Tanuki Rise of the Yokai Clan

Chapter 5: Tanuki also needs a politician

Chapter 5: Tanuki also needs a politician

The space was devoid of noise.

They were all in silence, their mouths wide open. After all, no one expected this situation.

Yet few youkai nodded, and their eyes were full of brilliance.

Transmutation was one of the abilities of the tanuki.

However, tanuki were still unable to follow the trend of the modern world, so they were still either to use this ability to transform a leaf into a stick, sword, armor, or any other cold weapon.

On the other hand, he was more skilled in the art of transmutation. Instead of a leaf, he used his "Osore" and transformed it into a gun.

This was also the reason why he disappeared a week ago.

While the ability of the transmutation of the tanuki was amazing, he needed to understand the detailed information about what he wanted to create.

It was also the reason why most tanuki would transmute into something simple since if it was too complicated; it was hard to do.

However, it was impossible for him to get information about the gun on the internet unless he went to the dark web. Unfortunately, he wasn't good with computers, and he could only use a computer to browse the internet or play an online game, so he went to the military base to check all the weapons there.

Fortunately, he was smart enough to understand, so he could transmute his "Osore" into a gun.

Gonta looked at his bloody shoulder and was stunned before he screamed in pain. "It hurts!!!" He fell to the ground while holding his bloody shoulder. His cry echoed through the forest, causing everyone to understand how painful it was.

Yet few people understood that he was holding back. If he wasn't holding back, Gonta would die at this moment.

However, many people were stupid, and their emotions took them over. They were angry and quickly jumped onto the stage to teach a lesson to him.

"You bastard! What the hell did you do?!"

"He is your older brother! Show some respect!"

"Do you want to kill him?!"

The group of older tanukis didn't hide their dissatisfaction, and they were furious at him. Their bodies swelled up and showed muscle under that fat body.


However, he was shocked when he saw all of this since he realized the bodies of his brothers were all muscles, and they weren't fat.

They might seem chubby, but they were full of muscle!

This was the greatest shock he had ever had in his five years of life!

Fifteen Tanukis stood up altogether, tried to surround him, and put immense pressure on him. They were all his big brothers, and without a doubt, they thought that they were stronger than him.

Besides the legend and popularity, a youkai can also become stronger the older they are. The older they are, the stronger they are.

It is the common sense of the youkai world.

They also didn't hesitate to transmute the leaves in their hands into sticks, swords, lances, hammers, and many other types of weapons. Some used their bare fists and put on a sumo-like posture, ready to fight.

The gun in his hand might be dangerous, but they were in a group, and they didn't think that they would lose against a young tanuki like him.

His mother wanted to save him, but his father stopped her. "Dear?"

However, his father didn't say anything and stared at him with different emotions than before.

She was dissatisfied, but she shut her mouth and focused on her son so that in case something happened, she could save him.


"Bow your head and apologize to us!"

"If you do that, we'll let you go!"

It was impossible to do anything to him, considering his father and his mother were there. Yet they didn't really feel scared and even wanted to make this scene even bigger. They were all tanuki, and without a doubt, they were all smart. They might seem stupid, but in terms of conspiracy and trick, they didn't lose to Kitsune (Fox).

Well, many of them only loved to party by drumming their balls or bellies, and most of his siblings only wanted to live peacefully, enjoying every moment, making him think they were nothing but a waste of resources.

Anyway, they all surrounded him in a group and wanted to teach him in the name of disrespecting the older generation.



He must admit he was quite embarrassed to say something like this, but he had to do this since he knew the youkai loved to dramatize everything. Yet he didn't feel surprised since they were the existence born from the legend, so if the story was plain, they wouldn't become a legend, right?

"Listen, everyone!" He shouted and declared clearly to everyone. He also unleashed his "Osore" on everyone, making all of them feel solemn. After all, they didn't expect his "Osore" would be so great.

Even though he couldn't be compared to his father, he was still five years old!

What could you expect from such a boy?

Yet his "Osore" was so outrageous!

Fifteen of his brothers had a cold sweat since they were right before him, so they had to bear a direct brunt from his "Osore"!

"Do you know whenever I sneak outside of the Shikoku, all the names of the youkai that I have heard are either Touno Youkai, Kyoto Youkai, or the Tokyo Youkai that is led by the 2nd commander of the Nura Clan, Nura Rihan? And he isn't even a full youkai. Instead, he's half-human and half-youkai. Yet he is able to make the Nura Clan reach the Golden Age. Whether it is the Tono Youkai or the Kyoto Youkai, they could only bow down in front of the Nura Clan."

Some of them felt ugly, and some stupid youkai had reverence on their faces.

Yet it was a normal thing since a youkai worshipped the strong.

"Then what about the Shikoku Youkai? Do you want to know what they think about us?" He asked loudly.

Everyone was in silence and looked at him curiously.

"They said that we were a hick! We're just a countryside youkai! We're nothing compared to them!" He provoked them, raising their emotions.

"The hell did they say?!"

"Fuck, I'm going to kill them!"

"Let's show the power of the Shikoku Youkai!"

Many youkai were furious, but many of them also understood their situation. After the war 300 years ago, the situation of the Shikoku Youkai had gone downhill, which was an irrefutable fact.

"However, I'm not surprised."

Yet his words shut everyone down again. They looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"We were butchered by a group of humans in the past. By then, our situation had gone downhill. Everyone could only lay, sleep, or party, and we didn't even have full control over the Shikoku. We're weak, so I'm not surprised they look down on us."

"How dare you say that, Tamazusa!"

"Do you want to die?!"

"Let me teach you a lesson to watch your mouth, little bastard!"

Even if his "Osore" was strong, they only felt slightly nervous, but the number of their group gave them courage.

"That's why I want to change this!" He shouted loudly, strengthened his "Osore," and changed his form into his Youkai form.

When he was in the Youkai form, his hair turned white and became long, reaching for his back. He had fair skin, pointed ears, and slanted golden eyes with slit pupils like his mother. He had a violet crescent moon on his forehead that could be seen beneath his bangs, two magenta stripes on each cheek, and a magenta stripe on each eyelid.

When he was in the form, everyone was quiet since they knew he was exceptional, and this was why he was special since he inherited most of his father's divinity.

"Let's make those Youkai in the Tono, Kyoto, and Tokyo... No, the entire country to remember our name! Make them remember how scary we are! Let's show them our fangs! Show them we're not a hick but a beast that will shred them apart! Let's show them the power of the Shikoku Youkai!"


Everyone was in silence before they roared with all of their might!


Everyone roared, causing space and earth to tremble.

His siblings were also in shock, and many of them had ugly expressions.

"So from here, I'll change my name to Tamazuki! My name is Inugamigyoubu Tamazuki! And I'll be the one who controls this world! Let the darkness rule the world!"


He had a calm expression on his face, but inwardly he smirked, thinking that youkai were too simple, but suddenly he felt a danger!

Darkness suddenly enveloped him, and an immense force was about to smash in his direction!

'No! It's too late!'

He wanted to dodge, but it was too late!

A massive palm suddenly slammed in his direction, causing him to be thrown hundreds of meters away, crashing into the earth and several trees.


All the excitement suddenly disappeared, and all that was left was only a gulp and cold sweat that trickled through their backs and necks.

"Idiot, Father!"

He let out the last hoarse, cursing his father before he passed out with his eyes turned white.

"...." Everyone.

Still, they must admit his guts were so admirable.

However, they must admit that his father, Inugamigyoubu Danuki, was so cruel since they didn't expect him to smash his son so hard.

Danuki only snorted and said, "If you want the position of commander, you have to defeat me first!" He then looked at everyone and said, "Listen, well! You all can have my position, but you have to defeat me!" He unleashed his "Osore," causing the space to tremble. "Only the strongest can get my position!"

Everyone was pale at that moment by the sheer aura of Danuki.

'As expected of the leader...' they thought.

Danuki nodded and said, "Go back."

They nodded and left one by one obediently, but many of them looked in the direction of Tamazuki.

Danuki looked at Rika, Tamazuki's mother, and said, "Take care of him."

"I know." Rika didn't even look at her husband since she was quite dissatisfied with how hard he was teaching their son before quickly going to save her son.

When Danuki was alone, he sat on his throne again, gulped the alcohol in silence with a smile on his face, and laughed hard. The ambition that had burnt out slowly became fiery, but the one who was going to realize this ambition wasn't him. Instead, it was his son, and he was excited to see how his son grew from now.

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