Temporal Pearls

Chapter 71: Differences

Manuella's car stopped at the gate, waiting for verification. Seth glanced at her, she didn't seem bothered by anything, and her gtle demeanour was unbrok.

"Lady Manuella Sefu. You came with an unknown person!" The Gate AI spoke.

"He is Seth Enoch, my studt!" She said.

And th the delay wt on for 0 minutes before a man with hair came out. He glanced at them and th oped the gate. The car drove in and parked at the guest parking lot.

It's a large house with various flower fields and the main house looked as if carved out from jade, but the interior was full of differt colours and several paintings hung on the walls.

Seth didn't hold himself from feasting with his eyes on everything he saw. Especially the flowers. He saw a field with more than 00 stalks of azure shade flowers.

'Each flower is Uni.' Seth thought, 'and those wer't ev the most expsive.' He sighed as he saw the differce betwe Class and luxury.

They reached a hall, the presumed classroom. It was the size of a football field and was filled with Paintings of differt sizes. Some were the size of humans and some ev bigger. Only a few were meters long.

That wasn't what filled the spacious hall, but the statues of differt people carved out from various materials, such as Jade, Marble, Pure Stone, Gold, Silver and other material he can't idtify.

At the very ctre of the hall was the class. Painting Stools were arranged in order and before each one of them was a canvas, a table to keep painting materials by the side and also an abundance of spread paper.

Seth took a deep breath and calmed his heart. He has researched this canvas and stool, each was 000 Uni. He planned on buying it for making super luxury paintings but here it was used in the classroom.

One needs to remember that Uni is a world currcy that has very high value!

Eyes were all on him, up and down, seeing him here and also walking straight with no appart difficulty ev though he was carrying a cane.

"Lesson will begin in minutes!" Manuella said as she took the twins elsewhere so that they would not disturb them.

"Hello!" Seth said, all eyes were still on him. He stood there because there was no chair for him. He had tried to provide his own equipmt, but Manuella said he didn't have to.

"I thought you were expelled!" Sarah asked.

"Me too, but thankfully I passed the exam!" He answered. She was the first to talk to him.

She looked differt with her gold hair and her…. Seth gulped down, she wore revealing clothes, thankfully he controlled himself fast.

Th next that spoke to him was Luis and they talked for a momt, exchanging pleasantries as to how things were and how Seth found his touch in art again.

Sally and Zach, who were the hosts, didn't respond. They only glance at him and lost interest

Manuella came back and sat on her seat that was facing everyone, she glanced at Seth but th began to make geral revisions.

Seth surely can't stand for hours, he will definitely d up falling so he decided to sit on the floor. He was not arrogant or prideful, he could learn anywhere, regardless of where he sat, whether on gold or a pile of thrash.

Besides, the tile was made up of Onyx Eye and the whole tile in the hall can buy Seth home.

The mockery was that Seth saw t more stools and canvas in a corridor where Manuella passed through.

The lecture was all about Colours and their differces. She explained in depth about distinct things, most of the things she said he knew but he was still able to learn great things.

He was amoured in her lecture wh a soft voice called his name. "Mister Seth. Please stand!" A female voice said. Seth was startled to see the twins carrying gadgets for him—a portable Stool and a Canvas. He collected them and arranged them and he sat down with a mtal sigh.

The truth though, the mere gesture of them sitting on expsive chairs while he was on the floor meant he was inferior in status and birth!

The twins began to jump a until Manuella st them away.

The stool he now sat on was in no way inferior to the one everyone was sitting on, the differce was that it was for portable purposes.

It was made up of material like a balloon that can be filled with air. It expanded and became a stool like all others. Wh it folded, it was fist size and very light.

Ev the canvas was like that just that the paper placed on top was folded and he spread it afterwards.

The lecture did not take long as it was about memorization of differt colours and their names.

Today's lecture was a bit differt as Manuella discussed differt sources of colours and dubbed the major colours. She took Rainbow as the first major colour and also explained their variation and how to produce them.

After that, she took other major colours which include Sky Colours, Sand Colours, Rock Colours, Sea Colours and others with differt variations. The above was from nonliving parts of the world.

The next category of major colours was se in humans and animals. The best colour category was Plants.

As the lesson wt deep it began to become confusing due to differt categories. Everyone furiously took note and was ready to research it more.

At the d of the lesson, she st two assignmts to everyone through a cell phone.

Manuella th drove Seth back home, saying she will pick him up tomorrow like today.

"How was it?" His mom met Seth at the trance with a worried face. He shook his head and just explained minor things before he managed to extricate himself to his room.

He sat on the bed with a sigh. He did all he could do to stop his raging emotion to turn to sadness and pity in that house and fought hard to stay positive with smiles but the minor treatmt got through to him, evtually.

If he was not strong ough to control his emotional direction th, Seth wouldn't have be able to leave his house in the first place or ev go there. Still, it was hard.

The reason why he suffered to control himself was appart, he had spt a week in an emotionless situation and now his emotion has amplified tfold.

That means a slight change in atmosphere will influce mood swings. If he was angered, he would experice extreme anger. If he was happy, extreme happiness. If he is sad, he will experice extreme Sadness and so on.

The success he achieved in defeating Living Root made him extremely happy, he became over the top excited and it was amplified wh heard that Manuella had tak him back.

However, his family's precarious situation almost disrupted that rhythm direction but he replaced it with a conviction to do better to help them.

However, the fact that he was left standing, and later sitting on the floor while everyone was on a stool made felt he had gone back to the time he was worthless. The time that ev his family pity him.

His amplified motion has threated to make him upset and his pride almost took over. But on another note, they wer't titled to give him a place to sit, right? It was just courtesy of the host with his guest.

"I'm overthinking this!" Seeing he was lost in self-pity, Seth stood and made a very heavy jump in which his body collapsed and he fell asleep the next momt. Thankfully that reset his mind and calmed him down.

The truth though, without amplification of emotion Seth wouldn't be bothered by their treatmts.

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