Terra Nova Online: Rise of The Strongest Player

Chapter 468: Demon War (4)

Chapter 468: Demon War (4)

Chapter 468: Demon War (4)

Contrary to Tor and his team of brutes, Lysa and her mages operated much more efficiently.

Picking out precise spots to attack at, they caused AOE damage to enemy lines and disrupted their attack shape to create openings for swordsmen and other close range fighters to exploit.

They worked in teams, buffing their teammates, cursing the enemies, restricting enemy movement, delivering the killing blow and many more such precise tasks.

Although they did not shout like maniacs or go around constantly hacking their weapon, their KPS (Kill Per Second) as a team was much better than Tor and his berserkers, as although they had only 150 team members, they killed roughly 10 enemies amongst themselves every second, while Tor and his team of 1000 berserkers only managed to kill 9 amongst them every second.

Overall, Lysa and her mages were just more strategic about their attacks and conscious about every bit of MP that they used, as unlike the berserkers they were going to be utterly useless once their MP ran out, while the berserkers could keep doing this for much longer than them, should they stay alive.

“Thank-you so much for coming over to help us, I assume SkyLion is the one who sent you–” said Jerome who was bleeding profusely from his temple, as Lysa took a moment from fighting and talked to the young Duke first.

[ Greater Heal ]

Healing his injury first, Lysa nodded her head as she said “Yes it was the Vice Guildmaster and Guildmaster who sent us… they saw that you needed some support” Lysa said, as suddenly at that moment, a loud explosion blew her off her feet.


*Ears Ringing*

A few seconds passed by, and Lysa struggled to get on her feet with Jerome by her side, who seemed to be struggling just as much.

It was an aerial attack launched by the Demon Count that had taken both of them out, however, the two of them never even saw it coming.

“It’s that damn Demon Count…. We can’t win this fight until someone takes him out, he’s killing hundreds of my men with every attack that he makes.

It’s too demoralizing–” said Jerome as he got barely back on his feet and pulled Lysa back on hers.

“And how do we take him out? I’ve noticed your spearmen and mages trying to attack him, however, his wyvern beast is just too fast for those attacks to catch up.

It doesn’t seem like we can do much about him” said Lysa, as wiping the blood dripping from his cheeks, Jerome grimly nodded his head.

“We had a small aerial unit of about 25 fighters, most of whom were scouts, however, all of them have been wiped out trying to fight against the Demon Count.

The only Aerial Mount we have left now is Brown Pudding, however, that Griffin only responds to SkyLion.

If anyone can defeat or distract the Demon Count, it has to be SkyLion–” Jerome said, as Lysa shook her head in disappointment.

In the end it looked like Jerome did not really have what it took to become the next West Duke, as when push came to shove, he simply decided to loan his problems to someone else.

“I’ll try to convey your intentions to the Vice-Guildmaster, however, let me tell you, he may not decide to go for it.

He has an obligation to our guild too and we need him on the ground” Lysa said, as Jerome almost got pissed to hear this response.

“SkyLion is a knight! His duty to the Empire comes above his duty to your Guild…. I think he knows that” Jerome said, as he jogged away from Lysa and gave a shoulder to a limping soldier who was trying to retreat back to safety.

Sighing, Lysa typed a private message to Luke informing him about Jerome’s request before focusing on the fight at hand once again, as with the demon count interfering the tide of the battle was tilting in favor of the demons once more.


( Meanwhile Luke )

Upon receiving Lysa’s message, Luke frowned deeply.

On one hand, he acknowledged the fact that they could indeed not win this war unless someone dealt with the Demon Count, however, Luke could see no possible scenario where he could come even remotely close to taking a Demon Count down.

[ Demon Count Raxom ] ( Level 533 )

The enemy was level 533 which was over twice his current level and as much as Luke wanted to believe that he was as good as ‘TheBoss’, he knew that in reality he was not.

There was no way he could take down a Demon Count on his own, which made accepting Jerome’s orders that much harder for him.

‘Even if I ignore my own safety and accept dying, since I can respawn, I can’t put Brown Pudding in danger with me.

Brown Pudding is an NPC and if she does, she’s going to be dead forever…’ Luke thought, as for him the worst case scenario was not his own death, but the death of his beloved Brown Pudding.

In the end, he simply shook his head and decided to not act as of now, as he focused on his own fight at hand.

With the shield wall tiring, Cervantez was about to issue the order for them to break into smaller fragments which was going to change the complexion of the battle completely and Luke needed to be ready for it.

‘This is a great leveling opportunity for me. Even if we lose the war, as long as every guild member gains tonnes of levels, it’s going to be okay.

In the end my loyalty is towards myself and my guild…. ‘ Luke thought, as in the end he decided to put his own interests before that of Jerome and decided to only focus on his current fight at hand.

“Shield Wall Break!” Said Cervantez, as he used yet another [ Flame Wave ] giving the tanks time to disband and join smaller groups to prepare for the dog-fight ahead.

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