Temporal Pearls

Chapter 1: World Meeting!!!

The atmosphere was suffocating. The World Elders all have grave expressions.

The bad news was striking and they all knew they had nothing to do but list to the possible solutions.

Two Cturies ago, a massive Asteroid, half the size of the Moon, approached Earth. Due to some unknown reasons, the trajectory of the Asteroid met with the Moon and collided.

The Moon cracked and the Asteroid was smashed into three Large pieces and thousands of smaller pieces!

The Smallest of the Piece struck the World causing devastating Destruction.

The Second-largest Piece became the World's stellar object and Orbits the Planet like the Moon!

The Largest Piece was hurled far away from the Earth's outer space, making the Earth dizs sigh with relief!

They believed that if that one stayed within Earth's Outer Space, its gravity may cause waves of Tsunamis and Hurricanes due to its Gravitational pulls!

A Calamity that was considered to be a Minor Apocalypse came and passed but left Death and Destruction awake!

Yet, half a Ctury later, the World saw a climb in Technological improvemts.

The Asteroid came with a Special Energy that was tuned with Earth Technology. Scitists used it to have countless breakthroughs in their invtions and within just a Ctury Earth almost recovered from the Past Evt.

Unfortunately, after Two Cturies, Omega was being pulled into the Earth's atmosphere and another collision was immint!

The Asteroids were titled, Alpha as the largest Asteroid piece, Omega as the second-largest piece while Beta was the one that collided with Earth!

The Scitist began proposing differt solutions. Nothing was dect but some were doable.

Some of the first reasons proposed were that the inhabitants of the World vacate and move to space. After Earth stabilizes from the collision th they can come back!

It seems okay, but the problem was that it has be done before. It turned out that for those that travel far away from Earth, an uncommon phomon began happing. Such as Infertility, and the sudd rise of Psychopaths, which was people losing their emotions and moral compass twisting!

It was believed that there was something on Earth that humans wer't able to replicate in their Spaceships or something out in Space causing all this!

The terraforming of other Planets was hard but a bit successful. Yet problems raised from it were immse and people's sudd Death for no reason made the mission unsuccessful.

Another proposed solution was to move to the Depth of the Ocean. That raised another problem which was the discovery of Megalodons and other Giant Sea Monsters. Which may pose more of a threat if provoked than the Asteroid itself.

The solutions were all feasible but the time was not ough to perfect them without major misfortunes. One thing was confirmed, with Earth's developmt, if giv time, they will ev capture the Asteroid. Sadly, it was only two Cturies, and every developmt is under trial.

One of the Family Heads walked to the podium, attracting everyone's atttion.

"I have a solution. But every nation must work together to contribute. For Cturies we deduced this would happ and the reason was, the Core of the Beta Asteroid was in my Nation."

"As we all know this Asteroid emits Energy that makes it possible for a lot of developmt on our Planet."

"Sadly, the Beta Core is emitting more powerful ergy now which in turn makes Omega to be pulled toward our Planet…"

Someone cuts him off.

"Finally, we can just throw away the Core to Outer Space. And prevt disasters. I believe we can all work together and support your Nation." An arrogant middle-aged man said.

He had a lot of skirmishes and war with the speaker and the idea of depriving his opponts of their advantage was good music.

And he knew he would gain support from the other Elders due to the World crisis.

"Fool. The Core has fused with Earth already. Removing it will destabilize the Planet's Tectonic Plates and cause major disasters." He spat out before looking at the rest.

"A Thumb-size Beta can power a Technological City for T Years. But it can only support Human Brain activity for One Year. It's a waste of ergy! but if we can siphon away the excess Energy from Beta Core, the pull will reduce or ev negate completely! Here is the full review!"

The Super Large Scre displayed information that the Ark family hid for Cturies to themselves. If not for the World crisis they wouldn't have shared it.

As they knew the true danger that the World was in and that was why they made the necessary sacrifice!

Ark was known as the Strongest Group. They have dangerous weapons and they were the first to develop Super Soldiers.

With their Super Soldiers, they capture a lot of lands and advance it to the next level during wars. Though they hid behind their Country to do everything.

The secret was simple: by tapping into the ergy of the Beta Core, they were able to increase the Cognitive Abilities of Humans and Animals. And also partially affect and increase body performance.

Sadly it consists of risk as people became retarded and some of them their brains shut down after prolonged exposure!

But one thing that the World came to know was if not for their effort, what was happing now would have happed 50 years ago.

And another secret that everyone learned was, Earth had absorbed most of the Energy from the Beta Core to recover itself. But now it has stabilized and the Beta Core is absorbing the Energy from the Earth.

Sadly, now that the Beta Core was absorbing the Energy, it was attracting Omega!

The solution proposed by Ark was what they have be doing to make Super Intelligce Humans that will siphon excess Energy—but people might die for a couple of years as a backlash. However, it was something they were willing to make.

A tall man with a belly, in a casual colourful shirt and trousers with a facing cap, adjust his sitting and said,

"I have a less risky recommdation. My Group has be developing something called Virtual Reality. With a bit of nudge from everyone here, we can finish it."

"We can make it available to everyone. Allowing people to safely dive in for a short period and th come out. That will reduce the casualties we are expecting now."

At first, his idea was absurd, everyone here is old ough to not use Games in this serious matter. But after some thought, it was a feasible plan!

Imagine billions of people diving and th coming out after some hours. It will reduce Betas' power and also people will not have side effects. Since all the side effects were shown after a prolonged increase in brain activity.

The plan along with other plans was tak and to be developed.

A year after the meeting Virtual Reality has become the cornerstone for many companies. Where differt Games were produced to the point the market was almost saturated.

Behind the sces, though, it was the World Leaders testing many differt proposed ideas!

That was until one Game was introduced with the notion of being the success of all the other trials!

Asteroids Online.

Its name was the only thing people knew. But what attracted people to it more than other Online Games was VR Cabin!

The other set of Games produced Headgear of differt varieties. Only with an astronomical amount of money can one buy a VR Cabin.

But the developers of Asteroids Online came with a Cabin. At first, people were afraid due to its cost. Th it turns out Rank Cabin has the same price as the past Head Gears.

Avid gamers started taking loans and saving money. They were afraid that the promo would d and they would not get the Cabin in time.

After decades of developmt, a VR Game hoping to absorb ough ergy from Beta Core was created. And it garners the atttion of the whole World for three reasons.

It was hyped to the point that it seemed compulsory for everyone to have at least a single person from their Family join the Game.

. The realistic feeling of the Game was better than its predecessors.

. In-game currcies can be converted to real life.

3. Everyone can afford the VR Cabin as the developers can give it in Credit to those that can't afford it.

Those that can't afford it can have it but in the Game, Special Quests will be gerated for them to do and through that, they can pay them back!

What shocked people was that the Leaders of many Countries demonstrated how they bought the VR Cabin for their kids and they were happy about it!

Many influtial people do the same and some Companies made it mandatory for every worker to have it and show their progress.

With that, more than over 70% of the World's households have at least one VR Cabin in their home.

Some people were afraid that with the Rich Families in the Game things would be unfair.

The company assured them that only Game currcy can be converted to life, not the other way a!

Everyone's starting point will be the same!

And everyone has a chance for Greatness!

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