Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 120: A big incident

Chapter 120: A big incident

Chapter 120: A big incident

(The knight’s academy)

Roughly a full 120 days after regularly visiting Brown Pudding and spending at least an hour a day with her, Luke finally managed to achieve a breakthrough due to the most unexpected circumstances.

Before his usual time to visit the stables, there were a bunch of academy students who were washing and taking care of their mounts, when a small incident broke out in the stables.

“How is that Skylion guy so good at everything? Studies, Exercise, Combat, Discipline, hell he’s even so refined, I just hate him so much!” Said one of the academy students who had a buzz cut, named Chen.

“I know right? To make matters even worse he’s chummy with the Duke’s son, damn I hate both those special admissions.

The fact that both of them would have probably cracked the entrance exams anyways, makes me more pissed.

I thought special admissions were bums, but these guys are actually good” Said another guy with spiky hair called Ren.

” Well at least we know that monster is never going to become top of the class, because despite all his strengths that Skylion fool has chosen Brown Pudding as his mount.

He’s already lagging in mounted combat and will probably fail the course during final evaluation in 3 months.

Despite all his brilliance, his arrogance will get the best of him” Chen said, as he snickered while cleaning his horse.

” Yeah! Even the stable master says he’s a fool, coming here everyday and sitting while taking to the mount like it can understand it?

He doesn’t get that these are just beasts… he’s a complete fool to talk to them” Ren said, as the two of them laughed at Luke’s foolishness.

Then, as a few moments of awkward silence passed, Chen said “But what if he does tame it before the end of the semester? Won’t that spell the end for us normal admission students, ain’t no way anyone is getting a higher final evaluation than him if he passes all subjects?”

At this question Ren flinched, as he looked towards the last mount in the stables who was intently sleeping at this moment, the Griffin, brown pudding.

“Maybe we should thank Brown Pudding, offer it the food Skylion brings, make his value even lesser in front of the beast so that his chances of ever taming him become even slimmer” Ren suggested, as Chen’s eyes brightened at this proposal.

To him it made perfect sense to sabotage all the progress Luke had made, as for them, good food and treats was the only love language the beasts spoke.

Running over to the pantry, the two of them made the most sugary dish that they could as they quickly brought it back to the stables, cautiously approaching Brown Pudding.

“Here Griffin, here, eat this….eat this to your heart’s content” said Ren as he threw the surgary cake they had baked into his cage, as Brown Pudding angrily woke up at the sensation of food being thrown to her face.

For a few moments she kept her calm, not making any noise as she silently stared down the two students who were messing with her.

” Here Griffin, here! Who’s a good boy? We will feed you all you want! No need for you to eat the food Skylion brings” Chen said as he kept throwing chunks of food into Brown Pudding’s stable which Griffin did not touch.

” Is this Griffin dumb or something? Why is it not eating the food we made with so much effort?” Asked Ren to Chen, as momentarily Chen lost his calm as he scolded Brown Pudding.

” Hey stupid beast, this cake is for eating! Now eat it before we shove it down your throat” he said angrily, as it was at this moment that Brown Pudding lost her cool.


Unleashing a loud screech, that made every other mount in the stable to become restless, Brown Pudding spread her wings and thrashed against the boundaries of her cage.

” Oh shittttt, she’s lost it, run, run,run” said Chen as he was terrified of the massive size of the beast when it spread its wings and screeched at his face as he began to run towards the exit.




All sorts of animals within the stable began to bash against their cages and make loud noises as the stable master was forced to rush in to check the situation.

” What’s going on here?” He asked, as he saw two terrified students running towards the exit, and an angry Griffin breaking free of its cage behind them.

” Oh no” he said, as his hands began to tremble and fumble as he tried to reach for his belt where he kept his tranquilizing dart for emergencies.


Brown pudding swooped across the entire length of the stable within a second as it picked up the running Ren from his robes and soared into the sky with him hooked to it’s talons.


Ren screamed in panic, as the stable master helplessly fiddled with his dart which was now nothing more than a showpiece since the Griffin was in the sky.

“The principal….. I need to tell the principal” thought the stable master as he began sprinting towards the principal’s dormitory.

” Rennnnn!!!!” Screamed Chen, who felt his heart beating out of his chest as he looked at his friend being carried high up in the sky.

If the Griffin decided to drop him from that height, Ren was most likely bound to be dead, as only now did Chen realize the consequences of their actions.

” Stupid beast, how dare you fly away with my best friend…. Booohooo” Chen cried, as it was at this moment that Luke approached the stables alongside Jerome for their end of the day ritual.

As soon as Chen saw Luke, he rushed towards him, falling on his feet crying as he said ” Skylion! Your pet, the brown pudding Griffin, it, it, it flew off with Ren.

Please save his life, I beg you, please-“

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