

Oh, thats what you meant.

That did happen. Maybe it was because Id been busy these past few days, but it felt like a long time ago. In reality, it had only been about a week or so. 

How are you doing with Narmi-nim?

That day, Narmi and I had a secret affair. Judging from Mirnas attitude, it seemed that the twins had not yet talked about this.

Mirna let out a short sigh.

There are many things to coordinate. Although Narmi and I have been together for a long time, it feels like we still have a lot to learn about each other.

Still, Im glad that the two of you reconciled and got along well.

Despite everything, living together is something that wont change. That aside, Im curious about how youve been, Sir Theo.


I was curious about Mirna and Narmis situation, but it seemed like Mirna was interested in how I had been.

Well, thats.

What had I been doing lately? As I was trying to recall, Mirna sprinkled all the grain she had in her hand into the pond and asked.

You havent changed your mind just because we havent met for a long time, have you? Or have you fallen into Lady Lioness swindling?


It was only then that I remembered Elga and Mirna were still betting with each other.

I was occupied with a lot of things, while everyone was also busy living their own lives.

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