Taming The Villainesses

Episode 192.1

Episode 192.1

(EP-192.1) A Short Break #1

192 A Short Break #1

The day after the trial.

I lay in bed with aches and pains all over my body.

So much so that I couldnt even lift a finger, forcing me to rest for the entire day. 

It was a warm afternoon with the summer sun streaming in through the window.



It was a good day. Listening to the cacophony of cicadas and various birds singing in a chorus, its a shame that Im stuck in a room. 

Still, I gained a lot from the duel.


Name: Theo Gospel Angmar lv. 43 44

Job: Half-Fairy lv. 8

Casanova lv. 7

Actor lv. 9

Tutor lv. 9

Little Demon King lv. 1 2

Talents: Farsight Calm Thinking Abyssal EyesPerk: Demon King 

Inclination: Chaotic-Neutral.

You are the only survivor of a fallen family.

You must revive the family while avoiding those who want to destroy it.

Fortunately, you are motivated to rebuild your family.


Because Little Demon King went up a level.

It seems the notion that extreme situations like life-and-death struggles and duels would enhance ones magic skills was not a lie.

Though my body was weary, the magic power in me remained remarkably stable.


But then my thighs throbbed.


Its just a little muscle soreness. Hey, stop whining.

Elga jabbed my side.

Anyone who has experienced muscle soreness in their side knows that being poked in that spot with a finger was like getting stabbed.


It hurt so much.

Its because youre not training enough. You overused your untrained muscles in the fight, this is the result, am I wrong?

Yeah, Elga was right.

However, this soft Half-Fairys body was inherently unsuitable for combat and fights.

By way of comparison, it was like driving a small compact car in an unlimited autobahn. Getting hurt is to be expected.



When I glanced at Elga, who was pressing on my thigh, she said. 

Why are you looking at me like that? If you have something to say, say it.

If I were to say what I really wanted to say here, shell just squeeze my thigh, and I dont want such pain.

So, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Elga also didnt question me further and just continued to press. 


It hurt but I refrained from complaining. I wont whine at someone whos massaging my sore muscles. 

Fortunately, you didnt get seriously hurt. Do you understand? When you got slashed across the abdomen through the Mana Shield, I thought you were going to die.

Elgas words made my stomach churn with heat. The dagger wound from yesterday began to throb again. The scene replayed itself in my mind. 

You mean the Hunters last attack?

Yes. If the attack had been a bit deeper, you wouldve been split in half and died. You were lucky the opponent made a mistake out of impatience.

The Hunters dagger plunged with a low stride. I dont even know how I narrowly avoided it.

It was only a superficial cut on the skin so it was easily healed with potions and spells, leaving no scars. Yet, whenever I recalled that moment, my stomach still throbbed.

It hurts.

Its like a scar that lingers in the soul.

Were you trying to make me a widow? Your body is not just yours anymore, so think a little more about how you live.

Thats right.

Elga seemed concerned that I might have died or been seriously injured in yesterdays duel. Thats probably why shes venting her frustrations at me.

Now, dont go into battles like that recklessly. Got it?


I readily agreed with her words. I also didnt want to engage in another life-and-death fight.

A Half-Fairy is not suited for sweaty trainings, but rather indulging in sugary things like tea or pajama parties. Speaking of which, I wanted to eat some sugar.

Elga-nim, can you get me some ice cream from the fridge? Miss Narmi gave us some ice cream as a gift.

The ice cream was packed in a wooden case, about the size of my head. It felt like the aches and fatigue would melt away if I get a scoop. 

I had already eaten about half of it with Miss Narmi, who had visited earlier this morning.

What, do you think Im your errand girl?

The problem was that Elga just got angry and refused my request. Was it a mistake to mention Narmis name?

You have calmly judged the situation!

You have gained experience points through the talent Calm Thinking.

All job experience +5

Elga was easy to understand, so it makes things less complicated. 

what will you do for me if I bring you ice cream?

She subtly bargained. I racked my brain trying to think of something I could do for her right now, but there was nothing.

Hmph, forget it. Youd rather have the sweet ice cream from the Draco twins than my massage, right?

As I was lost in thought, Elga grumbled and opened the fridge. She then retrieved a luxurious ice cream container and popped the lid off.


Yes, this is it. The bright and sweet aroma of the half-remaining ice cream made my body flutter.

Is it really that good?

Elga scooped up a spoon, which I expected to be mine. I even opened my mouth, but the spoon went straight into her own mouth.

Its not even that good. No, Ill need another bite to be sure.


Puuk, puuk.

What, theres different flavors for each color?

Elga spooned through the ice cream several times, rapidly depleting my half-supply of happiness!

I felt like froth was about to come out of my mouth. Shes eating my ice cream at my face, while I lay there unable to move. 

I couldnt bear Elgas profoundly fairyphobic and inhumane behavior any longer without giving her a piece of my mind.

Noticing my boiling frustration, Elga gingerly set down her spoon.

Why, what? Did you think I was eating it because I wanted to? Dont you know theres a fairy inside me too? I have a half-and-half fairy in my belly. They wanted to eat it.

Thats true. Then theres nothing I can do. Certainly, if the child in Elgas womb has a fairys blood, its not so strange for her to enjoy the sweet treat.

Here, Ive left your share.


I accepted the ice cream box from Elga. I distinctly remember there being several flavors, but now theres only mint chocolate left. How annoying.



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